Friday 13 October 2017

Estrategias De Negociación Que Funcionan

Day Trading Estrategias Que Trabajan & # 8211; Tácticas de retirada intradía

Estrategias de comercio de día simple que funcionan en el mundo real

Durante los últimos meses, el personal de Market Geeks ha estado ocupado escribiendo varios artículos sobre estrategias comerciales a corto plazo. Desde entonces recibimos varias solicitudes de artículos y videos sobre estrategias de trading diarias que funcionan en el mundo real. En concreto, se me preguntó cuál de las estrategias que he discutido funcionó bien para las existencias de comercio de día, así como los contratos de futuros.

La estrategia de la brecha de la cola

Una de mis favoritas en todas las estrategias y que incluye el comercio de día es la Estrategia de la brecha de la cola y hoy te mostraré cómo aplicarlo a las existencias de comercio de día. Si no recuerda la estrategia o necesita una actualización, puede descargar una copia de la estrategia en nuestra página de inicio. En pocas palabras, la estrategia de la brecha de la cola es una estrategia de retirada simple que implica una desviación corta de la tendencia principal. Al aplicar la Estrategia de Gap Cola al comercio de día quiero ver un vacío en contra de la dirección de la tendencia principal.

El pullback debe hacer un precio de 10 días bajo y debe tener una brecha entre el alto del precio bajo de 10 días y el precio bajo del día anterior. Dado que estamos negociando día y no mantener posiciones de la noche a la mañana estoy bien con la acción que está en un rango de negociación en lugar de una fuerte tendencia.

No negociaré contra la tendencia no importa qué marco de tiempo yo elija negociar. Vamos a ver algunos ejemplos diferentes para que pueda ver cómo se configura el patrón, así como las reglas necesarias para intercambiarlo correctamente.

Asegúrese de que hay una brecha entre la alta del día actual y la baja del día anterior

Una vez que identifique la configuración correctamente puede colocar una orden de fin de compra $ 0.02 centavos por encima de la alta que se hizo en el día de configuración. Asegúrese de colocar su parada de compra antes del próximo día de negociación. Esta configuración a menudo se activa inmediatamente en la campana de apertura o unos minutos después; Para evitar tener que mirar el mercado segundo por segundo y el riesgo de llegar tarde al juego le recomiendo una simple orden de compra parada 10 a 15 minutos antes de la campana de apertura.

Siempre coloque su compra Deténgase antes de que el mercado abra el próximo día de negociación

Una vez que usted pone su orden usted debe supervisar el mercado o cerciorarse de que su firma de corretaje tenga una manera de notificarle rápidamente de su relleno. Existe la posibilidad de que el stock pueda caer rápidamente después de que se llena; Por lo tanto, es importante que coloque su stop loss lo más rápido posible para evitar que la acción caiga por debajo de su nivel de stop loss antes de tener la oportunidad de colocar su stop loss. Después de colocar su orden de pérdida de protección de pérdida debe colocar su orden de salida. La salida es muy simple y de la prueba de varios métodos utilizados en las existencias de comercio de día me parece que el mercado en órdenes de cierre o MOC trabajo especialmente bien con este método.

Coloque siempre su pérdida protectora de la parada después de que su relleno esté confirmado

Día corto de comercio

Quiero demostrar que el método funciona igual de bien para el lado corto como hace mucho tiempo. Como cuestión de hecho, prefiero cambiar este método al lado corto porque los mercados caen más rápido que cuando se mueven hacia arriba. Tenga en cuenta ya que estamos de día de comercio no me importa el comercio de rango de los mercados vinculados en lugar de fuertes mercados de tendencias cuando uso este métodos. Gané el comercio contra la tendencia, pero si no hay tendencia y veo una buena puesta en marcha voy a tomar.

Usted puede ver la acción hace una alta de 10 días y las brechas. Observe en este ejemplo en particular cómo el mercado está ligado al rango y sin tendencia. Mientras la tendencia no se mueve hacia arriba el comercio es válido y vale la pena tomar. Esta estrategia tiende a moverse más rápido y producir más volatilidad a la baja a largo plazo.

Esta estrategia se siente muy natural de comercio a la desventaja

Una vez que identifique el patrón que necesita para colocar su orden de venta de stop. Esta será su orden de entrada y quiero asegurarme de que no confunda las paradas de venta con las paradas de compra. Cuando usted está negociando esta estrategia corta que desea colocar una parada de venta para entrar y una parada de compra como su orden de protección. Esto es lo contrario de cómo funciona cuando vas largo.

Coloque siempre su orden de entrada antes de colocar su parada de protección

Asumiendo que usted está lleno el día siguiente usted desea poner una orden de la parada de la compra inmediatamente después de que usted consiga llenado. Nunca espere hasta el último minuto porque la acción puede reunirse más allá de su nivel de salida mientras espera. No sucede a menudo pero sucede de vez en cuando. Después de llenarlo, desea colocar una orden de MOC o Market On Close para que no tenga que ver el mercado todo el día. Salir al final le da más tiempo para que su posición funcione a su favor.

Coloque su pérdida de parada y su orden de salida MOC al mismo tiempo después de su relleno

Ejemplo final

Aquí hay un último ejemplo para que pueda ver toda la progresión de principio a fin. Estoy usando otro ejemplo corto porque prefiero cambiar este método al lado corto pero funciona igual de bien negociando con el lado largo como lo hace el comercio con el lado corto. Usted puede ver en este ejemplo una formación perfecta de Gap de cola.

Esto es lo que una buena configuración parece

Sea paciente y esperar a configurar ups como éste a venir. No olvide colocar su pedido de pérdida de protección después de recibir una confirmación de su precio de llenado de entrada.

Esto es lo que una buena configuración parece

Después de que usted reciba la confirmación de su relleno y usted coloque su pérdida de la parada y sus órdenes del objetivo de la ganancia allí es muy poco a hacer. No permita que las emociones intra-día obtengan lo mejor de usted. Quédate con el comercio y montarlo hasta el cierre no importa lo que pase.

La acción continúa cayendo hasta el final del día de negociación

Tenga en cuenta que esta estrategia y la mayoría de las estrategias de comercio de día bueno necesitan acciones que son volátiles y se mueven rápidamente. No quiere quedarse atrapado en una acción que se mueve como un tanque cuando está negociando este método.

La próxima vez voy a demostrar más estrategias de día de comercio que trabajan en el mundo real. Para más información sobre este tema, vaya a: Day Trading Tips y herramientas para principiantes y mejores acciones para Day Trading

Por Roger Scott Entrenador Senior Market Geeks

Aprender a comerciar

Superando nuestros miedos comerciales Operando en un ambiente no estructurado. El comercio requiere que usted funcione en un ambiente con pocas reglas y poca estructura. La mayoría de las personas necesitan orden y reglas para la orientación, es la forma en que sus vidas se han estructurado desde la infancia. Enfrentarse a su ser interior es muy difícil. Permanecer solo es incómodo porque [& hellip;]

Los días de tendencia no vienen con frecuencia. Las estadísticas dicen que sólo ocurren 35-40% del mes. Suena bien para mí. Entonces, ¿cómo plan de juego para una tendencia días? ¿Cómo te preparas para enganchar la ballena? Día de comercio es una pequeña ventana. Tenemos presión para ganar dinero en 6.5 horas, pero nuestro [& hellip;]

Hola comerciantes & # 8211; Para este post nos enfocaremos en la práctica de alinear múltiples cartas para ver si nos dicen la misma historia. Cuanto más en sintonía las cartas son la mejor probabilidad de un comercio rentable. Como un comerciante que es nuestro objetivo! Entonces, ¿qué es exactamente lo que estamos tomando? Tiempo múltiple [& hellip;]

Acciones para el comercio

El mercado de valores no necesita una sacudida, el sesgo está claramente hacia arriba. Todas las cosas relacionadas con el comercio son color de rosa si usted es un toro. Comprar las salsas están de vuelta en boga. Pero, ¿qué dice su plan comercial sobre hoy? O para ser claro, ¿qué dice su plan comercial sobre el comercio de un catalizador de noticias en general? ¿Es usted el comercio de movimiento rápido acción de precio causado por las noticias o se sienta a un lado y luego esperar a una configuración técnica? La respuesta no es tan cortada y seca. Tienes que ser capaz de tomar decisiones rápidas. Necesita & # x02026; [Lee mas. ]

Los mercados de renta variable prácticamente dieron a los inversionistas un fin de semana extendido el lunes. El volumen de negociación y la volatilidad fueron significativamente más bajos que la semana pasada con los promedios del mercado divididos entre las ganancias fraccionarias y las pérdidas en el día. Tal vez los inversionistas que todavía estamos ajustando a partir de la hora robados de ellos durante el fin de semana cortesía de Daylight Savings Time, o simplemente necesitaba un respiro antes de la trifecta de la declaración de política del Banco Central esta semana del BOJ, FOMC y BOE a partir de lunes por la noche en Japón. & # X02026; [Lee mas. ]

Más educación comercial

Estrategias de comercio de acciones que funcionan

Estrategias de comercio de acciones que funcionan

Esta lección le mostrará las estrategias de negociación de acciones que trabajan para los mejores comerciantes de Wall Street que han dejado sus empleos de día y que ahora el comercio en casa para ganarse la vida.

Estrategias de negociación en el mercado de valores

Las mejores estrategias de negociación en el mercado de valores son las que han convertido a la gente en multimillonarios como Warren Buffett, John Paulson y George Soros. La estrategia de negociación que todos estos comerciantes famosos utilizan es el sentido comercial común: mucho dinero en efectivo y poca deuda.

Esta es una estrategia de negociación de valores que funciona. Siempre funcionará. ¿Quieres una empresa con poca o ninguna deuda, mucho dinero en efectivo, con un crecimiento de ventas positivo, que está en un creciente sector de la demanda, y que ha retrocedido en las listas y está en un nivel que ha repetidamente rebotado en el pasado.

Ahora usted puede ser que piense, sí Lance derecho, pero cómo usted encuentra una acción así? Voy a mostrarte exactamente cómo hacerlo en esta lección.

Después de crear una cuenta gratuita, haga clic en & quot; Screener & quot; En la esquina superior izquierda. La razón por la que necesitas crear una cuenta es para que puedas guardar la pantalla de inventario para que no tengas que volver a configurarla cada vez que quieras usarla. En el muy pequeño "Filters & quot; , Siga a través de la pantalla a la derecha y verá las pequeñas pestañas "Descriptivo", "Fundamental", "Técnica" y "Todo". Haga clic en el botón & quot; All & quot; lengüeta.

Verá que aparecen muchas opciones. Aquí están los ajustes para poner en el screener para encontrar el tipo de acciones que he mencionado anteriormente. Para "Market Cap." Introduzca & quot; + Micro (más de $ 50mln) & quot ;. Para el término "Beta" Introduzca & quot; Más de 0,5 & quot ;. Para "Price & quot; Introduzca & quot; Menos de $ 10 & quot ;. Para "Debt / Equity" Introduzca Low (& lt; 0,1) & quot ;. Para "Volumen Promedio" Introduzca & quot; Más de 500K & quot ;. Finalmente, haga clic en el pequeño & quot; Gráficos & quot; Justo debajo de la pestaña & quot; Volumen promedio & quot; ajuste. Su pantalla debe tener este aspecto:

Eso es todo gente! La magia real es el ajuste de Deuda / Patrimonio de Bajo (& lt; 0,1) & quot ;. Esto le dará empresas con una buena cantidad de efectivo y deuda ultra baja, algunos sin deuda en absoluto!

Estrategias bursátiles que funcionan

Otra estrategia del mercado de valores que funciona es comprar una acción que es Oversold

El patrón de sobreventa es el mejor patrón de gráfico para el comercio de cualquier patrón. Muchas veces, los patrones de la Sombra Larga de la Sombra o del Doji llevan a ganancias explosivas porque están dentro de un patrón de gráfico de sobreventa más grande. Debe haber un historial de la acción rebotando fuera del nivel de soporte de sobreventa en el gráfico. El patrón de gráfico de sobreventa es & lt; a href = "http: //www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? P = jbpd3614 & amp; w = joinnow & quot; Title = "operador de swing de bonos de jason" comerciante de swing Jason Bond & # 039; s & lt; / a & gt; Patrón favorito para el comercio. & Lt; br / & lt; & gt; & lt; img src = & quot; https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" Alt = & quot; patrón de sobreventa & quot; Anchura = & lt; 185 & quot; Altura = & gt; 419 & quot; / & Gt; & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & gt; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Warren Buffett compró los bancos en octubre de 2008, y los compró en octubre de 2008. Justo después del colapso financiero. Ha mantenido durante varios años y ha hecho más del 200% en la mayoría de sus inversiones. Usted ha escuchado la famosa cita de Warren Buffett acerca de comprar cuando hay sangre en las calles: comprar lo que nadie quiere cuando nadie lo quiere, y Vender cuando todo el mundo lo quiere.

El mercado se basa en la emoción y la psicología humana. Como tal, a menudo reacciona exageradamente. Cuando un mercado reacciona excesivamente a la desventaja, una acción es Oversold

El patrón de sobreventa es el mejor patrón de gráfico para el comercio de cualquier patrón. Muchas veces, los patrones de la Sombra Larga de la Sombra o del Doji llevan a ganancias explosivas porque están dentro de un patrón de gráfico de sobreventa más grande. Debe haber un historial de la acción rebotando fuera del nivel de soporte de sobreventa en el gráfico. El patrón de gráfico de sobreventa es & lt; a href = "http: //www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? P = jbpd3614 & amp; w = joinnow & quot; Title = "operador de swing de bonos de jason" comerciante de swing Jason Bond & # 039; s & lt; / a & gt; Patrón favorito para el comercio. & Lt; br / & lt; & gt; & lt; img src = & quot; https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" Alt = & quot; patrón de sobreventa & quot; Anchura = & lt; 185 & quot; Altura = & gt; 419 & quot; / & Gt; & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & gt; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/" & gt; Detalles del término & lt; / a & gt; / strong & gt; "class =" glossaryLink "> Aquí hay un paso sencillo que puedes usar En los ajustes de filtro de stock que le ayudarán a encontrar Oversold

El patrón de sobreventa es el mejor patrón de gráfico para el comercio de cualquier patrón. Muchas veces, los patrones de la Sombra Larga de la Sombra o del Doji llevan a ganancias explosivas porque están dentro de un patrón de gráfico de sobreventa más grande. Debe haber un historial de la acción rebotando fuera del nivel de soporte de sobreventa en el gráfico. El patrón de gráfico de sobreventa es & lt; a href = "http: //www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? P = jbpd3614 & amp; w = joinnow & quot; Title = "operador de swing de bonos de jason" comerciante de swing Jason Bond & # 039; s & lt; / a & gt; Patrón favorito para el comercio. & Lt; br / & lt; & gt; & lt; img src = & quot; https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" Alt = & quot; patrón de sobreventa & quot; Anchura = & lt; 185 & quot; Altura = & gt; 419 & quot; / & Gt; & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & gt; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = "https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/" & gt; Detalles del término & lt; / a & gt; / strong & gt;" class = "glossaryLink"> existencias de sobreventa que están listas para invertir y retroceder En la parte superior de Finviz poner en "Oversold

El patrón de sobreventa es el mejor patrón de gráfico para el comercio de cualquier patrón. Muchas veces, los patrones de la Sombra Larga de la Sombra o del Doji llevan a ganancias explosivas porque están dentro de un patrón de gráfico de sobreventa más grande. Debe haber un historial de la acción rebotando fuera del nivel de soporte de sobreventa en el gráfico. El patrón de gráfico de sobreventa es & lt; a href = "http: //www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? P = jbpd3614 & amp; w = joinnow & quot; Title = "operador de swing de bonos de jason" comerciante de swing Jason Bond & # 039; s & lt; / a & gt; Patrón favorito para el comercio. & Lt; br / & lt; & gt; & lt; img src = & quot; https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" Alt = & quot; patrón de sobreventa & quot; Anchura = & gt; 185 & quot; Altura = & gt; 419 & quot; / & Gt; & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & gt; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/" & gt; Detalles del término & lt; / a & gt; / strong & gt; "class =" glossaryLink "> Oversold & quot; para el cuadro & quot; Señal & quot; , Y en la parte inferior derecha, seleccione "Long Lower Shadow

A menudo llamado "rubor", una sombra inferior larga en un candelabro es un movimiento de capitulación por los toros que finalmente son exprimidos fuera de un mercado de valores o. Su venta de pánico hace que la gama diaria en la acción explote. La acción se vuelve demasiado barato y en cuestión de minutos, los cazadores de gangas han intervenido para comprar la parte inferior en la anticipación para el próximo movimiento de swing. Un patrón de vela de sombra más largo es (.) & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; & gt; & lt; & gt; & gt; & lt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & lt; un glosarioTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = "https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/lower-shadow/" & gt; Term details & lt; / a & gt; & strong; & gt;; class =" glossaryLink "> Lower Shadow & quot; para el & quot; Candlestick "(haga clic en la imagen para agrandarla):

Habrá bastantes días en los que no se devuelven existencias. Está bien. Eso sólo significa que su cribador de valores está funcionando muy bien y que no ha encontrado ninguna gran empresa cuyo stock es Oversold

El patrón de sobreventa es el mejor patrón de gráfico para el comercio de cualquier patrón. Muchas veces, los patrones de la Sombra Larga de la Sombra o del Doji llevan a ganancias explosivas porque están dentro de un patrón de gráfico de sobreventa más grande. Debe haber un historial de la acción rebotando fuera del nivel de soporte de sobreventa en el gráfico. El patrón de gráfico de sobreventa es & lt; a href = "http: //www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? P = jbpd3614 & amp; w = joinnow & quot; Title = "operador de swing de bonos de jason" comerciante de swing Jason Bond & # 039; s & lt; / a & gt; Patrón favorito para el comercio. & Lt; br / & lt; & gt; & lt; img src = & quot; https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" Alt = & quot; patrón de sobreventa & quot; Anchura = & lt; 185 & quot; Altura = & gt; 419 & quot; / & Gt; & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & gt; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = "https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/" & gt; Term details & lt; / a & gt; / strong & gt;" class = "glossaryLink"> sobreventa y donde una larga sombra inferior

A menudo llamado "rubor", una sombra inferior larga en un candelabro es un movimiento de capitulación por los toros que finalmente son exprimidos fuera de un mercado de valores o. Su venta de pánico hace que la gama diaria en la acción explote. La acción se vuelve demasiado barato y en cuestión de minutos, los cazadores de gangas han intervenido para comprar la parte inferior en la anticipación para el próximo movimiento de swing. Un patrón de vela de sombra más largo es (.) & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; & gt; & lt; & gt; & gt; & lt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & lt; un glosarioTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/lower-shadow/" & gt; Detalles del término & lt; / a & gt; / strong & gt; "class =" glossaryLink "> se ha formado un candelero de sombra más bajo para ese día .

Día de comercio significa comprar y vender una acción en el mismo día, por lo general en cuestión de minutos a horas, en un intento de aprovechar las tendencias intra-día y las oscilaciones intra-día. & Lt; br / & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> Estrategias de comercio de día que funcionan

Uno de los mejores Day Trading

Día de comercio significa comprar y vender una acción en el mismo día, por lo general en cuestión de minutos a horas, en un intento de aprovechar las tendencias intra-día y las oscilaciones intra-día. & Lt; br / & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> día estrategias de negociación que el trabajo se llama Gap

Una brecha es un cambio en los niveles de precios entre el cierre y abierto de dos días consecutivos. Una brecha abierta se produce cuando el precio de apertura es mayor que el precio de cierre del día anterior. Se produce una brecha cuando el precio de apertura es inferior al precio de cierre del día anterior. Las aberturas de abertura pueden ser causadas por un catalizador. Si hubo una sorpresa positiva de ganancias, muchos comerciantes podrían realizar pedidos de compra para el día siguiente. Esto podría resultar en una apertura de precios mayor que la anterior (.) & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & lt; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = "https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/gap/" & gt; Detalles del término & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / strong & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> Gap trading. Hablo más sobre Day Trading

Día de comercio significa comprar y vender una acción en el mismo día, por lo general en cuestión de minutos a horas, en un intento de aprovechar las tendencias intra-día y las oscilaciones intra-día. & Lt; br / & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> día de comercio de las lagunas en esta lección aquí.

La SEC define una acción centavo como una acción que negocia por menos de $ 5, y por lo tanto es altamente especulativa. Estos tipos de acciones son riesgosas y altamente especulativas porque su falta de liquidez (menos gente que negocia en la acción así menos actividad del fabricante del mercado), spreads grandes de la oferta-opinión, y divulgación financiera limitada. Las acciones de Penny a menudo se negocian en el mostrador a través de las hojas OTCBB y rosa. & Lt; br / & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> Estrategias de negociación de acciones de penique

Los mejores Penny Stock

La SEC define una acción centavo como una acción que negocia por menos de $ 5, y por lo tanto es altamente especulativa. Estos tipos de acciones son riesgosas y altamente especulativas porque su falta de liquidez (menos gente que negocia en la acción así menos actividad del fabricante del mercado), spreads grandes de la oferta-opinión, y divulgación financiera limitada. Las acciones de Penny a menudo se negocian en el mostrador a través de las hojas OTCBB y rosa. & Lt; br / & gt; Estrategia de negociación de acciones de centavo es para establecer su cribador de acciones en tiempo real para buscar las acciones de comercio por menos de $ 1 que tienen un volumen de 2x o superior a la media. Usted puede hacer esto en ETrade Pro. En Etrade Pro Haga clic en & quot; Herramientas & quot; y seleccione & quot; Escáner de estrategia & quot ;.

Cree una estrategia personalizada y, en la pestaña Alertas, seleccione & quot; Volumen fuerte & quot ;:

En la caja de proporción, ingrese "2". Este es el volumen que es 2 veces mayor que el volumen diario promedio.

Ahora haga clic en el botón & quot; Filtros & quot; Y en la fila Precio ingrese & quot; 0,01 & quot; Para el valor mínimo y "0,99" Para el valor máximo:

¡Eso es! Ahora en la salida de Screener verá todas las acciones con más del 200% del volumen diario promedio y que el comercio entre $ 0.01 y $ 0.99 por acción.

Si usted es un miembro de Jason Bond Picks, entonces usted verá el Hot Penny Stock

La SEC define una acción centavo como una acción que negocia por menos de $ 5, y por lo tanto es altamente especulativa. Estos tipos de acciones son riesgosas y altamente especulativas porque su falta de liquidez (menos gente que negocia en la acción así menos actividad del fabricante del mercado), spreads grandes de la oferta-opinión, y divulgación financiera limitada. Las acciones de Penny a menudo se negocian en el mostrador a través de las hojas OTCBB y rosa. & Lt; br / & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> Penny Buscador de Stock en el Live Day Trading

Día de comercio significa comprar y vender una acción en el mismo día, por lo general en cuestión de minutos a horas, en un intento de aprovechar las tendencias intra-día y las oscilaciones intra-día. & Lt; br / & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> chat de intercambio de día:

La idea para la detección de alto volumen de penny stocks es que a menudo justo antes de una bomba principal viene de Penny Stock

La SEC define una acción centavo como una acción que negocia por menos de $ 5, y por lo tanto es altamente especulativa. Estos tipos de acciones son riesgosas y altamente especulativas porque su falta de liquidez (menos gente que negocia en la acción así menos actividad del fabricante del mercado), spreads grandes de la oferta-opinión, y divulgación financiera limitada. Las acciones de Penny a menudo se negocian en el mostrador a través de las hojas OTCBB y rosa. & Lt; br / & gt; "Penny stock promotores como Awesome Penny Stocks, iniciados frente a la acción de la compra de grandes cantidades de acciones antes de la promoción.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre estrategias de negociación de acciones

¿Cuáles son buenas estrategias de negociación de valores?

Una buena estrategia de negociación de valores tiene que involucrar la recolección de un buen stock. Hay muchas buenas estrategias de comercio de acciones y maneras de encontrar buenas selecciones de valores. A continuación enumeraré algunas de las mejores estrategias de negociación de valores que he aprendido a lo largo de los años.

Las mejores acciones dentro de los mejores sectores

La compra de las acciones con mejores resultados, en los sectores con mejor desempeño, es una buena estrategia de negociación de valores que funciona.

Un buen marco de tiempo para usar es de 1 mes.

La mejor herramienta gratuita para utilizar esta estrategia es BarChart. Haga clic aquí para ir a BarChart, desplácese hacia abajo y haga clic en & quot; Sector Breakout

El patrón de gráfico de ruptura es mi patrón menos favorito porque siempre estás persiguiendo. Sin embargo, una ruptura por encima de la resistencia puede ser muy rentable, incluso si usted es un poco tarde a la fiesta de Bull. Los patrones de gráficos de desglose son más precisos en un mercado con tendencias (es decir, compran alto y venden incluso más). En el gráfico anterior, observe que los patrones de gráficos pasarán a través de tres etapas: sobreventa, patrón de continuación y desglose. Https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/index. html. com / wp-content / uploads / 2016/01 / breakout-pattern. png & quot; Alt = & quot; breakout-pattern & quot; \ Quad anchura = & lt; 323 & gt; Altura = & lt; 364 & gt; / & Gt; & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & gt; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/breakout/" & gt; Detalles del término & lt; / a & gt; / strong & gt; "class =" glossaryLink "> Desglose & quot; en la barra lateral izquierda:

En la siguiente pantalla verá una lista ordenada de los sectores de mayor rendimiento para el último mes:

Haga clic en el sector más alto para comenzar a perforar hacia abajo en ese sector. En el ejemplo anterior, haga clic en el texto & quot; Transporte - Compañía aérea & quot ;, y aparece la siguiente pantalla:

El gráfico del sector en la parte superior se ve dulce y desea que la acción superior con el más alto "promedio ponderado". En el caso anterior, las mejores acciones del sector aéreo son American Airlines Group (AAL).

La experiencia me dice que las compañías aéreas dependen del precio del petróleo. Cuando el petróleo sube, las aerolíneas bajan y cuando el petróleo baja, las aerolíneas suben. La razón debe ser obvia, las aerolíneas están apalancadas al costo del combustible. Cuando el petróleo sube, los costos de combustible suben y los beneficios bajan.

Una última cosa antes de agregar AAL a nuestra Lista de Observación

Una lista de vigilancia es un grupo de acciones, por lo general 100 o más, que un comerciante está viendo con el fin de tiempo una entrada. El listado del reloj es una estrategia más en profundidad que apenas agregando una lista de acciones a un pedazo de papel. Un comerciante disciplinado siempre comprará una acción de su lista de vigilancia en lugar de una compra espontánea en tiempo real. El listado del reloj es un componente crítico en el comercio exitoso del oscilación y las estrategias que negocian de la posición. Es menos importante a largo plazo, comprar y mantener para (.) & Lt; strong & gt; & lt; una clase = & quot; glossaryTooltipMoreLink & quot; Href = "https: //www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/watch-list/" & gt; Detalles del término & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / strong & gt; "Class =" glossaryLink "> lista de observación es el gráfico del precio del petróleo:

Vemos que el precio del petróleo cayó mucho en los últimos meses y que ayudó a las aerolíneas, pero mira lo que el precio del petróleo ha hecho desde el comienzo de diciembre de 2013. Los mínimos más altos y la ruptura por encima de la línea de 200 días promedio móvil hace Yo no digo de ninguna manera Con toda la nueva producción de petróleo de esquisto en línea en el aceite de los EE. UU. debe caer en algún momento, pero soy un comerciante de swing y por lo tanto en el corto plazo, el petróleo parece demasiado fuerte para mí para perseguir las acciones de las aerolíneas más alto. Volveré a la lista de sectores y elegiré el siguiente sector con mejor desempeño.

Djenyns publicó el excelente video a continuación sobre la estrategia de comprar acciones fuertes en sectores fuertes llamados Best Trading Strategy - Stan Weinstein.

Esta estrategia es muy simple y funciona increíblemente bien. Si una acción que ha sido descendente se rompe por encima de la alta del día anterior (vela sobre la vela), usted compra. Si una acción que ha sido uptrending se rompe por debajo de la baja del día anterior (vela bajo vela), usted vende.

Stockhaven publicó el excelente video a continuación en la estrategia Prior Day Low / High llamado A must know estrategia de negociación de valores (Útil para aquellos bajo la regla de comercio de día de patrón).

Warren Buffett Comprar

Warren Buffett compra compañías baratas cuando nadie las quiere, y las vende cuando son caras y todo el mundo las quiere. ¿Cómo lo hace? ¿Qué es un "barato" ¿valores?

Los primeros datos de análisis fundamentales que utiliza Buffett son el ROCE y la deuda. Quiere que las empresas tengan un ROCE alto y una deuda baja.

ROCE se calcula de la siguiente manera:

ROCE = Beneficio antes de intereses e impuestos / deudas (capital proveniente de bancos) y de capital (capital procedente de accionistas) empleado

El siguiente criterio es que Buffett busca empresas con ingresos previsibles.

El siguiente criterio es que busca beneficios respaldados por el flujo de caja. Las empresas pueden obtener complicado y hacer que los beneficios lucen bien, pero en realidad no provienen de su negocio principal. Usted puede asegurarse de que los beneficios son legítimos mirando la declaración de flujo de efectivo para asegurarse de que los mayores beneficios provienen de un mayor flujo de efectivo.

El siguiente criterio es que busca negocios que no sean complicados. Buffett dice que usted debe entender lo que invierten pulg Si usted no entiende el negocio en el que invertir en entonces usted está realmente sólo jugando su dinero.

El siguiente criterio es que Buffett busca una marca fuerte respaldada por el poder de precios. El poder de fijación de precios es la capacidad de establecer y aumentar los precios. Las empresas que pueden aumentar los precios como que suelen tener una marca fuerte y no puede ser socavado por una empresa china desconocida.

MoneyWeekVideos publicó el excelente video a continuación llamado Cómo invertir como Warren Buffett.

¿Qué es la estrategia comercial de arbitraje?

Una estrategia de negociación de arbitraje está aprovechando las ineficiencias temporales de los precios.

No hay una estrategia de negociación de arbitraje, sino muchas estrategias diferentes que caen en el estilo de arbitraje de comercio. Los comerciantes o empresas comerciales que se especializan en el comercio de arbitraje se llaman arbitrajes.

Hay un arbitraje de comunicaciones electrónicas que aprovecha las breves diferencias en las cotizaciones de los precios en los distintos mercados. También existen estrategias de arbitraje que aprovechan la fijación de precios de los instrumentos derivados. Usted puede incluso oír hablar de las estrategias de arbitraje que implican la acción subyacente y su contrato de futuros. Por ejemplo, las acciones de ABCD actualmente cotizan a $ 20 por acción con un contrato de futuros de 6 meses de venta por $ 26. Al comprar el stock y simultáneamente vender el contrato de futuros, puede bloquear una ganancia garantizada de $ 6.

Hay incluso estrategias de arbitraje de bonos que implican la compra de un bono corporativo convertible (que se puede convertir en acciones comunes), mientras que simultáneamente vender corto el stock común de la misma empresa que emitió el bono.

Khan Academy publicó el impresionante video abajo llamado Arbitrage Basics.

Khan Academy también publicó el excelente video abajo sobre el arbitraje de fusiones llamado Hedge Fund Strategies - Merger Arbitrage 1.

Investmontage publicó el video abajo llamado Convertible Arbitrage Strategy.

Premarketinfo publicó el impresionante video abajo llamado Information Arbitrage.

¿Qué es la estrategia de comercio de mariposas?

La estrategia de negociación de la mariposa es un comercio que combina los diferenciales de toros y osos en un intento de ganar dinero con una baja volatilidad, el mercado lateral. El beneficio máximo para una mariposa larga se realiza cuando el precio de las acciones subyacentes permanece sin cambios al vencimiento.

Una mariposa clásica consiste en vender la huelga en el dinero y comprar las dos alas. Una de las alas va a estar en el dinero, y una de las alas va a ser fuera de la moneda.

Por ejemplo, suponga que ABCD cotiza a $ 30 en mayo. Una mariposa larga se coloca comprando una llamada de $ 20 de junio por $ 1000, escribiendo dos junio $ 30 llamadas para $ 350 cada uno y comprando otra llamada de junio $ 40 por $ 100. El costo neto para entrar en la posición es de $ 400, que es también el máximo que se puede perder en este comercio.

Al vencimiento en junio, las acciones de ABCD siguen cotizando a 30 dólares. Las llamadas de junio de $ 30 y la llamada de junio de $ 40 vence sin valor, mientras que la llamada de junio de $ 20 todavía tiene un valor intrínseco de $ 900. Restando el costo inicial de $ 400, el beneficio resultante es $ 500, que es también el beneficio máximo posible en el comercio.

Máxima pérdida en los resultados de comercio cuando la acción está negociando por debajo de $ 20 o más de $ 40. En $ 20, todas las opciones vence sin valor. Por encima de $ 40, cualquier beneficio de las dos llamadas largas será compensado por la pérdida de las dos llamadas cortas. En ambas situaciones, la posición de la mariposa sufre la pérdida máxima que es el coste inicial de $ 400 para entrar en el comercio.

Gary DeVries posted the excellent educational video below called How a butterfly spread strategy works.

OptionGenius posted the excellent video below called Butterfly Option Spread Trade Explained - Classic Butterfly Spread.

What is a Broken Wing Butterfly option strategy?

A Broken Wing Butterfly option strategy is designed to profit when a stock trades sideways or within a defined price range.

A regular Butterfly spread makes money if a stock trades sideways, and loses money if a stock breaks out, in either direction, beyond the sideways range. A Broken Wing Butterfly Spread modifies a regular Butterfly in that it totally transfers all the risk/loses into one direction. In other words you use this neutral options strategy when you think a stock will trade sideways but you are certain that if the stock should break out, it will do so only in a certain direction.

The Broken Wing Butterfly option strategy does this by buying out of the money options with a further strike price from the middle strike than the "in the money" wing. A regular Butterfly spread would have both "out of the money" and "in the money options" at an equal distance strike price from the middle strike.

Probability Of Success posted the excellent video below called How To Set Up A Broken Wing Butterfly.

What is delta trading strategy?

Delta trading, also called Delta Neutral, are trading strategies that options traders can use to make money when implied volatility declines.

Delta trading is not just one trading strategy but instead a style of options trading with many Delta Neutral strategies available.

Delta trading makes use of the metric called the Delta (greeks) which is the measure of an option's sensitivity to changes in the price of the underlying stock.

MoneyShow. com posted the excellent video below called Delta-Neutral Option Trading Strategies.

Tradestation posted the awesome video below called Understanding and Trading Delta Neutral Strategies.

Long Straddle Is a Delta Trading Strategy

An at-the-money call option has a delta value of 0.5 and an at-the-money put option has a delta value of -0.5. Buying both the call option and put option results in a delta neutral position with 0 delta value:

0.5 (call option) - 0.5 (put option) = 0 Delta

Buying both the call option and put option at the same at the money strike price is a popular Delta Neutral option trading strategy, called a Long Straddle where a trader's goal is to profit when the underlying stock moves up or down significantly.

The Long Straddle is an option strategy that profits no matter if the underlying asset goes up or down. A Long Straddle is best used when you expect a stock to have a big Breakout

The breakout chart pattern is my least favorite pattern because you are always chasing. Nevertheless, a breakout above resistance can be very profitable even if you are a little late to the Bull party. Breakout chart patterns are more accurate in a trending market (i. e. buy high and sell even higher). In the chart above, notice that often chart patterns will go through three stages: oversold, continuation pattern, and breakout.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/breakout-pattern. png" alt="breakout-pattern" width="323" height="364" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/breakout/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">breakout move to either the upside or the downside very quickly. Catalysts that can cause this are things such as a pending court ruling or an FDA drug approval.

A Long Straddle works based on the premise that both call and put options have unlimited profit potential but limited loss. While one leg of the Long Straddle losses up to its limit, the other leg continues to gain as long as the underlying stock rises, resulting in an overall profit.

Khan Academy posted the excellent video below called Long Straddle.

Another Delta Neutral Trading Example

Another Delta strategy is an attempt to profit from time decay. When a position is delta neutral, having 0 delta value, it is not affected by small movements made by the underlying stock, but it is still affected by time decay as the premium value of the options involved continue to decay. An option trading position can be set up to take advantage of this time decay and one such example is the Short Straddle.

Short Straddle Is a Delta Trading Strategy

A Short Straddle, is a Delta trading strategy that profits when a stock stays still and goes sideways. This is the exact opposite of a Long Straddle which profits when the underlying stock has a big move either up or down.

Opening a Short Straddle position involves the simultaneous writing (sell to open) of a call option and a put option on the underlying asset, at the same strike price and expiration date.

The short call option allows you to profit when the underlying stock goes sideways or down. The short put option allows you to profit when the underlying stock is sideways or up. Combine them both and you will have a Short Straddle which profits when the underlying stock goes sideways or stays within a tight range.

What is a martingale trading strategy?

A martingale trading strategy is a money management strategy based on the idea that statistically speaking, you can't lose all the time and therefore you should continually increase the amount of dollars invested after a loss.

The martingale system was originally created for gambling casinos and even betting at the race track.

Trying to win back your losses is a bad idea.

Risking more and more as you lose more is a bad idea.

The martingale trading strategy violates the golden rule of cutting your losers short. Instead, you continue to double down on losers which will eventually cause you to completely blow up your trading account and lose everything as you run out of money after a string of losing trades.

The martingale trading strategy is appealing to new investors because it makes sense when you think about it but profitable trading is often counter-intuitive.

InformedTrades posted the excellent video below called Trading The Martingale and Anti Martingale Strategies.

What is directional trading strategy?

Directional trading strategies are any trading strategies based on future direction of the broader market or stock. Any trading strategies that involve taking a long or short position are directional trading strategies. Someone not trading options is probably using a directional trading strategy.

Directional trading is a term used by options traders because, with options, it's possible to profit off of non-directional option trades like Credit Spreads and Iron Condors.

What is momentum trading strategy?

A momentum trading strategy is the attempt to profit off of the continuation of an existing trend, in the belief that a stock in motion stays in motion.

Momentum traders use a variety of technical indicators like the volume, resistance/support levels, Bollinger Bands, MACD, and Stochastics in order to measure the momentum, hence staying power, of the current trend.

LightspeedTrader posted the fantastic video below called Momentum Trading Finding And Executing On Three Simple Patterns.

PerfectStockAlert. com posted the great video below called Breakout

The breakout chart pattern is my least favorite pattern because you are always chasing. Nevertheless, a breakout above resistance can be very profitable even if you are a little late to the Bull party. Breakout chart patterns are more accurate in a trending market (i. e. buy high and sell even higher). In the chart above, notice that often chart patterns will go through three stages: oversold, continuation pattern, and breakout.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/breakout-pattern. png" alt="breakout-pattern" width="323" height="364" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/breakout/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">Breakout Momentum Trading.

What is turtle trading strategy?

The Turtle Trading strategy gets its name from the teacher Richard Dennis who referred to his students as "turtles" from a belief that he could grow good traders as quickly and efficiently as farm-grown turtles. Investopedia published this excellent article on the Turtle Trading strategy called Turtle Trading: A Market Legend

The Turtle Trading strategy is a trend-following strategy based on the idea that "the trend is your friend".

Turtle Trading Strategy

1 - The futures contract must make a new 20 day low.

2 - The previous 20 day low must have occurred at least 4 trading sessions earlier. In other words, look for SHARP moves down.

3 - After the market falls below the previous 20 day low, place an entry buy stop 5 to 10 ticks above the previous 20 day low. This buy stop will be good for today only. In other words, you are looking for a candle over candle reversal pattern or Breakout

The breakout chart pattern is my least favorite pattern because you are always chasing. Nevertheless, a breakout above resistance can be very profitable even if you are a little late to the Bull party. Breakout chart patterns are more accurate in a trending market (i. e. buy high and sell even higher). In the chart above, notice that often chart patterns will go through three stages: oversold, continuation pattern, and breakout.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/breakout-pattern. png" alt="breakout-pattern" width="323" height="364" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/breakout/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">breakout .

4 - If the trade is triggered, place an initial good-until-cancelled sell stop one Tick

The Tick is an indicator for the NYSE that measures the number of stock issues trading on an up tick versus a down tick. An uptick of +1 is a buy order, and a downtick of -1 is a sell order. It takes a buyer to execute a sell order, and it takes a seller to execute a buy order. In the perfect world, market makers would always match up a buy order with a sell order for a 0 reading. However, when massive institutional traders buy or sell across entire sectors, market(. ) <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/tick/">Term details</a></strong> " class="glossaryLink ">tick under today's low.

Bipin Patel posted the excellent video below called The Master Guide to Swing Trading & Trend Following.

What is a systematic trading strategy?

A systematic trading strategy, also called a mechanical trading strategy, is any trading strategy based on well defined rules. Systematic trading can be both automatic computerized HFT as well as longer term human trading so long as systematic rules are followed.

The most popular systematic trading strategies are: moving average crossovers, channel breakouts, support/resistance lines, and oscillators and cycles.

Moving average crossovers - Based on two moving averages of different lengths of time. The MACD falls into this category. When the shorter moving average breaks above the longer moving average, that's a buy signal. When the shorter moving average breaks below the longer moving average, that's a sell signal.

Toni Hansen posted the video below called Moving Averages - How to Use Them and Which Ones to Use.

Channel breakouts - A price channel is drawn where the support channel wall is the swing lows, and the resistance channel wall is the swing highs.

A trade signal is given when price breaks above or below the channel. The Donchian channel falls into this category. The famous Turtle Trading strategy was rumored to be based on channel breakouts.

Jeff Cartridge posted the excellent video below called Donchian Channel Breakout

The breakout chart pattern is my least favorite pattern because you are always chasing. Nevertheless, a breakout above resistance can be very profitable even if you are a little late to the Bull party. Breakout chart patterns are more accurate in a trending market (i. e. buy high and sell even higher). In the chart above, notice that often chart patterns will go through three stages: oversold, continuation pattern, and breakout.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/breakout-pattern. png" alt="breakout-pattern" width="323" height="364" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/breakout/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">Breakout Trading Strategy.

Support/resistance - If a stock is below its resistance level, it will have difficulty crossing above that resistance level price. If a stock is above its support level, it will have difficulty falling below that support level price. A signal is given when price breaks above or below support/resistance.

Oscillators and cycles - Oscillators move within a range such as 0 to 100, and represent the trading range of a stock and if that stock is overbought or Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold. A few of the more popular technical indicators that fall into this category are: Relative Strength Indicator (RSI

The RSI stands for the relative strength index and is used by traders to determine when a stock is overbought or oversold. The RSI compares the magnitude of recent swing move ups to recent swing move downs in an attempt to determine if a stock is overbought or oversold. It is calculated using the following formula:<br /><br />RSI = 100 - 100/(1 + RS*)<br />*Where RS = Average of x days' up closes / Average of x days' down closes.<br /><br />The RSI indicator is a type of oscillator indicator which(. ) <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/rsi/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">RSI ), stochastics, Williams %R, and the Rate of Change (ROC). Buy and sell signals are given depending on if the stock is overbought or Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold .

StockMarketStrategy posted the video below called How The Pro's Trade Using Relative Strength Index (RSI

The RSI stands for the relative strength index and is used by traders to determine when a stock is overbought or oversold. The RSI compares the magnitude of recent swing move ups to recent swing move downs in an attempt to determine if a stock is overbought or oversold. It is calculated using the following formula:<br /><br />RSI = 100 - 100/(1 + RS*)<br />*Where RS = Average of x days' up closes / Average of x days' down closes.<br /><br />The RSI indicator is a type of oscillator indicator which(. ) <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/rsi/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">RSI ) Technical Analysis.

Nextgentraders posted the great video below called How To Use The Williams % Range.

StockGoodies Chart-School posted the excellent video below called ROC - Rate of Change.

How can I trade penny stocks?

To trade penny stocks, you must understand the game. Trading penny stocks is attractive to a lot of people because they are super cheap, and they promise huge profits; however, with huge profits come huge risk.

The two dangers of penny stocks are: they are thinly traded so they can be manipulated easier, and they are often found on exchanges like the OTCBB or pink sheets where they do not have the same strict listing requirements and financial disclosure rules as stocks that are traded on the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ

The Nasdaq was created by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) to enable investors to trade securities on a computerized, speedy and transparent system. It was the first electronic stock exchange. The Nasdaq stock market comprises two separate markets: the Nasdaq National Market, and the Nasdaq Smallcap Market. The Nasdaq National Market trades large, active securities and the Nasdaq Smallcap Market trades emerging growth companies. The Nasdaq began(. ) <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/nasdaq/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">NASDAQ .

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny stock companies often hire Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock promoters to pump/hype/market the stock. Many Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock companies are pathetic shells with no employees and a mailbox as a physical company address. The stock is pumped so that insiders can sell their near worthless stock and make money. The profit for these penny stocks comes from the pumping of the stock and not any legitimate business or product whatsoever. With lower listing requirements it is virtually impossible to know which penny stocks are real companies with real products and sales, and which are just worthless empty shells. But there are a few things you can do to increase the odds of hitting a huge Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock winner.

How To Trade Penny Stocks

If the Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock company hired a Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock promoter, that means the business model is not good enough to gain attention any other way. If a Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock is being pumped by a Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock promoter, there's a good chance the chart will do a pump and dump pattern:

The free Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock newsletters are not giving you Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock tips out of the kindness of their heart. If you read the disclaimers that these free Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock newsletters put at the bottom of their emails, you will see that they are being paid to pitch a stock.

There are about 80 major Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock promoters and many own more than one promotion website/company. They are constantly changing their names because of all the bad publicity from the previous pumps they were part of. A few Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock promoters I have personally lost money with their picks are: Stock Lock and Load, Stock Rock and Roll, Break Out Stocks, Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny Stock Locks, Surfs Up Stocks, Stock Runway, Super Hot Penny Stocks, Super Nova Stock Picks, Winning Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny Stock Picks, Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny Stock Pick Alert, Whisper From Wall Street, OTC Stock Exchange, Impressive Penny Stocks, Awesome Penny Stocks, Today's Penny Stocks, Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny Stock Club, Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny Stock Players, 1-2-3 Stock Alerts, Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny Stock Pros, Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny Stock Circle, The Stock Scout, and MicroCap Profiler.

If you are in a Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock and it goes up 20% or more for a few days, you should sell quickly. Many people get greedy and go for a 400% gain or more. Remember, you need to sell into the pump, before the dump. Any stock that is being pumped can have a -50% or more Gap

A gap is a change in price levels between the close and open of two consecutive days. A gap up open occurs when the opening price is greater than the previous day's closing price. A gap down occurs when the opening price is lower than the previous day's closing price. Gap openings can be caused by a catalyst. If there was a positive earnings surprise, many traders might place buy orders for the next day. This could result in the price opening higher than the previous(. ) <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/gap/">Term details</a></strong> " class="glossaryLink ">gap down open. Always sell quickly when you have a gain in a Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock and don't get greedy or "drink the Kool-Aid" hype.

Never trust Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock company press releases, especially ones that are being pumped by a Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock promoter. Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">Penny stock companies work with the Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock promoters to time and construct the content of company press releases. Remember, the Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock company hired a promoter to push their stock up so they can raise money and stay in business. There is no reliable source of income or business model. Most Penny Stock

The SEC defines a penny stock as a stock that trades for less than $5, and therefore is highly speculative. These types of stocks are risky and highly speculative because their lack of liquidity (less people trading in the stock thus less market maker activity), large bid-ask spreads, and limited financial disclosure. Penny stocks often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">penny stock pumps are scams that are created to enrich insiders.

Make Money Trading Stocks posted the video below called How to Trade Penny Stocks Using Scammers and Promotors?

In the video lesson below, I will show you how to use Finviz for swing trading and I'll talk about a few stocks. Next, you will hear Jason Bond (JB) talk about his stock trading strategy that works. Disfruta!



Day Trading Strategies That Work

As you know, Philip and I have been Day Trading professionally for over 5 years and have been active traders for over 15 years. In our trading career we have been approached by fellow traders to programme some weird, wonderful and some quite exotic Day Trading strategies. The question is, how many of these Day Trading systems work?

Philip and I do see that there is a place for automation within day trading due to the quick pace that stocks can move. Sometimes accuracy can lag and human error can also play a part in what could be a failed manual system only to be a successful automated strategy.

Stochastic Trading Strategies

We have a page in our educational section on the website dedicated to Stochastic so if you don’t understand the workings of the indicator please read and watch the video first. Stochastic is a momentum indicator which tells us how strong or weak the current close is compared to the previous high/low over a set number of bars. This ultimately gives us an overbought and oversold signal. Some Day Trader’s do actually keep their strategies as basic as this, whereas we like to be a little more exotic! By combining indicators and price action we believe this gives higher hit rates. This is just an example of the thought process of how to build your own Day Trading strategy.

How we use automated trading strategies in our trading

When you have been trading and analysing charts for over a decade you start to understand price movement and repetitive market cycles. Over time you don’t even need to look at the indicators as you will know approximately where they will be plotting on the chart. However we don’t advise this! Always check! By understanding the indicators and the data they present, you will soon be able to put together a Day Trading strategy of your own.

The way we mainly use automated systems within our Day Trading strategies is to configure a system that we potentially see as being profitable then use the automated strategy to back test overtime. This then gives us data that we can filter down to allow us to find the best combination of indicators and price action to deliver the most profitable Day Trading strategy.

What we achieve by doing this is making sure that we don’t focus on forward testing a strategy that is not profitable. 80% of the time we manually forward test strategies that we have back tested for profitability using automation. We then use a trading simulator to show profitability and once we have successful data we then run live.

So to recap

Understand your indicators and the information they deliver

Build a day trading strategy using indicators

Automate the day trading strategies using the indicators

Back test the strategy to understand the data and profitability

Tweak the indicators to optimise the profitability

Then forward test the strategy on simulated trading platform

Once that is profitable run it on your live account

The problem with any automated Day Trading strategies is that market conditions are always changing and to have a system that works in all market conditions needs time and energy spent on it. We have trading systems that we only run once we have identified the trend or the particular market condition the strategy needs to run in. So 50% automated and 50% manual will give optimal profit potential as the system does not drawdown in bad market conditions.

Remember we give you one of our Day Trading strategies in our eBook so be sure to check it out if you have not already downloaded a copy!

Nasdaq’s Relatively Weak Video

Today’s stock market update shows the SP-500 (ES) and the (YM) trending relatively strong compared to the Nasdaq.

Philip walks you through the thought process with the two trades from yesterday and how he entered and profited from REE and FFIV. There is also more information on the price action to the left and profit potential areas of support and resistance.

This really is a great way of getting inside of professional traders head and getting his view on the markets current market conditions. The feedback that we are getting is all of high praise and this is what makes it worthwhile to us to continue. So thanks for your support and have a great day trading.

If you have any questions relating to this Market Update or wish for us to talk about a trading subject that you’re interested in, please donâ’t hesitate to contact us.

Over the past week or so, I’ve written a bit about short term trading strategies on my blog, and I’ve also done two podcasts (here and here .) Starting tomorrow, I’m going to start a few posts that will look into the statistical behavior of the trading day, but I thought it might be helpful, first, to look at some broad intraday trading ideas that either have worked for me, or have worked for other people.

No type of trading or timeframe is easy, but the challenges of daytrading are especially difficult. Whatever you do, you have to do between the open and close; distortions and risks can wipe out many profitable trades; and the psychological experience of daytrading can cover the full range from elation to utter despair back to elation (sometimes within the same minute!)–this isn’t easy. However, I want to share a few ideas that I’ve seen work:

1. Trade with the trend . Usually, “trend trading” means a channel breakout system with a very long-term perspective. Indexing or “buy and hold” is actually a kind of trend trading, with a multi-decade time horizon. You can do the same thing intraday, but I think you have to adapt. Trade pullbacks, breakouts of lower timeframes, opening range breakouts–these ideas work. They all take supremely focused risk management, but it’s possible to put on a few entries and just “let them work” throughout the trading day. Note that many traders who trade this style hold at least partial exposures overnight.

Trading a downtrend in 10 year Notes

2. Fade moves. There are many ways to do this, and you can adapt for your personality. You can be a trader who sits watching for news in a stock, and then looks to trade around the overreactions. If you do this, you will need to scale in, scale in more, and be prepared to add to losing trades. Obviously, sometimes you will be full sized and wrong, so you have to limit your risk. There certainly are traders who do this, but it’s a hard way to make a living. I traded a system for a few years that basically faded new highs and new lows on the S&P futures during the midday. With good discipline, you can pick up a few points pretty consistently doing so, and you could probably also extend the idea to individual stocks (though, I’d ask why you’re taking the risk of an individual stock when you’re basically making a market play!)

Fading highs and lows can be a profitable strategy

3. Trade opening tendencies. There are some trades around the open that work pretty well. Indexes tend to be “wrong” and reverse early on, gaps tend to close (except when they don’t), and the opening range breakout idea is legendary. There are certainly things to be done here, but make sure you understand the math and risk.

4. Trade breakouts . There are points where market activity is “bottled up”, whether by order flow, anticipation of news, or due to some other reason. It takes skill, but it’s certainly possible to trade around these points. Be aware that many of the textbook examples of breakout trades are carefully chosen; the real market is much messier and much harder to trade, but this is another idea that works for some traders.

I don’t claim that this is an exhaustive list of everything that works, but it is everything that I, personally, have seen work. I’m very suspicious of ideas based on ratios. averages, simple price patterns, trend indicators (even if combined on multiple timeframes), though some of these may have a place in a supporting role in some strategies. As I said in the podcast, there’s basically nothing new here with the exception of the structures around the open: we can trade with the trend or trade against the trend, but everything is complicated by the additional challenges and risks of daytrading. I’ll continue tomorrow with a look at some of those stats around the open.

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work

by Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez

Authored by CEO and Founder of Trading Markets Larry Connors, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work is a must-have book for anyone seeking to improve their trading results in any market condition.

You'll see strategies and methods which you've likely never seen before, all of which are statistically backed by more than a decade's worth of research. Here’s a sample of some of the topics covered:

The Best Oscillators for Traders - Do you know which is the best oscillator to use for your trading? In Chapter 9 you'll learn the one oscillator Connors believes is the closest to being ideal. And you'll see the test results when applied to over 77,000 trades since 1995!

How to Make Your Trading Edges Even Bigger - Connors explores one simple technique to help make your daily trading edges even greater.

Trading with the VIX - Do you use the CBOE’s Volatility Index (or VIX) to time your trades? This books explores numerous ways you can learn to use the market’s so-called “fear index” to improve your trading.

The Mind - Trading is as mentally tough as any profession in the world. Connors interviews world-class trading professionals on their own psychological training, how to control your emotions and stay resilient as you trade.

Related Strategies

Short Straddle A short straddle gives you the obligation to sell the stock at strike price A and the obligation to buy the stock at strike price A if the options are assigned. By selling two options, you.

Long Put A long put gives you the right to sell the underlying stock at strike price A. If there were no such thing as puts, the only way to benefit from a downward movement in the market would be to short.

Inverse Skip Strike Butterfly with Puts You can think of this strategy as a put backspread with a twist. Instead of simply running a back spread with puts (sell one put, buy two puts), selling the extra put at strike A helps to reduce the.

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Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. For more information, please review the Characteristics and Risks of Standard Options brochure available at http://www. tradeking. com/ODD before you begin trading options. Los inversionistas de opciones pueden perder el monto total de su inversión en un período relativamente corto de tiempo.

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Las estrategias de opciones de varias piernas implican riesgos adicionales y múltiples comisiones. Y puede dar lugar a tratamientos impositivos complejos. Consulte a su asesor fiscal. La volatilidad implícita representa el consenso del mercado en cuanto al nivel futuro de volatilidad del precio de las acciones o la probabilidad de alcanzar un punto de precio específico. Los griegos representan el consenso del mercado en cuanto a cómo la opción reaccionará a los cambios en ciertas variables asociadas con el precio de un contrato de opción. No hay garantía de que las previsiones de volatilidad implícita o los griegos sean correctas.

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2 Simple Option Strategies That Work

Author, Mastering the Trade

Option trading doesn't have to be complicated, says John Carter . explaining two ways anyone can use options to either buy stocks without huge capital outlay or earn extra income.

We’re talking option strategies with John Carter. John, in this kind of market, a lot of people looking to hedge or leverage some of the upside and protect against the downside start thinking about options. What option strategies should they look at?

Options can get very complicated very quickly. I talk to a lot of people who say options get over their head very quickly, and it doesn’t need to be that way.

I think that is just because by the very nature of options, you can do these three-legged, clipped-winged butterflies, and different things like that. Well, just because you can do that doesn’t mean you should.

I really think the easiest way to use options is simply look at it as a cheaper way to own the stock. That is the most important thing.

So, Apple (AAPL ) at $500 a share, if you are buying 1000 shares, you have to lay out half a million dollars; or you could buy ten slightly in-the-money contracts and it’s a whole different ballgame. You are then participating in the price movement.

You want to do analysis on the underlying stock, and if that analysis is bullish, great, buy some in-the-money calls, like Delta 70 or above. If it is bearish, you can do the opposite. Really, beyond that, things are actually very simple.

The only other thing that I like to do is sell premium. What that means is you take those options that are out-of-the-money—a couple strikes out of the money—and you look to sell them.

A lot of times, I will just buy an in-the-money call for directional purposes, and if it starts moving towards my target, I can actually start selling some of the out-of-money calls against it. Then those actually start losing premium, so it is almost like a poor man’s covered call.

Just think of it as a cheaper way to own the stock. That is your first and foremost priority with the options market. Then, from there, there is an opportunity to sell some premium.

You don’t have to sit there and spend your whole day trying to get Delta neutral and have all these different positions on for different contingencies.

Sometimes you get into a play that goes against you. Then, instead of just taking it off and taking a stop, a lot of people will then put on three different option strategies to help balance that out. Again, that is just making things too complicated. To make money in options, you have to keep it simple.

I think that is probably a universal recommendation for a lot of strategies, especially in trading.

Well effective trading is like an effective marriage: you have got to keep things simple. Don’t look at a bunch of other things; you focus on what you know best and go from there.

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Day Trading Strategies That Work

After understanding the need for risk and money management rules to protect capital because day trading relies on quick, accurate movements rather than long-term trends, traders have different trading strategies to rely on. Traders should consider using more than one trading technique to diversify risks. These trading strategies include moving averages, the MACD and reversion to mean techniques.

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How Does Day Trading Work?

Moving Average Strategies

Moving averages are constructed by taking the most recent bars (periods of time measurements--bars can represent seconds, minutes, days, weeks or months) and averaging the prices. Among the more common tools are traders who purchase stock when it rises above the 50-day or 200-day moving average. More importantly, traders test different stocks by using a long-term and short-term moving average. The long-term moving average establishes the long-term trend and the short-term average establishes an immediate movement. Traders buy stocks when the short-term trend rises above the long-term trend. Traders sell when the averages reverse themselves. Traders use moving averages for intermediate and longer moves that may last the entire day trading period. Sometimes a third, long moving average is used to further establish the quality of the long-term trend. If the long-term trend is bullish, any short move downward is likely to be brief and inconsequential.

MACD as a Day-Trading Strategy

The MACD, or moving average convergence divergence indicator, was developed by Gerald Appel. Appel, himself a trader, wrote 13 books relating to trading strategies, including "Winning Market Systems," "Double Your Money Every 3 Years" and "Stock Market Trading Systems, and New Directions in Technical Analysis." The MACD compares two moving averages, the 26-day and 12-bar moving average. The result is then reformulated into a 9-bar or signal line. The MACD will turn positive or negative, indicating a change in market direction. The 9-bar signal line is used to indicate peaks and bottoms. The MACD is a popular trading tool. It can be subject to distortions, however. Because, in essence, the MACD is a moving average, there is necessarily a lag in new signals. Also, sometimes the signal reflects not a change in direction but a pause in the direction of a trend before it gains strength again. Some traders use different moving averages and compute a MACD, based upon longer and shorter trends.

Reversion to Mean Techniques

Reversion to mean techniques are another popular day trading technique. Stock prices trade in statistical ranges that are usually near the current price. Sometimes during strong bull and bear moments, prices trade at extreme prices from the statistically probable price. If the stock price is too high, say 4 standard deviations above the mean, the day trader will short the stock and recover when it reaches a more suitable measure. When prices are too low, statistically the stock will be bought then sold at the mean. These are short trades, sometimes lasting only a few minutes, but they are popular trades as it is unlikely for a stock to stay at an extreme price for long. Trading mean reversion is also a good way to diversify trading styles, if, like most day traders you tend to be long only a few few stocks throughout the trading day. Traders can readily compute the amount of reversion to take place and have immediate price targets.

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Superherobyday 16 Jan 2015

One of the down sides to a forum like this, and the internet in general, is that the golden nuggets of information are buried in mountains of bullshit, and it is up to each individual to sift through that mountain and determine which advice is useful, and which is not. Ultimately, one wastes alot of time redundantly testing 10,000 different strategies, or pieces of advice, most which are from newbie traders, gamblers, hobbiests, or phonies.

My hope for this thread is to potentially filter out the baloney by only hearing from traders who can confidently consider themselves successful, or at least those who do this for a living. I want to hear reliable advice, or profitable strategies that work for these traders. Not in theory, not by backtesting, but by results. Long term results. Real world results. Results that they can explain (not necessarily here) because they understand them, not because they combined 50 indicators, or blindly listen to methods of others.

If you are one such trader, please take a minute to share something. Cualquier cosa. Anything that you consider valuable. A mindset, a strategy, a book, a youtube video, a course, a system, or just general advice. Not to call you out David, but a couple years ago I was roped in by your fabled 180 trades video. 10 in a row could be lucky, 180 in a row says that youunderstand something that most don't. And I'm sure there are more 'davids' out there.

And please, those of you who are used to pretending to have the answers, don't give in to the temptation to give advice here, there are plenty of other threads to discuss and debate. What I hope to create here is an opportunity to hear from the 'greats' and fill our brains with real value.

So here goes nothing

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jxr 16 Jan 2015

I was introduced to trading about four years ago. The first couple years were strictly non-directional theta decay strategies. I now trade full time for a living strictly directional using CBOE options and occasionally pre-market crude oil futures, my 2c -

- Keep your market world view as simple as possible. I use ichiMoku and the concept of Balance Areas. I made a few mods to the ichi to make it visually as simple as possible. Every position I start or add to is either related to a balance area in an ichiMoku context or to ichiMoku in a balance area context. I am never confused by a chart because my market world view is clean and decisive. That does not mean I can read any market at any time, just that I can immediately & clearly see if there is anything there for me; you have to be able to do this. I record Options Action, Fast Money & Mad Money just to pit my view against others as practice. I trade one market at a time (frequently monitoring multiple time frames) and have a very small universe - US bonds, oil, US dollar & nasdaq.

- Move past binaries. Spending too much time on binary entries stunts your growth. You should be learning to read where opportunity is & how to trade it - not what the close of the next candle will be. You need some way of levering good situations, that is where the money comes from. I day/swing trade QQQ & swing trade TLT, UUP and USO - always using options. If you didn't make a small fortune in Oil (or the euro if you only trade currencies) over the past four months you are missing the point of trading.

If you are new I don't care how smart you are it will almost for sure take thousands of hours of screen time before you are good at this. I personally am self-taught in just about everything I do and trading is the same, no mentors for me. That doesn't mean don't use resources - study videos, look at how indicators are calculated & how others use them. use what is there, but on your own brain power.

Have a vision of where you are going in life. Within a few years my positions will be discussed on the "unusual option activity" segment of Options Action. I know where I'll be living and the view from my office as I watch.

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Superherobyday 16 Jan 2015

Thank you jxr! Helluva start to the thread, and exactly the kind of advice I think will make this thread valuable. Well done sir.

When you say 'balance areas' I assume you are referring to support and resistance?

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jxr 16 Jan 2015

Very similar to support & resistencia. Essentially an area where price bars are large relative to vertical movement, so that they are mostly lined up next to each other - looking like a box. Technically it's part of Auction Market Theory, but I just think of it as an area that appears to be developing a lot of energy - the price bars are significant but can't decide where to go. AMT traders are always looking for a balance area at the edge or middle of a larger compression balance area. That gives them energy & reward to risk that provides an edge. I look for balance areas in a solid ichiMoku context on any trad-able compression (one Minute to one Month). In a market that doesn't trend well but is in a larger balance area I will trade it similarly to box in a box from the edges or a sketchy ichi set-up in the middle.

That price tends to respond to the middle of ranges is the idea that ichiMoku is based, every component (except the lag) is a midpoint of a range - so they fit together well. Strangely enough even little tiny balance areas on one minute charts very often move exactly like they are supposed to in the big liquid markets. For example you will see price retrace after a breakout to exactly the middle or the top of the BA.

There is a guy at ThinkOrSwim (Ben Lichtenstein) who does a talk every Wednesday evening. He uses exclusively Auction Market to day trade the major futures markets, if you have TOS it's a good listen.

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swede 16 Jan 2015

Hi guys. nice to make contact again.

I think you have started an excellent forum, one that can make a huge difference for new traders who are caught up in all the BS you refer too.

Honestly, I could write a book on my experiences trading stocks, futures and forex. I have had times where I seemed to do no wrong, usually followed by times where I could do nothing right. Then regroup, get back to the basics and start over, eventually finding balance again. But hey, what do you expect from a tractor salesman??

I had to ask myself, why was I successful trading equipment, but could not seem to master trading? After close consideration I found the reason I seemed to do so well trading equipment is the data basis I worked from. I knew what the market would pay by the history of closed sales, completed sales, history of similar items and what people where prepared to pay for similar items. Why would it be different in the financial market. and that my friends was the turning point. let me explain.

During the trading day the markets can be very exciting, and your watching price bounce off a moving average, fib line, or high/low etc. It is easy to jump into a trade like that, only to get slaughtered by the momentum if your on the wrong side. asi que. my little piece of advise is this..never, ever, ever trade the open candle. wait for confimation, or retesting of the area identified by your pre market analysis. TRADE ONLY OFF CLOSED CANDLES..never, ever during the open candle. and at the same time learn what a closed candle is telling you. learn about the structure of a closed candle. the story it is telling you. and you will see your trading become profitable almost immediately.

Indicators have their place, but understanding price action as shown by a closed candle is far superior to any method or indicator out there. Now I am referring to 1 hour and up candles in the forex spot market only, as futures and stocks trade quite differently on an exchange. Here is just one example where the trade was taken at the open of the next candle after the pinbar closed. producing very nicely and target hit. and these occure every day on the hourly chart if that is what one prefers.

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Superherobyday 17 Jan 2015

Awesome swede, thanks. Was hoping you'd chime in at some point. One question, & I'll ask specifically about the example you used, but it's a universal question..

What was your entry signal on that confirmation candle? I see engulfing. I see a close below a recent high, I see a bounce off resistance, and I see bearish momentum. Is there something in particular you wait for (for confirmation)? Or is it an 'any of the above' kind of thing?

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swede 17 Jan 2015

three things gave me the go ahead..first.. . the pinbar was classic, I like to call them exhaustion candles. price rallies but fizzels out, and the entry is right at the open of the next candle. it went against me for all of 5 pips, then fell like a rock. second. . historical price from the previous day showed a very clear HCR (highest close of resistance where it sold off). remember history is part of the cycle, a place where the directional bias changed from long to short. third. the previous days pivot was challenged and the pull back was almost instant telling me that the pivot from the previous day had sellers camped there. (that is why I have the pivots charted from the previous sessions) so I was ultra confident this was a turning point. but I also look at the 6 majors to see how they are performing against the US dollar, and all had a southward bias, so it was kind of a no brainer trade. produced 70 pips in about 2 and 1/2 hours.

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Pizzacut 18 Jan 2015

Interesting tread, will follow it for sure! At the moment have no questions, or actually have a lot, but I won't bother anyone (not jet ). I am reading a book on price action by Al Brooks and must say dificult to read. in my opinion it is the basic of becoming a consistant trader. Understanding price action.

So far I've learned that there are no rules in trading. All indicators work only for some time. The market can be in a trend or in a trend range but all trends contain smaller trend ranges and all trend ranges contain smaller trends . That all analysts seen on TV are right but not helpfull. That TV stations and other media allways have choice between multiple analysts and that they choose the one with, at that point, best analysis to broadcast. Following news and other fundamental analysis is not adding much to understanding where the market will go. Same news can be interpreted as bullish or as bearish, depanding on what you are looking for. It takes only a lot of time to process it. Charts are evantuelly showing what the majority of traders did after all. That every time when we think that the market will go in one direction, someone else thinks the opposite (zero sum game ). With binary options it's a bit different but you all know what I mean. That at every time you have 50% chance of choosing the right direction of the move even if you don't look at any charts. But in order to be succesfull you must learn to see when the odds are shifted to 60-40 or even to 70-30! That most trading is done by large institutions and that they are using the best computers to place trades for them, Competing with them is impossible! That perfect setups rearly exist and that in orther for anyone to place profitable trades only thing that can help is practice. History repeats itself, charts do devalop in certain patterns that are giving some clues about where the market will go. Most attempts to reverse market will fail and most attempts to break out of a tranding range will also fail, but they must occur at some point.

Reading all of this tells me that I am on a good way (so far). I hope that for somebody this small peace of basic information will at least open eyes and send them back to studying before loosing some more money.

Thanks for reading

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yawyks 18 Jan 2015

We need to define that. To me anything that the trader do not correspondingly place a trade that will make a SIGNIFICANT change to his/her lifestyle is BS. That is the line in the sand for me.

The few weeks away from this forum made me realise the extent of the BS people spew, directly/indirectly or implied, intentionally or otherwise on forums is pretty widespread. F#%@

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yawyks 18 Jan 2015

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swede 18 Jan 2015

Interesting tread, will follow it for sure! At the moment have no questions, or actually have a lot, but I won't bother anyone (not jet ). I am reading a book on price action by Al Brooks and must say dificult to read. in my opinion it is the basic of becoming a consistant trader. Understanding price action.

So far I've learned that there are no rules in trading. All indicators work only for some time. The market can be in a trend or in a trend range but all trends contain smaller trend ranges and all trend ranges contain smaller trends . That all analysts seen on TV are right but not helpfull. That TV stations and other media allways have choice between multiple analysts and that they choose the one with, at that point, best analysis to broadcast. Following news and other fundamental analysis is not adding much to understanding where the market will go. Same news can be interpreted as bullish or as bearish, depanding on what you are looking for. It takes only a lot of time to process it. Charts are evantuelly showing what the majority of traders did after all. That every time when we think that the market will go in one direction, someone else thinks the opposite (zero sum game ). With binary options it's a bit different but you all know what I mean. That at every time you have 50% chance of choosing the right direction of the move even if you don't look at any charts. But in order to be succesfull you must learn to see when the odds are shifted to 60-40 or even to 70-30! That most trading is done by large institutions and that they are using the best computers to place trades for them, Competing with them is impossible! That perfect setups rearly exist and that in orther for anyone to place profitable trades only thing that can help is practice. History repeats itself, charts do devalop in certain patterns that are giving some clues about where the market will go. Most attempts to reverse market will fail and most attempts to break out of a tranding range will also fail, but they must occur at some point.

Reading all of this tells me that I am on a good way (so far). I hope that for somebody this small peace of basic information will at least open eyes and send them back to studying before loosing some more money.

Thanks for reading

Very well said. but one point I must disagree on is the statement "there are no rules in trading". Just as gravity is a rule that cannot be ignored, so too is trading without stops and targets a rule that, if left to chance, surely will take all of your money and give it to someone else. It cannot be ignored. And that in itself is a dicipline that needs to be learned before any real dollars are placed in the market. Trading a 5 minute chart will have very different stops and targets from trading a 4 hour chart, or a daily chart, and just the process of finding and calculating where those levels are located will make a trader out of the most novice of traders. It forces a novice trader to calculate what can go wrong, and what can go right and I have seen even the most incompetent trader become successful after mastering such a dicipline. Great post though Pizzcut

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jxr 19 Jan 2015

Very well said. but one point I must disagree on is the statement "there are no rules in trading". Just as gravity is a rule that cannot be ignored, so too is trading without stops and targets a rule that, if left to chance, surely will take all of your money and give it to someone else. It cannot be ignored. And that in itself is a dicipline that needs to be learned before any real dollars are placed in the market. Trading a 5 minute chart will have very different stops and targets from trading a 4 hour chart, or a daily chart, and just the process of finding and calculating where those levels are located will make a trader out of the most novice of traders. It forces a novice trader to calculate what can go wrong, and what can go right and I have seen even the most incompetent trader become successful after mastering such a dicipline. Great post though Pizzcut

Pizzcut, be careful you don't fall into the trap of seeing things the way other people do. Everything people say about trading is a matter of context & definition and usually not correctly applied. People who say things like you can't beat the supercomputers, or markets are zero sum are parroting what they've heard or trying to fool you, themselves or both. Either way these statements have nothing to do with making money from markets and are very likely to keep you from learning to do so.

At the risk of being too general following is an example. Take a look at swede's aussie chart. This is a 3m chart at 1:33 am CST, 1/12 - right at the bottom of the topmost balance area on the left. I don't think of this spot (or any other) as a bunch of traders lined up on both sides or an "unbeatable" computer - I just watch how the market moves. Spot's like this almost never "fail", and I could rightly call it a breakout - if I saw it as a breakout and had the bromide "most breakouts fail" in my head it would cloud my sight. Statistical trading is for the blind, learn to see.

Do you know why I put fail in quotes? Because even that has to be thought of clearly and in context. If this spot were to range more often than not (my judgement is that it will fall far more often than not, at least far enough that I can remove my risk) there is still structure that is easily traded for a huge positive expectation. If that hourly candle breaks, like it did in this case, there will be several spots to lever in.

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swede 19 Jan 2015

I totally agree with JXR in that we can be just as effective as the big guys with the instant fills and massive accounts who can trade between the spread with huge positions for very small gains. we just need to be able to see the signs that the big players are in fact playing in their sandbox. If we believe we can trade in their territory and recognize the signs, then we can do just as well as them percentage wise. Look at today gbp trade. see the pinbar, see the resistance level, sellers came in without a doubt at those levels. I should have jumped on this a bit sooner but none the less a good entry as it turns out.

I give a crap about what algorithms they use, or what the experts say. the pinbar gave the warning, the rest shows up on the next candle.

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Pizzacut 19 Jan 2015

Very well said. but one point I must disagree on is the statement "there are no rules in trading". Just as gravity is a rule that cannot be ignored, so too is trading without stops and targets a rule that, if left to chance, surely will take all of your money and give it to someone else. It cannot be ignored. And that in itself is a dicipline that needs to be learned before any real dollars are placed in the market. Trading a 5 minute chart will have very different stops and targets from trading a 4 hour chart, or a daily chart, and just the process of finding and calculating where those levels are located will make a trader out of the most novice of traders. It forces a novice trader to calculate what can go wrong, and what can go right and I have seen even the most incompetent trader become successful after mastering such a dicipline. Great post though Pizzcut

By saying: " There are no rules in trading" I don't mean that you shuld be trading without rules! I meant that at any point market can and will turn against you without any worning. Sometimes you can't even explain why it did ! Moments in a day you are talking about are when the price is close to major levels that were important in the past, and that is when the odds shift to 60-40 or more. And it takes pationce and experionce to spot them!

I'm glead you tooke time to read my post, and as I mentioned I am novice trader and any help is more than welkom

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Pizzacut 20 Jan 2015

I totally agree with JXR in that we can be just as effective as the big guys with the instant fills and massive accounts who can trade between the spread with huge positions for very small gains. we just need to be able to see the signs that the big players are in fact playing in their sandbox. If we believe we can trade in their territory and recognize the signs, then we can do just as well as them percentage wise. Look at today gbp trade. see the pinbar, see the resistance level, sellers came in without a doubt at those levels. I should have jumped on this a bit sooner but none the less a good entry as it turns out.

I give a crap about what algorithms they use, or what the experts say. the pinbar gave the warning, the rest shows up on the next candle.

That's the spirit.

This is exactly why I belive that understanding price action, support and resistance levels is all I need to succeed in this game. Don't listen to any so colled experts, get the feeling for the moves and understand what story every bar is telling! Wait for the right moment and go for it (following rules you set for yourself).

One question for all of you:

In the book I am reading, the wrighter is basicly saying that number of pips as primary gold is not the way to be consistently succesful. Instead of chasing pips to reach your target he suggests that the best way to be consistantly profitable, even if this means 5 pips on a daily average, is to scale it up, once you are profitable (in stead of trading 1 lot, trade 2, 3 or. ) What is your opinion on this?

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Superherobyday 20 Jan 2015

That's the spirit.

This is exactly why I belive that understanding price action, support and resistance levels is all I need to succeed in this game. Don't listen to any so colled experts, get the feeling for the moves and understand what story every bar is telling! Wait for the right moment and go for it (following rules you set for yourself).

Pizzacut, would you be so kind as to start a new thread? I'd like to prevent this one from becoming a Q&A, or a place to discuss all the theories in your book. Good stuff, just not what this thread is for. Aclamaciones.

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swede 20 Jan 2015

I totally agree with JXR in that we can be just as effective as the big guys with the instant fills and massive accounts who can trade between the spread with huge positions for very small gains. we just need to be able to see the signs that the big players are in fact playing in their sandbox. If we believe we can trade in their territory and recognize the signs, then we can do just as well as them percentage wise. Look at today gbp trade. see the pinbar, see the resistance level, sellers came in without a doubt at those levels. I should have jumped on this a bit sooner but none the less a good entry as it turns out.

I give a crap about what algorithms they use, or what the experts say. the pinbar gave the warning, the rest shows up on the next candle.

Dont want to beat this to death so this is the last time I will say this. WE CAN SEE where the bias changes by the the candles and the levels where the change occurs. but it take time and patience to wait out the moves. everyone saw yesterdays pullback on gbp. all the way to S2 and then what happened. see for yourself.

My point is and always will be "we are not victims" of a cruel and mean market if we are careful and learn to read the charts properly. will we make mistakes at times? of course because no one can predict what can happen somewhere in the world of commerce, and that is why we always, always use stops to protect oiur decisions. happy pipping all. sueco

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DanTheFox 20 Jan 2015

swede, what is that great pivot indicator called?

those two posts are fantastic by the way. worth more than all the systems out there

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jxr 20 Jan 2015

Dont want to beat this to death so this is the last time I will say this. WE CAN SEE where the bias changes by the the candles and the levels where the change occurs. but it take time and patience to wait out the moves. everyone saw yesterdays pullback on gbp. all the way to S2 and then what happened. see for yourself.

My point is and always will be "we are not victims" of a cruel and mean market if we are careful and learn to read the charts properly. will we make mistakes at times? of course because no one can predict what can happen somewhere in the world of commerce, and that is why we always, always use stops to protect oiur decisions. happy pipping all. sueco

I'll give that horse on more kick. The top of your pinbar is a standard spot for me even though we see it very differently and I don't pay attention to the shape of a candle.

This is my context for this market at this point in time, a 2hr chart. Two hour because it's the smallest big chart that is clear to me.

The spot you chose (grey box) is compelling to me because it's roughly in the middle of the range (middle and the edges being the good locations) with some reasonable price action suggesting a move down to some point towards the bottom of the range. That is a very trad-able context.

This is a 30m chart. A level that is being respected with a shift in momentum as price nears it. Clear divergence if you were to look at an oscillator. This is the point where discussion in this forum typically stops (IF there is ANY discussion, in my experience). That's because the focus is on binaries from the perspective of beginners who don't have much of an idea how markets move and are easily distracted by shiny objects.

What happens after the entry is what counts. You could play it as set & forget and be clearly plus EV, but you can do much better than that. In this case the thesis is a move to some point near the bottom of the recent range. TRADE THE THESIS. Think about it, a large portion of the times that the set & forget trade works out it will have done so with a nice little trend on multiple smaller time frames. The better you are at context the more you are leaving on the table by trading it as set & forget, or even worse as binary.

The charts that follow are 10m, showing the first add point - 15m showing the second & 5m showing the third. At the 5m entry there is still about 25 pips to the original estimate of the trend end. There are dozens of ways to manage capital on these trades, and each has a clear structure allowing for a tight initial stop. If you have good market understanding & access to leverage you can kill it (with less risk) rather than settle for plus EV.

For those of you paying attention you probably noticed, from the 30m chart, that you can trade the move right back up. The location of the start being at the bottom of the range.

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swede 21 Jan 2015

There are literally thousands of books on technical analysis out there. Sorting out the truly great books from the rest can take weeks (or months!). That is why John Murphy and the pros at StockCharts. com have created this bookstore. It's.

I am very pleased to announce the grand opening on our new online store, The StockCharts Store. Here you'll find all the great Technical Analysis books and supplies that we had in our old store along with lots of new.

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Short Term Trading Strategies That Work: Apple and the Art of Trading Lower Lows

By Trading Markets. September 07, 2011, 05:21:32 PM EDT

Should you buy lower lows or sell them?

Traders familiar with the "buy the selling, sell the buying" approach to short term swing trading were able to put this question to the test during the recent pullback in Apple Inc ( AAPL ) .

Shares of Apple had rallied to overbought levels above the 200-day moving average in late August and, based on our research, were due for a short-term reversal.

But even as Apple closed for a second day in overbought territory, the stock had begun a pattern that would be key for short term swing traders only a few days later: a lower low.

Our research, based on thousands of simulated stock trades since 1995, shows that when stocks trading above their 200-day moving averages make multiple lower lows, the likelihood of that stock becoming oversold and due for a short term rally increases dramatically.

How dramatically? Our research into short term stock trading shows that stocks that have made five or more consecutive lower lows have made significant short term gains one-day, two-days and one-week later on average. Again, this goes back to 1995.

So in the case of Apple, all traders had to do was keep an eye on the stock to see if the initial lower low would be followed by another. and another.

As it turned out, sellers were not done with Apple. From its high on Tuesday, August 30th to its low a week later on September 6th, shares of Apple pulled back by well over 2%.

This pullback was a signal for short term traders that edges in Apple had now moved to the upside, not the downside. By selling off and making five lower lows in a row, the stock had pulled back toward a level where, historically speaking, it was statistically likely to make short term gains.

Shares of Apple closed at 379.74 on the day it made its fifth consecutive lower low. One day later, the stock was higher by as much as 1% and trading back above its 5-day moving average.

To learn how to swing trade stocks like Apple, click here to download a free copy of Short Term Trading Strategies That Work: A Quantified Guide to Trading Stocks and ETFs by Larry Connors, CEO and founder of TradingMarkets. com .

David Penn is Editor in Chief of TradingMarkets. com

Trading Strategies that work

Trading Strategies that work. I’ve heard numerous clients and colleagues over the last 18-months describing how the current markets are the hardest they have experienced in a decade. One of the key lesson’s I’ve learnt in nearly 15 years as an analyst is that no matter what the markets are doing, you have no control over what tomorrow will bring. Hence, Risk management and choosing the right Trading Strategy are the absolute keys to success in the markets.

You might think it simple, but how I view the markets is that they can only trend in one of three directions at any one time: Up, Down or Sideways. So while most people are trying to second guess which way the markets are likely to go, I already know! Fact is, I don’t know what is going to happen in the future, I just know that the markets will either be Up, Down or Sideways. For this reason, my focus (as a professional analyst and advisor) is not on trying to choose what direction the markets will be on a day to day basis. This will do your head in, as there will be days you get it right, days you get it wrong, and days that just simply do both! My focus, is to choose a strategy that best suits the market conditions now, evaluating the Risk of the position if the markets go Up, Down or Sideways.

Think of it as having all your bases covered.

The Stock Investor is limited in what they can do. They need the stock price to rise higher from where they had bought it, and they need to decide when to Sell. Quite often I will have new clients come to me and find that they had chosen stocks at a reasonable price, but failed to exit for a profit, resulting in holding stocks that were now worth less than where they had bought it. In most cases, the stocks get forgotten about and put in the bottom drawer for “long-term” investment. But did you realise you can profit from the stock market no matter whether share prices went Up, Down or Sideways?

Trading Strategies that work: Did you realise you can profit from the stock market no matter whether share prices went Up, Down or Sideways?

Using a combination of Stocks and (Equity) Options, I have numerous strategies available to me that can benefit from Upward moving markets, Falling markets and Sideways markets. I can adopt strategies that benefit from high volatility or low volatility. That are suited for short-term or long-term time-frames. And due to the Internet and online broking facilities, I can trade any stock, commodity or currency in the world. And I don’t have to do this at a high cost or using higher Risk futures contracts.

Using stocks, options and Exchange Traded Funds (referred to as ETFs), there are many different types of approaches you can take in the markets. Just like a game of Chess, you can adopt a different strategy depending on the flow of the game. And, you can modify your strategy if the game is going against you.

For today’s article, I’m going to concentrate Volatility and Non-directional markets. Which are the trading strategies we have had to deal with throughout 2012.

Non-directional markets are certainly difficult for the Buy and Hold investor. And for the short-term trader, you need to be “In the Zone” with a clear and decisive plan to capitalize on fluctuating markets.

Understanding market volatility is one of the key components that distinguishes the amateur ‘punter’ from a professional trader/investor, especially when the markets are not conforming to normal trending activity.

Volatility is a measure of price over time. Historical Volatility represents past price performance whereas Implied Volatility is derived from the market price of a derivative (usually options). When measuring the broader US market volatility, the VIX index is the benchmark commonly used. But did you realise you can profit from the stock market no matter whether share prices went Up, Down or Sideways?

To read this index, it is treated as an inverse relationship to the markets. When the broader market is rising, the VIX will typically fall. When the markets begin falling, and fear fuels selling pressure, the VIX index rises.

On a global fundamental level, there are great fears over the European financial sector, a slowing Chinese economy, and a stagnating US economy. Yet, the VIX index is trading near long-term lows.

This suggests investors are not completely fearful, on the short-term, and that there is a lower probability that the markets will decline. And this is where the contradiction lies.

Weak fundamentals compared to rising stock markets are a conundrum that can bewilder the most seasoned of analysts. Yet, we have been able to capitalize on this low volatility period using Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) and options using Volatility as a benchmark to our decision making process.

Trading strategies are pivotal to success in the markets. The old school “buy and hold” approach works fine if you are willing to watch prices fluctuate wildly and can trade through long-term depressions of the markets. But we are now in a new paradigm where volatility is the driving factor behind global growth.

Professionals use trading strategies that can profit no matter whether the markets rise, fall or consolidate. The focus of the trader should be choosing the right strategy to suit the current conditions of the markets, and not trying to second guess what will happen in the future.

Since 1998, Matthew has been involved in the Financial Services industry providing stock, option and CFD advisory services, trading advice, funds management and education services. Matt is an Authorised Representative of Halifax Investment Services, providing analysis and recommendations for trading Covered Calls in the US markets and using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Follow Matthew Brown on Google+

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Short term trading strategies that work

Over the past week or so, I’ve written a bit about short term trading strategies on my blog, and I’ve also done two podcasts (here and here .) Starting tomorrow, I’m going to start a few posts that will look into the statistical behavior of the trading day, but I thought it might be helpful, first, to look at some broad intraday trading ideas that either have worked for me, or have worked for other people.

No type of trading or timeframe is easy, but the challenges of daytrading are especially difficult. Whatever you do, you have to do between the open and close; distortions and risks can wipe out many profitable trades; and the psychological experience of daytrading can cover the full range from elation to utter despair back to elation (sometimes within the same minute!)–this isn’t easy. However, I want to share a few ideas that I’ve seen work:

1. Trade with the trend . Usually, “trend trading” means a channel breakout system with a very long-term perspective. Indexing or “buy and hold” is actually a kind of trend trading, with a multi-decade time horizon. You can do the same thing intraday, but I think you have to adapt. Trade pullbacks, breakouts of lower timeframes, opening range breakouts–these ideas work. They all take supremely focused risk management, but it’s possible to put on a few entries and just “let them work” throughout the trading day. Note that many traders who trade this style hold at least partial exposures overnight.

Trading a downtrend in 10 year Notes

2. Fade moves. There are many ways to do this, and you can adapt for your personality. You can be a trader who sits watching for news in a stock, and then looks to trade around the overreactions. If you do this, you will need to scale in, scale in more, and be prepared to add to losing trades. Obviously, sometimes you will be full sized and wrong, so you have to limit your risk. There certainly are traders who do this, but it’s a hard way to make a living. I traded a system for a few years that basically faded new highs and new lows on the S&P futures during the midday. With good discipline, you can pick up a few points pretty consistently doing so, and you could probably also extend the idea to individual stocks (though, I’d ask why you’re taking the risk of an individual stock when you’re basically making a market play!)

Fading highs and lows can be a profitable strategy

3. Trade opening tendencies. There are some trades around the open that work pretty well. Indexes tend to be “wrong” and reverse early on, gaps tend to close (except when they don’t), and the opening range breakout idea is legendary. There are certainly things to be done here, but make sure you understand the math and risk.

4. Trade breakouts . There are points where market activity is “bottled up”, whether by order flow, anticipation of news, or due to some other reason. It takes skill, but it’s certainly possible to trade around these points. Be aware that many of the textbook examples of breakout trades are carefully chosen; the real market is much messier and much harder to trade, but this is another idea that works for some traders.

I don’t claim that this is an exhaustive list of everything that works, but it is everything that I, personally, have seen work. I’m very suspicious of ideas based on ratios. averages, simple price patterns, trend indicators (even if combined on multiple timeframes), though some of these may have a place in a supporting role in some strategies. As I said in the podcast, there’s basically nothing new here with the exception of the structures around the open: we can trade with the trend or trade against the trend, but everything is complicated by the additional challenges and risks of daytrading. I’ll continue tomorrow with a look at some of those stats around the open.

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Only 10% Are Winners

90% Of You Will Fail. That's Not Opinion. That's Fact.

If you want to succeed in the with my or any other stock swing trading strategies, you have to realize it's all a numbers game.

Unfortunately, this numbers game points to YOU becoming a loser and giving your hard earned cash to the 10% of the winners in the market. Harsh, but nonetheless true.

Your big loss (or losses) will be quickly followed by screams of hulk rage where you inevitably call the markets a colossal scam meant only to benefit the rich.

This depressing tirade generally ends with you regretting ever having tried your hand at the stock market and swing trading strategies. You then promptly close your brokerage accounts and put the entire event out of your head for good.

You're a few hundred or a few thousand dollars poorer; and truth be told, nobody really gives a rat's a**.

If anything, you're chuckled at by your friends and family for even having tried swing trading strategies. After all, "they" could have told you it was a scam from the very beginning if you just asked them. Life goes on.

This is not fiction. This is not conjecture. This is fact.

This happens to 90% of retail traders whom try to make it in the stock market and it WILL happen to you if you rush your entrance into the stock market and swing trading strategies.

Swing trading is not a get rich quick scheme. If you treat it as such, you will be rewarded as such. And we all know the rewards of get rich quick schemes, don't we?

The 3 Simple Forex Trading Strategies That Work

Any forex trading expert will tell you that the difference between success and failure in forex trading is the forex trading strategies that you use. Forex trading is a high risk kind of an investment whose potential to instant riches is equally high. Most people get burned when they get in to forex simply due to greed and poor strategizing. However, there are several simple forex trading strategies which, if well applied, could lead to massive success in very little hora.

What To Look Out For In A Good Forex Trading Strategy

Good to note here is that the strategy that you choose when approaching forex trading should meet some minimum criteria. To start with, it should teach you something useful. It should also offer you a high probability market edge. This edge should be proven, over time, to trabajo. The strategy should also be adaptable to the changing time frames and market conditions. Finally, the strategy that you go for should be able to teach you how to do things for tú mismo. In other words, it should teach you how to read market signals so that you can know when to buy, when to sell, and when to stay put.

Some Simple Forex Trading Strategies That Work

Below are some simple strategies in forex trading that can be used by anyone quickly. These are strategies that have been proven to trabajo. They are also easy to learn and implement. You can also use them for long term profits. Unlike common belief where people think that the more complex your forex strategy is, the more likely you are to profit, these strategies are not complicated at all, with a need to break very few elements in order to lucro. Keeping it simple is always the key to winning with Forex

Strategy 1: Long Term Breakout Trading

One of the most basic forex fact is that most major trends start from new market lows or highs. All one needs to do is to buy breakouts on the chart to new highs and then sell these at new lows. It is one of the most effective and simplest trading strategies in Forex

Unfortunately, most traders are unable to use this strategy to their advantage. They think that they have missed out on some part of the move and thus wait for the pullback. In strong moves though, this never happens. They are, therefore, left watching the move as it heaps loads of cash while they are left outside as spectators.

The secret to this strategy is to time your entries with a couple of momentum indicators while focusing on long term breakouts that are valid. Simply use levels which the market considers important (and these occur a number of times a year leading to huge moves and profits) and you will make lots of cash.

Strategy 2: The 4-week Rule

Richard Donchian, one of the forex trading legends, devised this estrategia. It is one of the simplest strategies in forex trading out there, which also happens to be among the most rentable. This system, which is totally mechanical, ensures that you get in on every major forex trend through a single simple rule: maintain a position in the market always and ensure that you buy a new 4-week calendar high and also sell a new 4-week calendar low.

Strategy 3: Forex swing trading

Unlike the above two forex trading strategies, this trading overbought oversold strategy is a short term strategy. In this strategy, you use trend lines to take advantage of overbought oversold scenarios that occur in the major trends. This pushes prices far up or far down and this occurs mainly due to fear and greed. Yours is to take advantage of this and reap a quick profit in these extended levels.

Here is the secret to this strategy; simply identify resistance and support areas, then check on their volatility (use a Bollinger band for this). Then employ the power of the ultimate timing tool, the stochastic, to confirm the move. Finally, take your profit early and search for the next one. This is a strategy that can be learnt in a few days and requires minimal discipline.

All said, forex trading is all about clear thought, strategic moves, and quick acción. If you want to profit fast, go for the simplest forex trading strategies that work and that have been proven over time.

4 avg. rating 56 votes.

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work

Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to ask the same question: "Am I prepared to handle the market conditions?"

In Larry Connors', CEO and Founder of TradingMarkets, Short Term TradingMore Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to ask the same question: "Am I prepared to handle the market conditions?"

In Larry Connors', CEO and Founder of TradingMarkets, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work, he discusses 16 simple strategies crucial to the success of any trader or investor. Estas estrategias han sido a la vez probadas hasta 1995, pero también han sido comercializadas por Larry y su equipo en múltiples condiciones de mercado.

Este es el libro debe tener para cualquier persona que intenta mejorar su comercio en cualquier condición del mercado.

You'll see strategies and methods which you've likely never seen before, all of which are statistically backed by more than a decade's worth of research.

The Single Best Oscillator for Traders Do you know what's the best oscillator to use for your trading? In Chapter 9 you'll learn the one oscillator Larry believes is the closest to being the holy grail of oscillators. And you'll see the test results when applied to over 77,000 trades since 1995!

How to Make Your Trading Edges Even Bigger On pages 39-48, Larry will teach you the one simple technique to help make your daily trading edges even greater.

Learn to Properly Trade ETFs Larry teaches you some of his best strategies to trade popular ETFs like the SPYs, QQQQ's and many of the more actively traded ETFs. Professionals are flocking to ETFs and now you'll have in your possession statistically backed ETF strategies you'll be able to apply for years to come.

How to Trade Using the VIX Do you use the VIX to time your trades? You'll learn numerous ways to use the VIX, many which have been over 70% correct going back more than a decade.

"Larry has done it again. He delivers an insightful handbook of practical, useful and timeless methods to profit in the market." Tony Saliba, CEO of BNY ConvergEx LiquidPoint; Profiled in Market Wizards

The Mind Trading is as mentally tough as any profession in the world. Now learn from a world class expert, who Larry interviewed on extreme psychological training and what it takes to succeed not only in trading but in all walks of life.

Learn how to improve your trading results by purchasing Short Term Trading Strategies That Work today! Menos

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Binary Options Trading Strategies That Work

The chances of profit increase if you have a binary options trading strategy. There are many experts out there with educated opinions, and a multitude of mathematical models that aim to predict market movements. Your best bet is to use a strategy that works most of the time but there is nothing that’s always going to guarantee success.

Two Major Categories

Binary trading strategies come in two main categories. One type is similar to betting, using investment amounts and timing patterns. You don’t have to know much about predicting the market to win. A second strategy takes advantage of technical and statistical details to predict the direction of the market. With this, you’ll want to learn how to interpret charts and other data.

Binary Options Strategy Examples

Trend Signal Strategy: Look for a trend that occurred before a correction in the market. The signal for entering a trade comes when an upwards trend is followed by a reversal.

Tunnel Strategy: A break in a tunnel pattern is identified and a high position is entered if there’s a down trend or the tunnel breaks upwards. If the tunnel is in an uptrend, and broken in a downwards direction, a low position is entered. This strategy is used when betting on price ranges.

Fractal Strategy: This combines averages/fractals that show how possible a future trend may be. For example, enter a high/Call positions if you see three average values of a fractal pair converge on the alligator indicator, and they exceed the previous pair by 30 pips.

Fishing Trip Strategy: Identifies turning points in the market. Bollinger Bands are your indicators. The first candlestick indicator on a chart closes below the fishing strip; the one after it closes inside the strip. Enter your trade where the third candlestick begins. In a low position, the first indicator closes above the strip, followed by the second inside. The trade is entered with the third.

ZigZag Strategy: Indicators show where the last peak or trough breaks out. This strategy follows the subsequent momentum. High positions are entered when a peak is broken out, and a low position should be entered if a prior trough is breached.

Wave Tracker Strategy: Indicators show the change in rate direction. You’ll follow the new trend with your trades. If the rate goes above the 100 moving average, based on the Parabolic SAR, enter a high position, or go low if the rate is below the 100 average.

T-Chaser Strategy: Once you identify when a new trend starts, use fractals, exponential moving averages, and the Commodity Channel Index to make your decision.

Fibo Trap Strategy: See the end of a correction and jump in as a new trend starts, by looking at the Fibonacci, Relative Strength Index, or Stochastic Oscillator.

Zoom in Strategy: If a new minor trend is found, time your entry accordingly.

There are many common strategies. Each helps you identify a specific trend and time your binary options trades accordingly. The more familiar you become with these, the more intuitive your choices will be, increasing the chances of profit.

Trading Strategies that work on Amazon earnings . Learn here about the most profitable trading strategies to use and profit from Amazon after the company reports earnings. These trading strategies have been used for years at Vieira Trading.

Vieira is the pioneer using this strategy which has been working for several years every time Amazon reports earnings. He has been using it shaping Amazon stock price history.

Vieira demonstrates how this trading strategy work on the video informing subscribers about reversal stock pivots in real-time . Investors in Amazon using Vieira’s stock pivots have literally accumulated millions of dollars in the past years.

As investors may see on the video Vieira Trading team informs subscribers in real time when to take profits on Amazon short positions and when to buy the stock – the reversal pivot $377 and the very bottom

On Friday’s session, the day following Amazon earnings report shares opened around $440 that’s $63 per share above stock reversal pivot.

This reversal stock pivot also named a major trend continuation pivot confirms Amazon continues trading within an existing uptrend which started back in 2009 when Vieira upgraded shares of Amazon to Strong Buy at $77.

In 2015 Vieira upgraded Amazon to Strong Buy at $285. Today Amazon is the second best performer on the exchange after Netflix which has been Vieira’s primary investment in the past years.

Therefore, we have been using the same in-house proprietary algorithm in global leading companies Amazon and Netflix turning them into the best stock market performers regardless of earnings

2 Simple Option Strategies That Work

Author, Mastering the Trade

Option trading doesn't have to be complicated, says John Carter . explaining two ways anyone can use options to either buy stocks without huge capital outlay or earn extra income.

We’re talking option strategies with John Carter. John, in this kind of market, a lot of people looking to hedge or leverage some of the upside and protect against the downside start thinking about options. What option strategies should they look at?

Options can get very complicated very quickly. I talk to a lot of people who say options get over their head very quickly, and it doesn’t need to be that way.

I think that is just because by the very nature of options, you can do these three-legged, clipped-winged butterflies, and different things like that. Well, just because you can do that doesn’t mean you should.

I really think the easiest way to use options is simply look at it as a cheaper way to own the stock. That is the most important thing.

So, Apple (AAPL ) at $500 a share, if you are buying 1000 shares, you have to lay out half a million dollars; or you could buy ten slightly in-the-money contracts and it’s a whole different ballgame. You are then participating in the price movement.

You want to do analysis on the underlying stock, and if that analysis is bullish, great, buy some in-the-money calls, like Delta 70 or above. If it is bearish, you can do the opposite. Really, beyond that, things are actually very simple.

The only other thing that I like to do is sell premium. What that means is you take those options that are out-of-the-money—a couple strikes out of the money—and you look to sell them.

A lot of times, I will just buy an in-the-money call for directional purposes, and if it starts moving towards my target, I can actually start selling some of the out-of-money calls against it. Then those actually start losing premium, so it is almost like a poor man’s covered call.

Just think of it as a cheaper way to own the stock. That is your first and foremost priority with the options market. Then, from there, there is an opportunity to sell some premium.

You don’t have to sit there and spend your whole day trying to get Delta neutral and have all these different positions on for different contingencies.

Sometimes you get into a play that goes against you. Then, instead of just taking it off and taking a stop, a lot of people will then put on three different option strategies to help balance that out. Again, that is just making things too complicated. To make money in options, you have to keep it simple.

I think that is probably a universal recommendation for a lot of strategies, especially in trading.

Well effective trading is like an effective marriage: you have got to keep things simple. Don’t look at a bunch of other things; you focus on what you know best and go from there.

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Chapter 4 BSP & BOP Strategy Examples

Following are examples of close-to-close and open-to-close betting using either BSP or BOP strategies, whichever is most profitable. Time span is beginning of 2010 to 2011-04-01 (April 1, 2011), which is 314 trading days. Plots for SPY, TLT, and GLD are BOP, while USO is BSP. The solid line shows the profit or loss per share on a cumulative basis and always starts at zero. Trading costs are not included since it depends on the broker, but as long as you stick to one broker, it's a constant, and can just be subtracted from the final result. The dotted line shows the daily closing price. The scale for profit per share is on the left and the closing price scale is on the right.

Note that while only one strategy is shown, you can see what the other strategy would do by reflecting the profit/loss plot about the zero line. This means that if profits climb for the BOP strategy then they would fall for the BSP strategy and vice versa.

Figure 4.1 Profit per share on SPY (solid line) for BOP strategy with close-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.2 Profit per share on SPY (solid line) for BOP strategy with open-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.3 Profit per share on TLT (solid line) for BOP strategy with close-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.4 Profit per share on TLT (solid line) for BOP strategy with open-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.5 Profit per share on GLD (solid line) for BOP strategy with close-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.6 Profit per share on GLD (solid line) for BOP strategy with open-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.7 Profit per share on USO (solid line) for BSP strategy with close-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.8 Profit per share on USO (solid line) for BSP strategy with open-to-close (no transaction cost).

Figure 4.1 shows close to close trading on SPY using the BOP strategy. The period covered runs from the beginning of January 2010 to the beginning of April 2011. During the first two weeks of January 2010 the strategy does quite well with a profit of almost $5 per share while SPY oscillates and declines a bit. After this the profit oscillates wildly as SPY declines and recovers a bit. At the end of February we have a profit of over $5 while SPY is down over the same period. From March to the beginning of May the strategy does poorly while SPY climbs steadily. From May to the middle of June the performance is spectacular with a profit gain of well over $20 while SPY declines with a great deal of volatility. July to the beginning of September is a period of volatility for both SPY and trading profits but still September begins with a profit of $15 while SPY is down for the year. September to the beginning of November does well with another $5 increase in profit with SPY also rising steadily. Profits then decline a bit and oscillate around $15 until the beginning of April 2011. Overall a constant BOP strategy does rather well for the period but there are times when switching to a BSP strategy would have helped profits.

Figure 4.2 shows open to close trading on SPY using the BOP strategy. Over the entire period the performance is similar to the close to close trading shown in figure 1. It is interesting to note however that the maximum loss here is -$10 while in figure 1 it is only -$5. Also the peak profit here is just over $15 while in figure 1 it is just over $20. So while the end result is about the same, there is a larger maximum loss and a smaller maximum gain over the period when using open to close trading instead of close to close.

Figure 4.3 shows close to close trading for TLT using the BOP strategy. For the first four months the strategy does extremely well, gaining a profit of almost $13 while TLT declines somewhat over the same period. Profits then begin a decline until around the end of August where they become slightly negative. TLT increases steadily over this same period. At the beginning of September TLT begins to decline, reaching a low point around the beginning of February 2011. Profits over this period rise dramatically, going from slightly negative to almost $40 at the end of March 2011. Overall the BOP strategy seems to do somewhat poorly when TLT is rising but it does spectacularly well when TLT is falling. Using BSP while TLT is rising and BOP while it is falling would seem to be optimal. Figuring out when TLT is in a rising or falling mode is the challenge.

Figure 4.4 shows open to close trading for TLT using the BOP strategy. The performance here is almost too good to believe. The profit remains positive over the whole period. It is interesting that the profit climbs during both the rising and falling periods of TLT. The one drawback is that the profit tops at about $35 while with close to close trading it tops at about $40. Why there is such a difference between close to close and open to close trading for TLT, using the same strategy, is something that bears further investigation.

Figure 4.5 shows close to close trading on GLD using the BOP strategy. The performance of the strategy is quite amazing. Starting in January the profit climbs $10 while GLD declines over the same period. By the beginning of March profits are up to almost $15 while GLD is down. Not much happens until the beginning of July when profits climb and peak at about $35 during the month while GLD is up only a little under $6 for the year. Starting in September profits begin an almost relentless climb to about $68 by early November. GLD also climbs over this period and peaks at $137.78 on November 8, up $28 for the year. For the rest of 2010 and early 2011 there is not much change with profits peaking a little over $70 in early February 2011.

Figure 4.6 shows open to close trading on GLD using the BOP strategy. The performance here is much worse than the close to close trading shown in figure 5. Profits end the period up about $37 which is far below the almost $70 for close to close trading. There is also a maximum loss of about -$5 while there is never a net loss with close to close trading.

Figure 4.7 shows close to close trading for USO using the BSP strategy. The overall performance is not very good. The profit peaks at about $7 in February 2011 with USO up only about $1 over the same period. From here however, things get ugly with a steady fall in profit to a bottom of about -$10 in September 2011. USO itself declines almost as much over the same period. Things then pick up a bit and we are at a profit of almost $2 at the beginning of February 2011 while USO is still down from January 2010. USO now begins a sharp upward climb while profits decline for an ending loss of about -$1. Neither the BSP of BOP strategy seems to work well for USO.

Figure 4.8 shows open to close trading for USO using the BSP strategy. The performance is horrible. Things decline from the start with the low point occurring in May 2010 at loss of almost -$8. From here things climb to a maximum profit of about $3 in November 2010. Things decline again and we close the period with a loss of about -$2 while USO is up. Using these simple strategies would not have worked well for USO. Something more sophisticated is needed.

Table 4.1 ranks the final profit/share (rounded to nearest dollar) for the plots of figures 4.1 through 4.8. The best performer was GLD at $68 per share using BOP and close to close, shown in figure 4.5. Second best was TLT at $40 per share using BOP and close to close, shown in figure 4.3. GLD comes in again at number 3 with $37 per share using BOP and open to close, shown in figure 4.6. TLT reappears at number 4 with $34 per share using BOP and open to close, shown in figure 4.4. Note that the top 3, over the long term, either match the trend of the price, or go against the trend. Number 4 (TLT, BOP, open to close) stands out by showing profit over the long term regardless of the price trend.

Table 4.1 Profit/loss ranking for BOP and BSP strategies of figures 4.1 through 4.8.

Four Trading Strategies That Work

An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!

If you have been following us this year you already know that our trading partner Chris Vermeulen has been spot on in 2016 and has helped our readers make profitable trade after profitable trade this year. We have followed and worked with many traders over the years so we know what trading information is useful and what is just junk information.

Chris’ connects with most readers through his complimentary stock trading and education newsletter which includes simple trading strategies to use with stocks, options, futures or forex.

Get Chris’ newsletter “The Four Trading Strategies That Work” right HERE!

We hope you enjoy the free content and learning from some new tips and tricks for your own trading toolbox. To further add value Chris has put together a way for you to learn some of his trading strategies which cover stocks, options, futures and forex.

Bookmark this link since you can only select one free trading strategy at a time when you optin to the form on this special webpage below. But I should note, if you want a second or third strategy you just need to revisit the optin page, optin, and select another strategy.

These strategies are only available for a couple days then Chris takes them down so click the link below and optin to be presented with the four trading strategies.

Click here to get the free “Four Trading Strategies That Work”

An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!

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One Stock for Winning Investors

In a riptide market that’s been as herky-jerky and unpredictable as the one we’ve seen in recent months, there’s one strategy that will help you navigate the cross-currents, dodge the rocks and get to the calmer waters that lay somewhere ahead of us.

This strategy will help you avoid the ignominy of having your portfolio’s keel ripped out from beneath you – and it will also help you achieve real growth when everyone around you is foundering.

And the strategy is a simple one: Invest in stocks that keep doing well – even in the face of a lousy market… Full Story

Este es un contenido premium para los suscriptores de Private Briefing pagados solamente.

How would you like to put an extra $125,000 in your nest egg? You can potentially do it this year - and you'll only have to risk $20 to learn how. Haga clic aquí .

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Options: Trading Strategies That Work

Ships from Ventura, CA, USA

Illustrated with Statistics. Good Clean Cond. in Yes / Good jacket. Stock Market Reference Guide. Profit / Money / Trading. Quality Hardback: hard cover edition in Very Good condition, some slight wear to edges, as normal for age of book; and in a Good Dust Jacket with some egde wear and slight chipping. Overall good / nice copy of this scarce title. Excellent reading on the subject. A good book to enjoy and keep on hand for yourself, or would make a GREAT GIFT for the fan / reader in your life. Reading is one of the great pleasures in life.

I trust you had a restful festive season break and hopefully got to spend many hours with family and friends enjoying the good things life has to offer us.

You may have noticed, I have been a little quiet over the past several Weeks. I took some much needed time off to recharge, followed by some lengthy strategizing sessions in both my work and personal life. December through to the end of January is definitely the best time of the year to be planning and laying down a solid platform for the year ahead, after all if planned correctly January becomes the perfect baseline month for the rest of the year…

Stock Market Predictions 2015…

Speaking of the rest of the year, ever noticed how the Talking Heads March on to centre stage at this time of the year to provide their Stock Market Predictions for 2015 in the Futures Market, Forex Market, Commodities Market and all markets for that matter.

Year in and year out you will see the majority of them get it wrong, because it is only the minority who actually get it right and succeed in this incredibly tough, but lucrative game. For those who are in the minority, it has almost always taken time, proper planning and effective risk management strategies (amongst other things) to succeed e. g. James Simons, Warren Buffet, George Soros, etc.

Personally, I learnt from my mistakes trying to predict the future movements of these markets: Futures Markets, Commodities Markets, Indices, Forex, Bonds, etc. I also learnt my lessons to not follow the hyped up so called TV Investor guru’s. Valuable lessons were learnt through my mentor to rather follow the minority, the older wiser truly successful investors who will generally refrain from making 2015 Stock Market Predictions and merely state what their high level investment plans are.

Therefore you will not see or hear me making stock predictions like the majority do, what you will see from me through the course of this year is FACTs . through a display of my mechanical trading strategies past results and month to month progress. TRANSPARENCY is what you will get, as I start a new Trade Account that I will trade alongside my clients, so that on a month to month basis my subscribers are able to see the REAL success of these Systematic Trading Strategies.

Every month (Starting from 1st March 2015) you my subscriber base will receive a graphical financial update displaying my REAL accounts financial progress. This leads us into our next discussion topic…

As previously mentioned in the above paragraph, Mark8 Traders will be opening up to the public for the very first time and providing access to our mechanical trading strategy signals. This access will allow the minority to regain control of their long term financial market investing future by trading alongside us in the Futures market with our 13yr proven back tested systems to get the edge that other traders just don’t have.

The thought did cross my mind on whether I should continue down this path in offering my systematic trading strategy signals to the public when personally the capital growth I gain from them does not actually warrant me the financial gains to share them. I realised in that moment that it was very selfish of me to think that, especially after all that I have been through in the first five years of trying to get it right and failing.

My mentor has shown me so much and someday I have to return the favour and maybe this will be that day by sharing what I now know and have with others. That alone, the act of giving back something to the community is rewarding in its self. I have set my mind on pursuing this goal of sharing what I know and have, so I am currently working hard to make it a 100 percent pure ‘Value Add’ service for our members.

Over the next several weeks I will be completing the infrastructure set ups and FREE documentation covering the key ingredients behind the Mark8 Traders Mechanical Trading Strategies.

Keep an eye on your inbox, because through the month of February I will be delivering some content rich emails, images and video’s, so that you can prepare yourself to Trade with the minority of truly successful long term capital growth Traders.

Invest $mart, Sean.

PD When I was in the gym earlier today I had a sort of metaphor moment comparing weight training to financial market investing. Both take time and patience to result in noticeable gains. Like you cannot build muscle overnight, you cannot get wealthy through the financial markets over night.

Every person trading in Forex knows that simply determining indicators and reading the charts is not enough. In order to make a steady stream or a substantial amount of profit, one has to utilize Forex trading strategies. This article will discuss 3 simple Forex trading strategies that work.

Forex related news, whether apparent and/or real, immediately precede an upward spike or a downward spiral. This is because this is the most accessible means of information gathering for traders in general, and provided and reported by reputable news institutions that are generally reliable. This usually lasts for 10 to 15 minutes and then traders will see a slow return to previously traded levels. For example, historically speaking, Non Farm Payroll (NFP) which is released at the 1 st Friday of every month is used by most traders to determine the value of the US Dollar (USD).

In application, all you have to do is look at the global price market and pay special attention to news related trading which are indicated as “high”. The key here is to wait for 10 to 15 minutes from the time the news of the day preceded the spike. After that, you trade in the opposite direction of the price movement. In order to generate profits, you watch out for the following:

Your “Take Profit”, which is the trading level immediately prior to the news.

Your “Stop Trading”, which is set as near as the most recent low or high from the news.

Inside Day Breakout

Essential to this strategy is known as the “daily candle”. The trader looks for one that stays within the previous trading day’s high and low. In other words, the candle of the day never goes above or below the high and low of the immediately preceding trading day. The more candles that meet this condition within consecutive trading days the better. The strategy is simple, the trader depending on his/her position does one of the two things:

Buy one Percentage in points above the previous day’s high.

Sell one Percentage in points below the previous day’s low.

Two Hour MACD Cross

This works best on trending currency pairs. Make use of at least two indicators, preferably the MACD and the 200 Period Simple Moving Average. Both indicators will be used to determine the change in trend and to determine the direction of the trend respectively. Bear in mind that price action below the latter indicates a downtrend and the reverse indicates an uptrend. With the MACD, you make use of two strategies:

Buy when there is an uptrend and the MACD line goes over the signal line.

Sell when there is a downtrend and the MACD line goes below the signal line.

The three strategies discussed are simple to understand, easy to implement, and require very little time to close. However, there is no such thing as a foolproof trading strategy. As such, a stop loss order cannot be emphasized enough. In order to increase your competence and confidence, it is best you make full use of a Forex demo account, undergo continuing Forex education, and always stay calm regardless of the trading direction.

Estrategias Forex Trading

Estrategias Forex Trading

Currently, there are several Forex trading strategies that has been in use for over a decade, with some of the ideas based on technical use of charts and numbers and the others based on the fundamental understanding of the forex market with reference to current events. Few of this ideas has grown popular through its wide acceptance while the other idea has continued to be in use by only few Forex traders. We will be discussing the different categories of this strategies, even from the ones with high level of complexity to the simple ones.

Forex Trading Strategies for Beginners

Support and Resistance Levels Forex Trading Strategy

This strategy is required by all forex traders at all levels, even from the beginner to the expert stage to learn how to use the support and resistance levels on the charts. this strategy due to its effectiveness, has been proved to be very useful to trader trading on either Forex. commodities, stocks or any other instruments. It serve as basis for every trading activity and analysis. This support and resistance levels, can be easily identified by good traders even on a naked chart.

Fibonacci Indicator Forex Trading Strategy

This strategy named after a famous Italian mathematician is one of the most popularly used forex trading strategy in the forex market. It’s a medium-long term trading strategy that is used by following the repeated support and resistance levels method. Fibonacci trading strategy is used by taking advantage of the wavy movement of the market. It is define by ratios that can be used to identify potential resistance and support levels on the financial charts. 61.8%, 50% and 31.8% are the most commonly used Fibonacci ratios.

Forex Trading Strategies That Work

Multiple Time Frames Forex Trading Strategy

The FX Market Leaders uses this method to double check trading decisions as they are analyzed. this method is used by focusing on a certain pair of currency over different time frames, by spotting trends on bigger and smaller scales. Thereafter, a better analysis is made on the overall trend. while there’s no limit on how many frames to follow, the recommend idea is to following not more than 3-4 time frames at a time and the good combination can be 15 minutes chart. or + 30 minutes chart and +5 hours chart respectively.

Scalping – Short Term Forex Trading Strategy

This method offers low risk and its been proved to help expert traders make enormous profit over a period of time. Though its been evaluated to be easy, yet its seems hard to understand by newbies in Forex trading. To make profit with this strategy, a great deal of patience and awareness is highly required. Bringing emotions to this trading platform will not favor trader because of the compulsive action that will want to set in.

Simple Forex Trading Strategies

Horizontal Levels Forex Trading Strategy

This trading strategy has been recommended to apsiring or newbies in forex trading to be the first strategy to learn. It helps traders to analyze the charts position and can be use inline with other Forex trading strategies, yet. they can still be accessed as a standalone for trading Forex.

Candlestick Forex Trading Strategy

The Candlestick charts are the most sort after by retail traders and investors. Aside from other charts like the line charts, bar charts and etc, the candlesticks chart shows analysis for past price action, and offering its users the ability to decide on future price action based on how the prices reacted in the past. This market indicator as been tested to yield best result even at volatile and less volatile times when combined with one or other two indicators.

Trend trading Forex Trading Strategy

This trading strategy is been use by the FXML’s top analyst as one of their leading trading strategies to check which side of the market trend they’re usually on, before trading. the process is built around picking either a top or a bottom. This idea might seem very easy to newbies but without the right training and continous use with perserverance, its not going to yeild result because you’ll be cut up with not being able to make the right decisions due to your inability to identify the trends.

Hedging Forex Trading Strategy

This trading strategies is the most widely used strategy by big players in the financial markets, both the private and institutional organization. because it helps alot in limiting risk and increasing probabilities of winning. Among several strategies out there, Hedging has be proved to be the best. That’s why its in widely use by many large institutions as a compulsory component of their trading tactics.

Trading moving averages

For traders to be successful in this career, several factors needs to be considered for both long term trade and short term trade. This factors includes using either the fundamental indicators, technical indicators or both. However, on the other hand, overcrowding the charts with too many indicators will contradict each other which will later result in a cloud judgement.

Steps to Improve Your Trading

Creating a trading plan

A recent survey carried out on the forex market indicated that 80% of new Forex traders fail all the time, and this is due to the fact that there wasn’t a clear plan on ground. Like soldiers would need amunition, skills and telex to be able to make it through in a war, Same way a trader will be required to get a full hand of information, the right strategies and the best tool to be able to make it through while trading Forex.


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Exención de responsabilidad de los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos - La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Entender claramente esto: La información contenida en este producto no es una invitación para operar ninguna inversión específica. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es tu decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras y personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. No actúe en esto sin el consejo de su profesional de la inversión, que verificará qué es conveniente para sus necesidades y circunstancias particulares. La falta de buscar asesoramiento profesional detallado personalmente antes de actuar podría conducir a que usted actúe en contra de sus propios intereses y podría conducir a pérdidas de capital.


Sobre nosotros

We are a group of highly passionate traders and love to share our content as our way of giving back. Estas son una colección de las estrategias más poderosas disponibles y lo estamos regalando sin costo alguno. Por favor tome tiempo para visitarnos todos los días para revisar cada video. Y suscribirse a nuestro boletín de noticias para descargar las plantillas de comercio impresionante que estamos regalando. Muchas gracias por ser nuestro visitante del sitio y por favor sea activo en sus comentarios en los videos para ayudarnos a mejorar aún más.


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GBP/USD Weekly Forecast - March 14th to 18th - Advanced Forex Strategies https://t. co/eLLOyQT0eH

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Over the years I’ve looked at several very simple long strategies that were published in the book, “Short Term Trading Strategies That Work ” by Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez. Those articles include the following long strategies:

Buried within Connors and Alvarez’s book you will find one simple shorting strategy which can be used on the major market indices. In this article I will review this strategy and also combine it with the Double Shorting strategy we explored a couple of weeks back.

Simple Shorting Strategy

The rules of this system are very simple.

The instrument must be below its 200 day moving average.

If the instrument closes up for four or more days in a row, sell short at close.

Cover your position when price closes below a 5-day SMA at open of next bar.

The trading model is very simple and attempts to fade strong bullish moves when the overall market sentiment is bearish. By only taking trades when the market is below its 200-day SMA we are ensuring bears are in control. We then attempt to sell into short-term bullish strength as defined by four days of consecutive market advances.

Below is a screenshot showing example trades on the S&P Cash Index. Click the image for a larger view.

Larry Connors short trades. Click to enlarge.

Unless otherwise stated, all the tests performed in this article will be based on the following assumptions:

Starting account size of $100,000.

Dates tested are from 1993 through January 31, 2013.

The number of shares traded will be based on volatility estimation and risking no more than $2,000 per trade.

Volatility is estimated with a five times 20-day ATR calculation. This is done to normalize the amount of risk per trade.

The P&L is not accumulated to the starting equity.

There are no deductions for commissions and slippage.

There are no stops.

Here is the position sizing formula used:

Shares = $2,000 per trade / 5 * ATR(20) * Big_Point_Value )

SPX Equity Curve

Larry Connors Short Performance

Overall, this is not very impressive. With only 30-trades since 1993 we only generate 3.51% return on our capital. Of course the market bias is up, so most of the time we are not actively looking for trades. But even when we are looking for trades during those bear markets, this method is not capturing enough profit to make it worth pursuing. This is a similar result I wrote about in this article, “The Death Cross – What You Need To Know. “

While I don’t expect much change, let’s take a look at trading the ETF, SPY.

Larry Connors Short on SPY.

Larry Connors Short SPY and SPX

The results are slightly better but nothing too exciting.

Double Seven With Shorting

While we have determined that this shorting method is not that great, for fun let’s add it to Larry Connors’ long trading strategy we explored a few weeks back called Double Seven and use it to trade the SPY ETF. I simply updated the TradeStation strategy code from the previous article to take trades during a bull and bear market. During a bull market the Double Seven strategy will be actively taking trades while during a bear market the Connors Shorting strategy will be taking trades. Below are the results of combining these two strategies into a single system.

Double Seven With Shorting Equity Curve

Double Seven With Shorting Weekly Drawdown

The performance chart below compares the Long Only system with the combined Long/Short system.

Double Seven Strategy With Shorting


The Double Seven Strategy with the shorting component does slightly improve the results of the long only Double Seven strategy. Is this system tradable with real money as is? Probablemente no. Remember, there are no stops. However, this does not mean it cannot be turned into a tradable system with a little work. Also keep in mind profits are not reinvested during the tests performed above. Each trade only risked $2,000 which amounts to a 2% risk on a $100,000 account. If you reinvest your profits while maintaing a 2% risk per trade and/or increase your risk per trade, your returns will be greater.

Get The Book


February 4, 2013 5:44 am

Aren’t you being a little dismissive of the performance of this strategy? I think the results here look very good. Where the issue arises is with the infrequency of trading (Van Tharp uses a portmanteau word ‘expectatunity’ to combine expectancy with the opportunity to exercise it). But if I recall correctly Connors is quite explicit about the need to trade the strategies he describes across a portfolio of ETFs, thereby increasing the number of trades and, hopefully, the return.

An article in which you use the ETF portfolio testing software from the Ivy Portfolio piece to test Connor’s ideas across a group of markets would be very welcome indeed.

February 5, 2013 7:13 am

Hello BlueHorseshoe. I have not been spending much time at Trader’s Laboratory lately. Hope all is well with you. Creo que puede tener razón. I would like to perform more portfolio testing on this strategy as well as other strategies I write about. The ETF Replay site will not work with this Shorting Strategy as the ability to program is very limited. You basically have a few pre-built methods to backtest. However, TradeStation does have this ability. It’s a relatively new feature and I just need to dedicate some time to learn it. But I think it will be well worth it.

February 5, 2013 3:29 am

Good work but equity curves with the trade number on the X-axis can be quite misleading as they do not reveal prolonged period of inactivity and identify those periods. It would be better to show the actual dates on the X-axis. For example in a 10 year period, all trades could be in the first year and nothing after that, just to mention an extreme case. Are you willing to trade the system no matter how good the results are?

February 5, 2013 7:17 am

This is a good point and one that I’ve brought up in other articles. When evaluating a trading system you need to be comfortable with the drawdown or sideways periods. The time between equity peaks needs to be examined. For some systems this time may be weeks, months or years! That’s why it’s important that everyone download the strategy, test it, completely understand it, and make their own decisions. For what is acceptable to one person, is unacceptable to another.

March 11, 2013 9:54 am

I wonder if there isn’t more work to be done in order to further decrease the possibility these results aren’t due to chance. The simple shorting strategy used four consecutive up closes, which is arbitrary. Shouldn’t you look at surrounding values like 2 (?), 3, 5, and 7? I would also think you should optimize the 200-day MA to check the surrounding neighborhood along with the length of the MA used to cover. The real complexity in my mind, then, comes in making sense of all three optimizations and figuring out which values are best (if any). This is the same sort of process you did in the Double 7’s article by varying the 7-day lookback.

March 11, 2013 10:28 am

Mark, there is always more work to be done! LOL. These are good ideas and would be appropriate for another article. Overall I have to balance the size of the article with the information I wish to convey. I try to keep articles around 1000 words since many people are busy. I wish to convey a single key idea per article so it can be quickly digested. Many of these articles are great springboards to inspire individuals to continue the research on their own. Again, you’re ideas are worth testing and I can easily dedicate another article to test these. ¡Gracias!

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work

Larry Connors, Cesar Alvarez, "Short Term Trading Strategies That Work" Trad ingMar kets | 2008 | ISBN: 0981923909, 1616586389 | 140 pages | PDF | 2,9 MB

The top-selling trading book from Connors and Alvarez now comes in paperback!

Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to ask the same question: "Am I prepared to handle the market conditions?"

In Larry Connors', CEO and Founder of TradingMarkets, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work, he discusses 16 simple strategies crucial to the success of any trader or investor. Estas estrategias han sido a la vez probadas hasta 1995, pero también han sido comercializadas por Larry y su equipo en múltiples condiciones de mercado.

Este es el libro debe tener para cualquier persona que intenta mejorar su comercio en cualquier condición del mercado.

You'll see strategies and methods which you've likely never seen before, all of which are statistically backed by more than a decade's worth of research.

The Single Best Oscillator for Traders Do you know what's the best oscillator to use for your trading? In Chapter 9 you'll learn the one oscillator Larry believes is the closest to being the holy grail of oscillators. And you'll see the test results when applied to over 77,000 trades since 1995!

How to Make Your Trading Edges Even Bigger On pages 39-48, Larry will teach you the one simple technique to help make your daily trading edges even greater.

Learn to Properly Trade ETFs Larry teaches you some of his best strategies to trade popular ETFs like the SPYs, QQQQ's and many of the more actively traded ETFs. Professionals are flocking to ETFs and now you'll have in your possession statistically backed ETF strategies you'll be able to apply for years to come.

How to Trade Using the VIX Do you use the VIX to time your trades? You'll learn numerous ways to use the VIX, many which have been over 70% correct going back more than a decade.

"Larry has done it again. He delivers an insightful handbook of practical, useful and timeless methods to profit in the market." Tony Saliba, CEO of BNY ConvergEx LiquidPoint; Profiled in Market Wizards

The Mind Trading is as mentally tough as any profession in the world. Now learn from a world class expert, who Larry interviewed on extreme psychological training and what it takes to succeed not only in trading but in all walks of life.

Learn how to improve your trading results by purchasing Short Term Trading Strategies That Work today!

Checked this PDF with Foxit reader (opens without problems)

Learn stock trading strategies that work

Here are three types of stock trading strategies that work . You can use them to generate regular income from stock market trading. You can choose one of them and trade it exclusively as the only one and the best swing trading strategy. Or, you can combine all of them in your stock trading system and profit from different market situations.

The description of every stock buying strategy below is specifically for swing and position traders. If you’re a day-trader, you have to modify or read more about the best day-trading strategies that work.

Breakout stock market trading strategies

Breakout stock market trading strategies can be very profitable. They offer extremely explosive potential during strong trend markets. It’s a very important condition for trading breakouts; use it preferably in a strong bullish market trend.

Checklist for a good breakout opportunity

The market is in a bullish trend.

The stock is near its horizontal resistance.

The resistance has formed for several weeks already.

The stock moves in a tight range just under the resistance for several days.

The volume slowly increases, but the price change is small.

Check this example of a breakout swing trade strategy opportunity.

All these conditions lead to the breakout that has explosive potential. The price moves rapidly up when the line of resistance breaks and sellers are on the retreat. Buyers are quickly rushing into this stock and continuously buying. This buying pressure pushes the price up quickly.

The advantages of the breakout swing trading strategy

The price advances quickly, so your trade profits quite soon.

The failure rate is quite small during a strong bullish market trend.

The stock price can reach your target area soon, so you can make money quickly.

The trend can help and the trade can overrun your expected target. The trade will generate much larger than expected profit in this scenario.

The disadvantages of the breakout stock market strategies

The price moves quickly and you should enter the trade quickly to have a good entry point for your trade.

The risk reward ratio can become worse if you can’t enter this trade soon enough.

TIP: Set your entry order well before the stock breaks out and use the market order to enter the trade in the best price.

Typical strong breakout trade results chart

Pullback swing trading strategy

Bullish pullback stock trading strategies work well in a strong bullish trend market. But their advantage is that they’re also good for a not-so-trendy market. You can also trade with this swing trade strategy during neutral and even during bear markets.

Checklist for a pullback buying opportunity

The stock made a strong advance in previous weeks.

The stock pulled back a little bit but no farther than 50 percent of the previous strong move.

The volume during a pullback is smaller than during a strong move up.

The stock shows a good relative strength to the general market.

Example of pullback buying swing trade strategy opportunity

The advantages of the pullback swing trading strategy

This stock buying strategy is less risky. It offers a better risk/reward ratio than breakout strategies for trading stocks.

The bullish pullback strategy is useful in almost every market situation. You can trade it in a bull market but also in neutral or bearish stock market conditions.

The stock price can rise also in bearish or neutral markets.

The disadvantages of the pullback swing trade strategy

The timing of the entry can be a little bit tricky.

It can be hard to use this swing trade strategy in bearish markets and buy stock during a market downtrend.

Chart pattern trading strategies for the stock market

You can also base successful stock trading strategies on chart patterns. There are several good stock chart patterns that provide consistent returns for swing traders. These strategies for trading stocks have similar characteristics to breakout strategies.

Checklist for good chart pattern opportunity

The market is in a bullish trend that supports trade direction.

The stock price forms a bullish chart pattern.

The stock price moves in a tight range as a pattern develops.

The volume slowly increases, but the price change is small.

Example of flag chart pattern trading strategy opportunity

The advantages of the best chart pattern trading strategy

The breakout is often strong, and the price moves quickly in the expected direction, that is, the trade is quickly profitable.

The failure rate is quite small during bullish market trend conditions.

The price can surpass the expected target level.

The disadvantages of the chart pattern trading strategies

There are many different chart patterns for swing trading.

They’re not very suitable for bearish market situations.

The breakout from the pattern can be quick, and it complicates the trade entry.

Other steps needed for stock trading strategies that work

You have to use additional know-how to make profitable trades based on any of the stock market trading strategies described above. The next steps that you should add to the description of your swing trading system are

Stock screening for profitable opportunities

Setting the entry, exit, and stop-loss levels

Rules for trade management

Study more about stock trading strategies that work on this site, or if you want to make more info, join my trading club and watch swing trade strategies in action. I publish detailed stock picks and trade setups for breakouts, pullbacks, or using chart patterns regularly.

Find more on related pages

Forex Trading Strategies that work

There are many trading strategies that work for trading forex and futures markets. One of the simplest and often the first that novices look at is the use of moving averages.

Moving averages can be used in several different ways such as:

To smooth out the noise in the underlying data and hence provide the trader with a clearer indication of the general trend in prices

To indicate overall trend of the market. A rising moving average is generally Bullish and a falling moving average is generally Bearish

If price is above its moving average and the moving average is also rising then this is considered Bullish

They can also be used as an overbought oversold indicators. Moving averages tend to act as a “magnet ” and prices are continually being drawn back to them. So if price becomes too overextended above or below its moving average then it is likely to pull back/retrace to the moving average in the near future

They can often be used as support or resistance levels. If price is turned back by the moving average (bounces off) a few times then the moving average can be considered to be a support or resistance level that needs to be overcome before price can continue its move in one direction or another.

Often multiple moving averages of varying lengths are used together on the same chart – so called dual or triple moving average crossover systems. For a dual moving average systems you would have a shorter term average and a longer term average.

It is considered Bullish when the shorter term average is above the longer term average and even more so if they are both rising.

It is considered Bullish if the shorter term average is also pulling further away above the longer term average as this indicates increasing shorter term momentum – the market wants to go higher

They often form an integral part of successful trading strategies used by forex and futures traders.

Other trading indicators are often developed around moving averages such as MACD (moving average convergence divergence) or Bollinger Bands.

These are just some of the ways moving averages can be used to help you interpret the charts and make trading decisions. Next we will look at a few specific trading strategies based upon moving averages.

Posted in: Uncategorized Articles by: Published: March 1, 2015

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4 Timeless Day Trading Strategies That Work

If you want to be a successful day trader, it’s crucial to know the most effective day trading strategies. Every day trader has at least a few favorite strategies that he falls back on again and again. What works for one person may not work for another, though, so it pays to learn as many as possible in the beginning.

Basic Day Trading Strategies

There are a few basic rules that will help you achieve ongoing success as a day trader. They apply to all day trading strategies. The most important one is to not allow yourself to be ruled by emotion. Emotions have no place in any successful day trading strategy. So-called gut reactions only lead to trouble.

One of the reasons that emotions are bad news for day traders is that they can make you deviate from your chosen strategy. This brings us to our second rule, which is to stick with your game plan. No matter which strategy you are following, you need to see it through. Persistence is key.

Finally, you must be able to recognize and understand trading indicators. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve success with any of the most effective strategies.

The Best Strategies for Day Traders

There are dozens of day trading strategies. Avoid becoming overwhelmed by learning these four basic strategies first:

News Trading – When a major news event occurs that affects the stock market, savvy day traders spring into action. Using this strategy is as simple as keeping up to date with current news stories and moving quickly to buy or sell as needed.

Range Trading – This is where in-depth research and patience really pay off. Learn the normal high and low range of a specific stock and always trade within it.

Pairs Trading – As the name implies, this strategy involves trading in pairs. Choose a category, and then go short on a weak stock and long on a strong one. By making these trades simultaneously, you dramatically increase your odds of achieving remarkable profits.

Contrarian Trading – Despite what the current momentum of a stock suggests, this strategy requires you to trade against it. Many beginning day traders struggle with this strategy, but more seasoned traders know that it’s a terrific way to make some serious money.

As you gain more experience as a day trader, you’ll get to know additional strategies, including variations on the ones highlighted above. Before too long, you’ll have a selection of strategies that will help you achieve long-term success as a day trader.

technical trading strategies

Those of you who follow my trading videos this also blog know that I’m an enormous proponent of simple technical trading strategies. Many traders believe that difficult methods are better or employ a better winning to losing percentage. I will tell you from many years of trading that this is not true. As a matter of fact one of my favorite technical trading approaches, the Tail Gap Method is amongst the most profitable and reliable trading strategies I’ve ever come across. Let’s Visit again the Tail Gap Strategy For those who are who are not familiar with the Tail Gap Strategy, you can download a complimentary trading report on the front of our own web site that goes to the rules and provides some samples of this strategy. I highly recommend you download a copy and familiarize yourself with this trading method. In some sort of nutshell, the method is based on simple trading principles such since trends, gaps and volatility, but provides everything required for consistent returns. I know several traders who only trade this place strategy across different stocks as well as other markets and tell me that it works great for them. Today I’m going to review some past trades to help you see how the Tail Gap Strategy Sets up, this way you can get yourself a good feel for this technique. The reason why I want to talk about this with you is because I have already been getting several emails from traders that are learning this method and several traders are making similar errors. I want cover the most popular mistakes when using this strategy to help you gain all the benefit from the Tail Gap Strategy. Make Sure You Follow The leading Trend The first major problem that we see traders making with this Tail Gap Strategy is taking signals from the main trend. This is a big no and I highly recommend you only take signals on the way to the main trend. Most profitable technical trading strategies need you to trade with the main trend this one is no exception. Many traders confuse the End Gap Strategy with reversal strategies and not in favor of the major trend. This is highly discouraged and probably will cause you unnecessary risk regarding loss. You can see on this example that AGG is within a downtrend. The entry signal need to be avoided because the main trend is sloping down. Only short signals should be taken in this instance. Since this is an extended entry signal, we will prevent it completely. Cancel Your Order If No Fill Next day The second biggest error that traders make using this method is forgetting to cancel this entry order if no fill occurs. Remember, you only get eventually after the set up to enter the trade. If the trade doesn’t determine the day after the established, the order has to become canceled. The premise of the End Gap Strategy is something happens out there that causes a short temporary deviation from the main trend. Our goal should be to catch the stock or any other market you’re trading as industry is correcting the deviation and re-occurring to its normal trading level inside the trend. This is supposed to occur very quickly, that’s why I don’t give this trade a lot of time to work out. Place Your Stop Loss and Profit Target Order Each and every time You Enter Trade The last issue I see traders repeatedly issues with is avoiding placing halt levels and profit target amounts. Statistically, most traders who do not necessarily place stop loss orders and profit target orders at that time the order is placed, avoid doing so. Remember, the biggest cause of losses is due to avoiding stop loss orders at that time you enter the market. Always create your stop loss and profit target orders prior to entering the trade. This way you will enter all orders as well and make a habit of accomplishing so. This one piece of advice is vital and I hope you follow it each time you place an order. The Tail Gap Strategy remains one of my favorite technical trading strategies because doing so offers great risk to reward characteristics and it feels right. Usually when markets gap from the trend, it’s for a short timeframe and this strategy helps you capitalize on this. Remember, great strategies don’t should be complicated to be profitable. I am going to do an update on this 4 X 4 retracement strategy next so stay tuned in.

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Review of Short Term Trading Strategies That Work

Part Three - Trading Psychology and Recap

The third and final section of Short Term Trading Strategies That Work discusses trading psychology, and provides a brief recap of the book.

The third section discusses trading psychology in the form of several questions that would require immediate decisions if they arose during trading. For example, if you accidentally entered a long trade when you thought that you were entering a short trade, what would you do (e. g. manage it into a profitable trade, exit the trade immediately taking a small loss, etc.)?

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The third section then presents an interview conducted by Larry Connors with Richard Machowitz. Richard is not a trader, but the interview is provided as an example of how psychology plays an important role in trading as well as other aspects of life. Finally, the book concludes with a brief recap of the information that was presented throughout the book.

Using the Book in Your Trading

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work provides some very useful information, but it is not a step by step trading manual.

The book assumes that the reader has a good understanding of trading basics (e. g. long and short trades, order types. etc.), but it does not require a specific amount of trading experience. The trading systems are very basic (read as not complicated) systems, so they can be understood by traders of any level of experience.

As with any trading book, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work includes some things that I do not completely agree with. For example, the chapter discussing stop loss orders states that they should not be used.

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I believe that stop loss orders should always be used, and that any reason for not using a stop loss (such as targeting of stop loss orders by other traders) can be overcome with better stop loss management (such as placing stop loss orders at unobvious prices).

Professional traders will be able to take the information that is provided, and decide quite quickly (even immediately) if they want to apply it to their own trading. Less experienced traders will need to make sure that they understand the concepts behind the information, and the consequences of its use, before deciding what to use in their own trading.

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work is a relatively short book, (125 pages), and the writing style is straightforward and to the point (i. e. there is very little extraneous information). This makes the book easy to read for experienced traders, but completely new traders may not understand everything straight away. A professional trader would be able to read the book within a couple of hours, while a less experienced trader may need a few days to read the book.

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work presents most of its information in a text only format, suplemented with a few basic charts. I would have preferred a few more graphical charts of example trades, but this is purely for my own enjoyment, as the lack of charts does not detract from the information itself.

Conclusion and Recommendation

When I decided to read and review Short Term Trading Strategies That Work, I was expecting another run of the mill trading strategy book, but this is not the case. Short Term Trading Strategies That Work is a trading strategy book, but its format and writing style differentiate it from the standard trading strategy books. I enjoyed the straightforward style, because it allowed me to spend more time thinking about the trading information, rather than reading unecessary information. I also enjoyed being able to read the entire book within one evening.

I recommend Short Term Trading Strategies That Work for professional traders that are interested in how other professional traders trade, or that are looking for a new trading system that is based upon statistics, or that are looking for some recreational (but still useful) reading material. I also recommend Short Term Trading Strategies That Work for new traders who have a good grasp of trading basics, and want to supplement their trading education without having their hand held at every step.

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work is worth reading, and it will have a place in my trading library (most trading books do not). The recommended price of Short Term Trading Strategies That Work is $49.95, so it is priced to be affordable, and is a worthwhile purchase for yourself or as a gift for another trader. Short Term Trading Strategies That Work can be purchased directly from the Trading Markets web site.

Estrategias Forex Trading

Trading forex requires hard work and dedication. Contrary to belief from non-traders, it is nigh on impossible to simply ‘make a quick buck’ and, due to the risks involved, it can be very difficult to keep emotions in check when trading.

Find a Style that Suits You

For this reason, most active traders now trade using a set trading strategy that suits their personality and risk management style. There are hundreds of different strategies available and, at times, it can be very difficult to know which one is right for you.

Find a Strategy within Minutes

That’s why here at ForexSpace we have compiled a number of different forex trading strategies all in one place. Simply scroll down and you can begin to look at a number of strategies that could all help you succeed in the markets.

What’s more, you can also filter by type and news, so you can find a strategy that’s perfect for you within minutes.

Estrategias Forex Trading

09/12/2015 08:15

Market Overview If the falling oil price was such a drag on sentiment yesterday, perhaps today will be a turnaround story? After dropping to multi-year lows in the past couple of days, oil has starte »

07/12/2015 08:21

Market Overview Sentiment on Wall Street was strong on Friday into the close as the market gave the thumbs up to the prospect of a Federal Reserve rate hike. The solid Non-farm Payrolls report on Fri »

04/12/2015 08:26

Market Overview So can the dollar bulls pick themselves up, dust themselves off and go again? Yesterday&rsquo;s underwhelming easing actions by the Fed, in conjunction with the weaker than expected I »

03/12/2015 08:21

Market Overview The issue of interest rate differentials are at the forefront of traders&rsquo; minds today in the wake of comments from Janet Yellen and as we move into ECB day where the European Ce »

02/12/2015 08:18

Market Overview In the normal course of events, an ISM Manufacturing data slide into contraction territory below 50 would cause the markets to have something of a wobble. However Wall Street closed w »

01/12/2015 08:21

Market Overview There was an interesting move against the dollar yesterday afternoon in the wake of a rather concerning number from the Chicago PMI. The regional survey data came in well below expect »

30/11/2015 08:26

Market Overview On what looks set to be a momentous week, markets are beginning to trade with a slightly negative outlook with sentiment looking cautious. Although equities may have ended last week o »

29/11/2015 05:08

What&rsquo;s Next for the Euro? Over the last few years, the Euro has had some serious troubles in gaining traction against the US Dollar. &nbsp;This is best represented in the EUR/USD forex pair, wh »

27/11/2015 08:16

Market Overview With the US closed for Thanksgiving public holiday, global markets have been struggling for direction. Daily trading ranges have been very tight on key markets such as EUR/USD (just 3 »

26/11/2015 08:37

Market Overview After weeks of dollar strength there have been slight signs of a near term retracement as the forex majors look to bounce back in the past day or so. However, this is still likely to »

09/11/2015 08:02

Market Overview Markets are still coming to terms with Friday&rsquo;s strong Non-farm Payrolls report and what it could mean for the prospects of a rate hike from the Federal Reserve in the December »

04/11/2015 08:17

Market Overview Market sentiment is positive still and this is allowing equity markets higher. The interesting factor is that as US Treasury yields continue to move higher (ever since the FOMC meetin »

03/11/2015 08:21

Market Overview There has been a continuation of a slightly dollar corrective theme that we have seen over the past few days. The main mover has though been the Aussie in the wake of the monetary pol »

02/11/2015 09:16

Market Overview Kicking off a week jam packed with a whole raft of crucial data releases, in keeping with recent months, China has driven concern into the minds of traders once more. The official man »

30/10/2015 08:13

Market Overview Despite a cautious close from Wall Street last night, and mixed trading in Asia early today, sentiment is mixed to positive as the European session take over. Whether this will last, »

28/10/2015 08:27

Market Overview It is the day that the Federal Reserve announces its latest monetary policy update. At 1800GMT (remember the US clocks have not gone back yet) the Fed will put out a statement that wi »

27/10/2015 08:23

Market Overview As we run up to the Fed statement on Wednesday sentiment has turned more cautious, however the decline in the oil price back towards its key medium term support has not helped either. »

26/10/2015 08:15

Market Overview The surprise rate cut from the People&rsquo;s Bank of China on Friday added confidence to the risk appetite of the market and pushed equities strongly higher. This may have helped to »

23/10/2015 08:30

Market Overview There have been series of risk positive events in the past 24 hours that have resulted in big gains on equity markets and a significant move in forex. The main event that has driven t »

22/10/2015 16:55

GBP Looking Top-Heavy Forex traders that are focused on the peripheral majors will often look to emerging trends in the British Pound (GBP) as a way of assessing where the market stands at any given »

22/10/2015 08:22

Market Overview The positive market sentiment that had been present in the last couple of weeks has just started to ebb away again. This comes as commodity prices have fallen back to multi-week lows »

20/10/2015 08:29

Market OverviewThe financial markets have been reacting to the Chinese growth data and the perception is that it has uncertain implications. Subsequently we saw a fair bit of consolidation across fore »

19/10/2015 09:26

As the EUR/USD crawls higher, many are wondering whether the euro could be staging a rally. Or is it a classic sell on the high? The euro seems to have reasons to rebound. Many are speculating that th »

18/10/2015 16:21

Trading Opportunities Seen in Oil If you were to only look for information using the financial news media, it might appear as though there has been little activity seen in commodities markets this ye »

15/10/2015 08:21

Market Overview There seems to have been a significant shift in the outlook for the dollar. The Fed apparently remains &ldquo;data dependent&rdquo;, but the data is not pointing to any imminent rate »

06/10/2015 08:19

Market Overview It is amazing what the prospect of continued loose monetary policy can do for markets. The improvement in trading sentiment continues and another strong close on Wall Street suggests »

05/10/2015 08:18

Market Overview The reaction on the markets to the significantly disappointing Non-farm Payrolls report has been intriguing. The initial weakness in sentiment and safe haven flows (yen, euro, Treasur »

02/10/2015 08:26

Market Overview Despite the lack of a decisive steer from from Wall Street or the Asian session, market sentiment in the early European session moving into the report is actually fairly positive ahea »

01/10/2015 08:20

Market Overview Coming into today&rsquo;s trading, market sentiment is again fairly positive after a strong handover from both Wall Street and Asian trading in front of what could be a crucial ISM ma »

30/09/2015 08:10

Market Overview Market sentiment has taken a bit of an upturn into the new trading day however this comes on little real catalyst, which begs the question of can it last? It is difficult to trust the »

29/09/2015 09:27

Market Overview Markets have been trading under an increasingly negative sentiment for a while now, but something felt different yesterday. Once more on the trigger of weaker China data (industrial p »

28/09/2015 08:31

Market Overview Anything China orientated is getting extra attention by the market to be taken as a lead indicator on sentiment. The latest data shows Chinese Industrial Profits falling by 2.2% (whic »

26/09/2015 22:17

Dollar Ready to Move Higher When we look at the forex markets, the US Dollar has been viewed from the bullish perspective by a broad majority of the market. &nbsp;This has created some relatively sig »

25/09/2015 08:26

Market Overview The fact that Janet Yellen has felt the need to give rather an explicit message in a speech last night would suggest that perhaps it was felt that her FOMC press conference was a touc »

23/09/2015 08:28

Market Overview Ever since the FOMC meeting last week put the blame on &ldquo;international developments&rdquo; as to why the Fed did not raise rates, traders have been looking towards the Caixin Chi »

22/09/2015 08:25

Market Overview Market sentiment looks to have stabilized a touch in the past 24 hours. Treasury yields have popped higher, whilst the dollar has clawed back some ground, demand for safe haven plays »

21/09/2015 08:22

Market Overview In the wake of the Fed&rsquo;s decision to hold fire on interest rates the general market reaction has been one of concern. The concern has been over the fact that fears over global g »

18/09/2015 08:16

Market Overview The Federal Reserve held fire on a first interest rate hike in 9 years last night and traders will be asking themselves &ldquo;where do we go from here?&rdquo;. Markets have reacted w »

17/09/2015 08:21

Market Overview Amid thinly traded volumes, the expected consolidation took a turn yesterday and with risk back into the trading sentiment it would appear that markets may be positioning for a FOMC d »

16/09/2015 08:26

Market Overview Was this the bond markets taking a view that the Fed may be about to pull the trigger on a rate hike? Yesterday we saw the yield on the 2 year Treasury yield breaking sharply through »

15/09/2015 08:14

Market Overview After a rather sedate day&rsquo;s trading to kick off what could become a momentous week for financial markets, perhaps markets will get a touch more direction today. A raft of data r »

14/09/2015 01:25

Dollar Strategies For Euro Weakness When we look at the broader market activity for the last portions of the summer, we can see that there was a good deal of volatility that caught many traders by su »

11/09/2015 10:09

From a technical perspective, the DAX stock index provides a good opportunity for the bears. After the prices broke below 1.0650, the downtrend has been confirmed and now we there is a double confirma »

11/09/2015 08:22

Market Overview Can it be that already the market is moving into &ldquo;wait and see&rdquo; mode in front of the Fed? With 5 trading days before the announcement of the FOMC&rsquo;s decision on rates »

10/09/2015 08:17

Market Overview The bulls lost control yesterday afternoon and a deterioration in market sentiment has ensued as the market volatility continues. Bond markets were a big driver of this as yields on U »

09/09/2015 08:15

Market Overview Market sentiment has taken a shot in the arm overnight amid the prospect of fiscal action from the major governments in Asia in an attempt to revitalize their ailing economies. This h »

07/09/2015 08:21

Market Overview With China returning from a two day national holiday, a major driver of volatility is back in play. However so far today, the selling pressure has not been sustained and the outlook m »

04/09/2015 08:17

Market Overview It is Non-farm Payrolls day and this potentially crucial report can only add to the volatility in the markets. The sharp gains on equity markets in Europe that had been exacerbated by »

03/09/2015 13:12

On a daily basis, the spot gold chart has been traded in a clearly defined bearish channel pattern. The prices&nbsp;have confirmed three times the descending trend line, and each time the pair has reb »

03/09/2015 09:14

The fallout from the yuan rollercoaster has not yet subsided, and FX investors are ready to dust off their coats and proceed with their usual yen shorts. After all, while it&rsquo;s been brutal for th »

01/09/2015 08:19

Market Overview Is market sentiment taking a turn for the worse again? If it is, then it looks like weak China data could once more be the catalyst. The disappointing readings on the China Manufactur »

27/08/2015 08:17

Market Overview Market sentiment has dramatically improved again. I discussed in my blog yesterday about what could drive the bottom in the recent selling pressure. One of the factors I discussed was »

26/08/2015 08:13

Market Overview Huge volatility continues to throw markets around with traders still in fear of a China/commodity slowdown in the wake of Monday&rsquo;s big sell-off. Traders are paying the economic »

25/08/2015 08:15

Market Overview After a day that will go down in the record books as a &ldquo;Black Monday&rdquo; the dust is still settling. After hitting 1000 pints down on the day for the Dow Jones Industrial Ave »

24/08/2015 08:22

Market Overview The rout is continuing and is now beginning to get rather nasty. Huge selling pressure on Wall Street into the close on Friday has got even worse in Asia today. With concerns over a s »

23/08/2015 13:43

Dollar Ready To Rally Against Euro Forex trends in the broader market have favored the Dollar for most of this year. &nbsp;This is great news for traders that have been bullish on the greenback durin »

21/08/2015 08:16

Market Overview Market sentiment is taking a hammering and safe haven flows are on the rise. If the sharp falls on equity markets around the world yesterday were not enough to spook investors, the mu »

20/08/2015 08:18

Market Overview The US dollar has come under some corrective pressure in the wake of a dovish set of FOMC meeting minutes. The suggestion in the minutes was that there needed to be more sign of infla »

19/08/2015 09:47

GBP Struggling At The Lows Those that are looking to base their market decisions on the likely trajectory of the British Pound (GBP) have had some difficulty in recent months. &nbsp;This is because t »

19/08/2015 08:16

Market Overview It seems as though, having been &ldquo;Greece&rdquo; for so long, now it is &ldquo;China&rdquo; as sentiment on equities again takes a decline as sharp selling pressure on Shanghai im »

18/08/2015 08:22

Market Overview European markets are struggling to put yesterday&rsquo;s lackluster session behind them as they trade slightly lower again in early exchanges. The newsflow has been fairly quiet in re »

17/08/2015 08:39

Let&rsquo;s take a look at the 4-hour chart of the Dollar Index graph. The price action patterns suggest a trend reversal situation. We can clearly observe that the Index has broken the ascending tren »

17/08/2015 08:30

Market Overview Although there is a consolidation that continues amongst forex major pairs, there is more of a positive mind-set this morning as a new week begins. The glass seems to be half full for »

14/08/2015 08:17

Market Overview Markets seem to be moving into a consolidation mode early Friday morning. The news that China has so far kept to it word on not seeming to be willing to continue to devalue the yuan h »

12/08/2015 13:57

The Asian session has been full of trading opportunities and tough emotions after the decision of China officials to devalue Yuan for a second time putting the reference rate at 6.3306. The decision h »

12/08/2015 08:14

Market Overview So a &ldquo;one off&rdquo; devaluation move by the People&rsquo;s Bank of China was not that at all, as for a second day in a row the PBOC has raised the midpoint of the daily fix aga »

12/08/2015 07:44

Market Overview China is again dominating trading sentiment today after a &ldquo;one-off&rdquo; 2% devaluation of the yuan was announced by the People&rsquo;s Bank of China was announced overnight. T »

10/08/2015 08:17

Market Overview There are mixed forces at work driving sentiment on Monday morning. The handover from Asia was a curious mix of disappointing data out of China (on exports and producer prices) which »

07/08/2015 08:23

Market Overview It is Non-farm Payrolls day and this could be a really important Employment Situation report. The FOMC remains data dependent (at least members such as Jerome Powell are in any case) »

06/08/2015 08:19

Market Overview Markets continue to be pulled around by economic data and by the rhetoric from FOMC speakers. There have subsequently been conflicting signals in recent days (ISM manufacturing and co »

05/08/2015 08:20

Market Overview FOMC members are garnering attention now and Dennis Lockhart&rsquo;s hawkish comments have driven some direction for traders. Lockhart has historically been towards the dovish end of »

04/08/2015 08:14

Market Overview Falling commodity prices are still a concern for global markets. The issue was again brought to the fore yesterday amid a series of disappointing manufacturing PMIs from the world&rsq »

30/07/2015 08:19

Market Overview So, nothing really to go on from the FOMC then. No rate hike (as expected) but also little in the way of hints over a potential rate hike. Perhaps we could focus on the tweak &ldquo;s »

29/07/2015 08:22

Market Overview As we move into FOMC day, the markets have become characteristically settled. This will often be seen due to the potential volatility surrounding the aftermath of the decision tonight »

28/07/2015 08:28

Market Overview Volatility in Asian markets has been elevated by the significant fluctuations in the Chinese Shanghai stock market. However, the big impact is coming across the commodities complex wh »

24/07/2015 08:18

Market Overview Market sentiment has been hit in recent days by sharp falls in the prices of key commodities which continue to fall back to multi-year lows which&nbsp; certainly does little to help t »

22/07/2015 08:19

Market Overview The dollar bulls had a bit of a wobble yesterday and this has induces a bit of corrective pressure near term for the greenback. The dollar weakness was generated by some weaker than e »

21/07/2015 08:21

Market Overview Greece has managed to use the bridge financing package of &euro;7bn in order to clear its debt with the IMF and also pay off the ECB. Markets have taken on far more of a settled outlo »

20/07/2015 08:25

Market Overview European markets continue to settle down as the new week has begun in a far calmer sentiment than any of the past few Mondays. Greece will re-open its banks today. The capital control »

17/07/2015 08:21

Market Overview With the Greeks (and other Eurozone parliaments) backing the bailout deal, today it falls upon the Bundestag in Germany to accept the deal. It seems as though the pieces are now falli »

16/07/2015 16:17

News stories in the forex media have centered on the potential for a Greek exit from the European monetary union for most of this year. &nbsp;There is good reason for this, as currency pairs like the »

16/07/2015 08:20

Market Overview Market sentiment has taken another boost off the news that the Greek parliament has passed through the proposals necessary for the bailout to go across to other Eurozone parliaments t »

14/07/2015 08:24

Market Overview Just one day in to the supposed deal for Greece and the markets are a touch more cautious again. There is still much work that needs to be done and in a short space of time. The deal »

09/07/2015 08:19

Market Overview By Friday Greece needs to have submitted a proposal to the EU leaders which lays out formal plans for economic reforms, which the leaders can then seriously consider. The Greeks have »

08/07/2015 08:22

Market Overview The disappointment was palpable in the interviews of the respective Eurozone&rsquo;s leading politicians after Greece turned up to yesterday&rsquo;s crunch meeting armed with little m »

07/07/2015 08:17

Market Overview Greece voted &ldquo;No&rdquo; with 61% but the party could be short lived. Yesterday the ECB decided to maintain the Emergency Liquidity Assistance ceiling at &euro;89bn and instead o »

06/07/2015 08:20

Market Overview With Greece voting with a resounding &ldquo;No&rdquo; to the demands of the creditors, the ball has been smashed straight back to the court of the EU, ECB and IMF. A meeting is now du »

03/07/2015 08:20

Market Overview The attention will turn back towards Greece again with the US taking its Independence Day public holiday. However the market is still digesting what was a rather disappointing Non-far »

02/07/2015 08:26

Market Overview The constant rumour-mill and drip feed of newsflow over developments in Greece is creating constant intraday fluctuations that are pulling markets all over the place, so let&rsquo;s j »

01/07/2015 08:21

Market Overview Financial markets are beginning to settle down after the significant volatility of earlier in the week. The hard facts are that although the IMF may call it being in &ldquo;arrears&rd »

30/06/2015 08:23

Market Overview Today is almost certainly the day that Greece will default on its IMF repayment of &euro;1.6bn. The IMF may not necessarily treat it as an outright default yet as it will still want t »

29/06/2015 08:26

Market Overview Suffice it to say, we can expect some significant volatility today. A chain of events has played out over the weekend which is now leaving Greece at significant risk of defaulting on »

28/06/2015 13:21

Yen Vulnerable to Carry Traders Forex can be described as the financial market that is most vulnerable to the underlying trend. &nbsp;This ultimately means that rising prices tend to continue rising, »

26/06/2015 08:30

Market Overview Financial markets are taking the uncertainty of the negotiations between Greece and its creditors rather calmly. Despite a very real risk of a default on 30th June, markets have held »

25/06/2015 08:28

Market Overview It was never going to be easy. When the euphoria of the new proposal for Greece swept the markets higher on Monday it all seemed too good to be true. The DAX and CAC up almost 4% on t »

23/06/2015 08:24

Market Overview Politicians appear to be more positive than at almost any other time over the past few months that a deal with Greece could be close. There is much that needs to be done (according to »

22/06/2015 08:38

The precious metal received a significant boost following the dovish FOMC statement few days ago and broke some important resistance levels including the $1,180, $1,190 and the psychological level of »

22/06/2015 08:29

Market Overview Market sentiment has lifted in the wake of new hope that there is some light at the end of the long dark Greek tunnel. Negotiations with the Eurozone over the years have tended to go »

19/06/2015 12:45

Last time I wrote about the euro crisis, it seemed as though the tension and frustration surrounding Greece couldn&rsquo;t go any higher &ndash; but it did. After a marathon of discussions and meeting »

19/06/2015 08:24

Market Overview The volatility in markets continues to play out with the negotiations over Greece remaining unresolved and the prospect of a messy default on the IMF debt growing by the day. With ove »

18/06/2015 08:18

Market Overview Although it seemed as though Janet Yellen played the latest FOMC press conference with a pretty straight bat, the market had not been anticipating a slight dovish change to the projec »

18/06/2015 07:53

AUD and CAD both appreciated against the greenback while the NZD gave back of all its gains made after the FOMC meeting. The NZD dollar is trading lower against the US dollar following 4 consecutive n »

17/06/2015 08:41

Market Overview The fixation continues with Greece, but increasingly forex markets have settled into a mode of consolidation in front of what could be a crucial meeting of the Federal Open Market Com »

15/06/2015 08:16

Market Overview Market sentiment is once more under pressure into the new week as talks between Greece and its creditors have again failed to come to any resolution. Although the rhetoric from Greek »

12/06/2015 08:16

The WTI crude oil remains stuck in a range between the key support level of $56.50 and the key barrier of $62.55. Yesterday we saw a break attempt above the suggested target of $61.70 but if failed, h »

11/06/2015 08:24

Market Overview After a few days of respite, Greece burst back on the agenda yesterday with talk of a potential deal being struck. This caused a sharp rally on equity markets which are still volatile »

10/06/2015 08:21

Market Overview In the wake of last week&rsquo;s Non-farm Payrolls, Treasury yields continue to move higher but equity markets have continued to stumble The dollar has also hit the buffers a little i »

08/06/2015 08:27

Market Overview Financial markets will continue to digest the improvement in the Non-farm Payrolls report on Friday which drove a stronger dollar once more. The report will now stoke up the debate ov »

05/06/2015 08:19

Market Overview Markets remain incredibly volatile, with huge intraday swings. The bond markets are continuing to drive sentiment across the board and yesterday&rsquo;s sharp intraday turnaround on t »

04/06/2015 08:19

Market Overview Yesterday was another absolutely remarkable session, as the Eurozone sovereign bond yields have continued to soar. Helped higher by Mario Draghi&rsquo;s ECB press conference which sho »

03/06/2015 08:17

Market Overview An incredible day yesterday has completely turned around the near term outlook once more. A whole raft of factors came together to strengthen the euro and weaken the dollar. The prosp »

02/06/2015 08:42

Market Overview Markets remain cautious/sensitive on Greece, which is moving ever closer to Friday&rsquo;s deadline for the &euro;300m repayment without a deal in place that would allow the debt to b »

01/06/2015 08:21

Market Overview The pressure is mounting even more this week as Friday&rsquo;s supposed deadline for Greece to repay &euro;300m to the IMF comes ever closer into view. The problem is that the negotia »

29/05/2015 08:27

Market Overview The mixed signals regarding the prospects of a deal for Greece in the past few days have been difficult to fathom. Greece have been insisting that a deal could done by Sunday, whilst »

28/05/2015 08:29

Market Overview The remarkable on/off saga over the possible deal that seems to be close (or not) between Greece and its creditors has had a significant impact on the markets. The improvement in sent »

28/05/2015 04:14

Dollar Trends Remain Bullish Many in the forex markets have started to wonder whether the latest trends in the US Dollar have run their course. &nbsp;There is a good deal of validity that comes with »

27/05/2015 08:21

Market Overview Janet Yellen&rsquo;s perceived to be hawkish comments on Friday seemed to have sharpened the market&rsquo;s view that any sign of improvement in the US economic data will be one step »

26/05/2015 10:54

The euro has potentially turned even more bearish against the Canadian dollar the last couple of weeks after breaking below the 50-period SMA and the 100-period SMA on the 4-hour chart. The EUR is str »

26/05/2015 08:26

Market Overview With Janet Yellen suggesting that the Fed remains on a fairly steady path towards tightening, the US dollar has just regained the ascendency and is looking to gather momentum again to »

22/05/2015 08:17

Market Overview The markets have taken on a mixed outlook in the wake of the FOMC minutes on Wednesday. There has been an element of uncertain consolidation which has stopped the dollar recovery in i »

21/05/2015 08:30

Market Overview The strength of the dollar in the past few days has had a sizable impact and is changing the outlook on several key markets. However, there has been a muted reaction to the meeting mi »

20/05/2015 08:20

Market Overview There has been a significant change in market tack in the past 24 hours. A whole string of factors have contrived to turn the market back towards the dollar. The dovish comments from »

19/05/2015 08:24

Market Overview There are mixed signals on Greece which are causing market fluctuations currently. Although Greek Prime Minister Tsipras appears confident that a deal could be close, other European s »

18/05/2015 08:19

Market Overview With US data continuing to disappoint, the expectations for Fed rate tightening are being pushed back. This is beginning to see a negative drift back on Treasury yields which is resul »

17/05/2015 07:15

Where Are The Opportunities In Trading The US Dollar? It is not easy to isolate many assets that have outperformed the US Dollar this year, and this has left many investors wondering whether or not »

15/05/2015 08:37

Market Overview With US Treasury yields calming down their recent rise yesterday (on the back of a further decline in the US Producer Price Index), equities markets were able to regain some upside in »

14/05/2015 08:23

Market Overview Financial markets continue to be pulled around by movements in the bond markets. Yields moving back higher into the close on Treasuries yesterday push selling pressure into equities a »

13/05/2015 08:26

Market Overview The bond markets are having a big say on the sentiment across other asset classes for the moment. Yesterday&rsquo;s slight easing of the selling pressure on Treasuries has abated to t »

12/05/2015 08:30

Market Overview Reports suggest that Greece will be paying the c. &euro;750m repayment that it owes to the IMF today. This comes despite the continued slow progress of the negotiations between Greece »

11/05/2015 08:15

Market Overview As we move into the new week there are several key conflicting events that are driving sentiment. UK assets have been boosted by the return of a majority Conservative government (prob »

10/05/2015 23:27

Swiss Franc Showing Major Double Top Forex trading is often thought of as an environment best suited for long term investors. &nbsp;This is arguably because the forex market is governed by macroeco »

09/05/2015 01:04

Debt Scenarios Still Weighing on Euro When we hear the words &ldquo;sovereign debt crisis&rdquo; it might seem as though we are reading financial news headlines from several years ago. &nbsp;But when »

08/05/2015 08:33

Market Overview It has been an incredible night in UK politics which appears to have resulted in a rather shocking Conservative victory (still running on projections). This has had shockwaves across »

08/05/2015 04:15

Can The Yen Turn Around? When we look at the weakest currencies of the year, one of the most obvious selections is the Japanese Yen (JPY). &nbsp;There are many reasons for why this activity has been »

07/05/2015 08:21

Market Overview There are significant questions that are being asked of the dollar bulls now as the Dollar Index continues to fall away and major pairs such as EUR/USD have broken out. The concern is »

06/05/2015 08:21

Market Overview A sharp deterioration in the US trade deficit spooked investors in the US yesterday that the strong dollar was beginning to have a significant impact on the US economy and that the di »

30/04/2015 08:18

Market Overview Traders will still be trying to catch their breath after a volatile session yesterday driven by key US economic data. The GDP announcement kicked off the key moves with a much weaker »

29/04/2015 08:21

Market Overview From the reaction on the forex markets in recent days, it would appear as though there is not a great deal of confidence in the Federal Reserve moving further down the road towards mo »

28/04/2015 08:28

Market Overview Markets are becoming increasingly cautious as the key FOMC meeting begins to dominate the thoughts of traders. It is notable this time around though that in the past few trading sessi »

27/04/2015 09:34

Since its introduction in 2009, Bitcoin has been gaining popularity rapidly. Investment professionals, especially, have been buzzing about the latest developments of Bitcoin, the online payment system »

23/04/2015 08:20

Market Overview There is an uncertain feel to financial markets at the moment. Earnings season in the US has failed to ignite the bulls on Wall Street, where despite a string of positive corporate nu »

22/04/2015 08:37

Market Overview The euro was boosted yesterday afternoon as news began to filter through that the talks between Greece and the Eurozone were working through the proposals, although&nbsp; deal may not »

22/04/2015 07:15

Forex Trends Continue in 2015 The forex market has the reputation for being one of the most trend heavy markets in all of the major asset classes. &nbsp;There is good reason for this, as the underl »

21/04/2015 08:15

Market Overview It almost seems as though there is a different driving factor for the markets every day at the moment, and yesterday was the turn of China. So what will it be today then? Well, the st »

20/04/2015 08:13

Market Overview Markets come into the new week with mixed messages. The selling pressure that signed off last week has abated slightly and there is an element of support. The negative impact of new r »

20/04/2015 07:32

Yen Still Caught in A Range When we look at the last 20 or 30 years in forex trading markets, we can argue that the most trend-specific has been the Japanese Yen. &nbsp;There is a wide variety of r »

17/04/2015 08:28

Market Overview There is a mixed outlook across financial markets as we approach the key US data release of an interesting week. The general theme of weaker US data throughout this week has negativel »

16/04/2015 08:19

Market Overview Financial markets have been digesting the strong gains in the oil price in the past couple of days. The move has pushed WTI oil to its highest level of the year and begs a couple of q »

15/04/2015 08:20

Market Overview I still see the economic data as extremely important for the direction of the dollar and yesterday&rsquo;s reaction to the weaker than expected Retail Sales was this case in point. A »

14/04/2015 08:20

Market Overview With a lack of any significant economic data yesterday, the markets were fairly quiet. However it may have just been the calm before the storm as there is a significant amount of tier »

13/04/2015 08:15

Market Overview It would still appear as though any back data out of China is able to drive expectation of further monetary stimulus which then supports markets, but for how long this will be the cas »

10/04/2015 08:16

Market Overview Since the FOMC minutes were released on Wednesday, what had been a consolidation is turning back into a trend of dollar strength once more. There have been some key breaks on major fo »

09/04/2015 08:21

Market Overview This week has been spent with forex markets consolidating in anticipation of the key event which were the Fed meeting minutes. Whether the minutes can provide some direction for marke »

08/04/2015 08:17

Market Overview The outlook across the currency markets has become increasingly one of consolidation. The data dependent trading since the FOMC decision is neutralising many pairs in forex trading an »

07/04/2015 08:19

Market Overview The market is still looking to settle in the wake of a weaker than expected Non-farm Payrolls report (126,000 jobs versus an expectation of 245,000) which put downside pressure back o »

02/04/2015 08:20

Market Overview The dollar certainly had a significant wobble yesterday after the weaker than expected readings on the ADP employment report and also a fifth straight month of decline on the ISM Manu »

01/04/2015 08:21

Market Overview Market sentiment is under pressure once more as the list of reforms submitted by Greece has been dismissed as little more than ideas rather than a definitive plan. This comes as talks »

31/03/2015 08:20

Market Overview It was an interesting session yesterday, where market sentiment was positive on the back of talk of further stimulus in Asia and then the US session took positive data (improving Pers »

30/03/2015 08:16

Market Overview The market sentiment is a touch missed going into what could be a crucial week of economic data. Several days of selling pressure were halted on Friday as Janet Yellen made comments t »

27/03/2015 08:11

Market Overview The interesting moves in the last 24 hours came in the forex markets yesterday as comments from FOMC member Dennis Lockhart resulted in the dollar strengthening into the afternoon and »

26/03/2015 08:18

Market Overview There was a real sense of concern that took over Wall Street last night that has driven a flight into safer haven plays. As the durable goods orders disappointed there is a fear is th »

25/03/2015 08:18

Market Overview In the wake of the FOMC meeting last week, the key US economic data has become particularly in focus with strong US data being strong for the dollar. And this is what we saw playing o »

24/03/2015 23:03

Swiss Franc Approaching Pre-SNB Levels When we look at recent activity in the forex markets, one of the biggest stories of 2015 has been the monetary policy decision at the Swiss National Bank (SNB) »

24/03/2015 08:19

Market Overview There were some interesting moves on forex markets yesterday which suggest there could be something sustainable building in this move away from the dollar. There are some key markets »

23/03/2015 08:14

Market Overview The EU leaders summit at the end of last week was the latest chance for Greece to provide clarity on its progress towards meeting the measures set out as part of its bailout extension »

20/03/2015 08:19

Market Overview There has been an incredibly volatile reaction across forex markets in the wake of the FOMC meeting. Much of the initial sharp selling pressure against the dollar has been retraced an »

19/03/2015 08:15

Market Overview The market has been anticipating this meeting by the Federal Reserve for a few days, with the uncertainty driving a consolidation. Traders were right to be cautious as the volatility »

18/03/2015 08:25

Market Overview Forex markets have settled down as we run up to the announcement by the Federal Reserve on its latest monetary policy. The dollar strength seen over the recent weeks would suggest the »

17/03/2015 08:15

Market Overview The forex markets seem to be increasingly forming a consolidation in front of a significantly important meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee in the next couple of days. The ou »

16/03/2015 08:27

Market Overview Financial markets continued to trade on the dollar strength story on Friday. This is a story that is likely to dominate decision making in front of this week&rsquo;s FOMC meeting. Wit »

13/03/2015 08:15

Market Overview Markets are incredible examples of pack mentality. Take Wall Street for example. A weak Retail Sales number yesterday has now got everyone questioning the potential for the removal of »

12/03/2015 08:20

Market Overview The dollar movement remains the big story that is driving financial markets. Markets do not tend to like it when sharp moves are made in major markets (see the reaction to the sharp o »

11/03/2015 08:19

Market Overview The strength of the dollar has become the major factor in these markets. This is through a double whammy effect which is coming from the selling pressure on the euro and the move to p »

10/03/2015 08:34

Market Overview After a day of reflection with little economic data to worry about, markets have begun to calm down a bit from the impact of the Non-farm Payrolls report. However it seems as though t »

09/03/2015 08:20

Market Overview There is a sense of a slight hangover for the dollar on Monday morning after the Non-farm Payrolls report induced such a strong run on Friday. It is interesting to see the euro, Cable »

06/03/2015 08:16

Market Overview It is Non-farm Payrolls Friday and the markets are taking a pause for breath. However this pause may be just as much related to a rather volatile afternoon yesterday with Mario Draghi »

05/03/2015 08:15

Market Overview Markets have been a bit choppy as we have moved ever close towards the important end of the week which contains the key Non-farm Payrolls report. Overnight there was some negative new »

05/03/2015 08:06

The euro suffered further losses against the US dollar yesterday hitting a fresh 11 and a half year low following a morning of mixed to slightly weaker than expected Eurozone services data and decent »

04/03/2015 08:13

Market Overview As we edge ever closer to the crucial data of the week (Non-farm Payrolls), markets are a little on edge. Yesterday&rsquo;s declines certainly showed that despite the lack of negative »

03/03/2015 08:30

Market Overview We saw an odd reaction yesterday as Wall Street and the dollar pushed higher on weaker than expected US data. This shows that there is a growing acceptance of the Fed hiking rates thi »

02/03/2015 08:18

Market Overview The first week of the month is always key. Jam-packed with crucial tier one forward looking data, the direction can be extremely important. China has kicked off proceedings with a hat »

27/02/2015 08:13

Market Overview The dollar bulls are once again looking to have re-established their control on proceedings. US inflation may have dropped by 0.1% but with core prices still positive, along with stro »

24/02/2015 08:26

Market Overview Greece may well have made an agreement of a 4 month bailout extension on Friday, but it still needs to submit detail of economic reform proposals. Apparently some reforms have been ou »

23/02/2015 08:33

Market Overview Finally the European politicians have averted a Greek default, but only for now, and only possibly. Friday&rsquo;s evening&rsquo;s agreement for a four month extension to the bailout »

20/02/2015 08:20

Market Overview So we move to a third Eurogroup meeting of the Eurozone finance ministers in an attempt to finally come to an agreement with Greece over how to deal with the end of its bailout progra »

19/02/2015 08:15

Market Overview The announcement of the Federal Reserve meeting minutes took the markets a little by surprise. Following on from a slightly hawkish lean in the FOMC statement, the minutes were still »

18/02/2015 08:23

Market Overview Market sentiment has picked up as it looks as though the Greek finance minister is ready to cede ground and move towards an agreement on an extension to the bailout. I suppose it is a »

17/02/2015 08:24

Market Overview It would appear as though the two fundamental factors that helped to improve market sentiment towards the end of last week are unravelling quickly. The ceasefire in Ukraine seems to n »

16/02/2015 08:20

Market Overview It is round two of the bout between Greece and its major creditor, the EU, today as the Eurogroup meeting again convenes to try to thrash out some sort of deal that would be agreeable »

13/02/2015 08:18

Market Overview Trading sentiment has improved significantly in the past 24 hours. The ceasefire that has been struck between Putin and Poroshenko has given investors cause for optimism. However, I r »

12/02/2015 08:15

Market Overview So after six hours of talks with the Eurogroup of EU finance ministers, Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis was unable to come to an agreement over the repayment of it debt. The s »

11/02/2015 08:28

Market Overview Today we have the meeting of the Eurogroup of EU finance ministers who will be discussing how to deal with the problem of the bailout loan made to Greece that is due for repayment on »

10/02/2015 08:16

Market Overview The trading outlook is mixed this morning, with uncertainty over a number of issues. The fact that President Obama has failed to rule out the US arming Ukrainian forces is a concern a »

09/02/2015 08:14

Market Overview The strong Non-farm Payrolls report changed the sentiment considerably on Friday. It resulted in a sizeable move away from safe haven plays such as the yen and gold, to the benefit of »

06/02/2015 08:07

Market Overview Although the charismatic German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has said that he will &ldquo;agree to disagree&rdquo; with Yanis Varoufakis over the matter of Greece&rsquo;s reneg »

05/02/2015 08:30

Market Overview Newsflow regarding the renegotiation of Greece&rsquo;s debt obligations had been fairly favourable in recent days. That is until the ECB fired what looks to be a rather an interesting »

04/02/2015 08:22

Market Overview Risk appetite has rebounded significantly in the past few days but what are the drivers. The rally (or should that be short squeeze) in the oil price continues, with WTI now up over 1 »

03/02/2015 08:19

Market Overview Market sentiment continues to be guided to a certain extent by the price of oil. In the past couple of trading days the oil price has shot higher as it has looked as though there is f »

02/02/2015 08:32

Market Overview The new week has begun with market sentiment starting slightly on the back foot today. The HSBC Chinese manufacturing PMI came in a touch below expectation at 49.7 (49.8 had been fore »

30/01/2015 08:18

Market Overview With currency pairs still unsure of how to digest the latest instalment of Federal Reserve monetary policy, the equity markets have made a useful rebound. After weekly jobless claims »

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Currency Trading Strategies That Work

There are many different trading strategies that traders employ but very few of them actually work, in this article, I am going to write about what works in the Foreign Exchange (or Forex) market and why.

Any trading strategy, no matter what it is, will not work if it does not employ at least one edge to give the trader better than 50/50 odds of their being right or of gaining more from a winning trade than they will lose on a losing one. If trades were simply entered on a coin toss and exited at random then the traders doing this would, on average, win as often as they lost with the size of the average losing trade being equal with the size of the average winner. In a scenario like this traders would slowly lose all the money in their trading accounts as the costs of trading (i. e. the spread) slowly ate up their trading capital. To succeed then, traders need to find some sort of edge that will give them better than 50/50 odds of success and one that is big enough to overcome the costs of trading and more.

Different edges occur on different markets and they occur because of the forces that drive those markets. Stocks and stock market indexes such as the UK’s FTSE 100 or the American Dow Jones Industrial Average for example are driven by speculators aiming at short-term highs and lows, these markets therefore constantly revert towards their means (recent averages) after a fairly recent high or low and usually have clear support and resistance levels in the medium term (time frames of several days to a couple of weeks or so). The Foreign Exchange marker however behaves rather differently and it is therefore not wise to use a strategy that works on stock market indexes for trading currencies.

The value of different nations currencies on the global Foreign Exchange market is driven by some else entire. Financial speculators still don’t have access to enough cash to move the currencies of large industrialised nations to their whims and these markets tend to be driven by larger forces such as macro-economics, global trade balances and the policies of the governments of large countries and their central banks. These forces don’t generally change their direction from week to week and once a currency is moving against another in a certain direction it normally takes a lot to stop it. These markets (whilst having short term corrects) generally experience long-term trends and long-term trend following strategies are therefore usually the most successful of all strategies for trading currencies.

Another feature of trends on the Forex market is that short-term price corrections. Whenever the price of one currency is moving in different directions on different time frames the longer term direction usually wins. Good trading strategies for FX trading therefore make use of the long-term trend as the old saying goes the trend is your friend and short-term price corrections should be seen and entry opportunities, never as signs the market is changing direction. In Forex, those who try to predict turning points and pick short-term tops and bottoms are almost always wrong whilst those who just go with the long-term trend are far more likely to have success.

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By ICML on March 12, 2016

What type of Forex strategies work? This is a very basic question that you need to answer before you learn to trade or invest your time and money into Forex education. Generally there are a few characteristics that all truly effective and worthwhile Forex strategies will possess. The most important aspects of truly effective forex trading strategies include the following:

&toro; High-probability setups. Effective Forex trading strategies will provide high-probability trade setups for you to take advantage of in the market. These strategies should not be difficult to identify or learn.

&toro; Simplicity. As alluded to in the above point, the most effective Forex trading strategies and systems are not complicated. Most professional traders are using simple trading methodologies or systems that are based on simple principles of classic technical analysis methods. No need to use expensive “robot” trading systems or indicator-heavy trading strategies.

&toro; Actually teaches you something useful. The forex trading systems and strategies that actually work are the ones that teach you something useful, meaning they teach you a way to think about the markets; to fish for yourself instead of being “fed” a fish. Markets are dynamic and constantly changing, so you need to use a trading strategy or system that allows you to adapt and make sense of these changing conditions.

&toro; Effective. The Forex trading strategy that you choose to employ in the markets should be one that has been effective for other traders in the past. Ideally, you want to learn a trading strategy from someone who is currently successful with the same strategy. This would be a trading mentor or trading coach who has dedicated some of their time to sharing their knowledge of successful Forex trading with the world.

Some of the things you want to steer clear of in the Forex trading world are systems or strategies that are entirely based on lagging indicators or that are based heavily on lagging indicators. Also, you want to avoid Forex trading programs that are nothing more than black-box trading systems which don’t allow you to develop any discretionary trading skills.

Forex strategies that work will contain the characteristics listed above, however, this short list is not complete, there is a lot more that goes into making a particular Forex strategy effective. Success in the markets is a result of having a truly effective Forex strategy combined with the proper amount of self discipline as well as passion for trading. It is extremely important that you learn early on to manage your emotions effectively when interacting with the markets, if you don’t learn to control your emotions you will very quickly lose all your money to other players in the market who ARE managing their emotions effectively. Essentially, success in the markets boils down to two main things: having an effective Forex trading strategy and having the ability to effectively manage your emotions on every single trade you take. If you can obtain these two things you will have no problem becoming a consistently profitable Forex trader.

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Penny Stock Trading Strategies that Work

There are many people who enter the markets with the goal of becoming the next millionaire. While it may happen for some, those with a limited amount of capital to get started with need to find really good deals to get great profits. This is where penny stocks come into play. Penny stocks can allow investors to play the market without having huge accounts.

Penny stocks are any stock that has a value less than 5.00. These are usually fresh companies just starting out or perhaps a company that has fallen on hard times. Penny stocks can be very rewarding but they are also very risky and anyone interested in trading them should be aware of this. For those investors willing to take the risk and are interested in getting the most bang for their buck, penny stocks are the way to go.

Stock trading isn’t that difficult. In fact trading penny stocks isn’t all that different from trading bigger stocks. You’ll need a brokerage account so if you’re just starting out, make sure to sign up for an online discount stockbroker. Do your research and compare fees and commissions and try out platforms. You must be comfortable when trading. Once you choose your online broker, you’ll have to start a little research to get a hold of the best penny stock ideas in the market today. There are many financial websites that can provide you with resources to find these stocks. There are also trading forums and message boards.

Penny stocks do not trade on the traditional boards like the Nasdaq or the NYSE. You will find them trading on the over-the-counter-bulletin board (OTCBB) and the pinksheets.

Be careful to not believe hype. There are many penny stocks that exaggerated and people can lose a lot of money playing them. Stick to your research and make sure everything you’ve heard about a company adds up.

Penny stocks being so cheap are a great way to get into the market if you don’t have a lot of money to lose. Penny stocks can generate huge profits sometimes as they are very volatile and a move of just 5 cents can mean thousands of dollars depending on your investment initially. You do not have to spend a lot of money to make a lot of money playing these types of stocks which makes them very attractive to beginning and professional investors.

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Binary Options Trading Strategies That Work

Are binary options Strategies really work?

There is no such thing as perfect strategy in the binary options trading world. All strategies have their week and strong points and no strategy guarantees success.

However, although strategies don’t always work, there are certain strategies that consider to be very profitable, most of the time. As a trader, you need to remember that we are talking about trading and it is not an exact science.

There are various binary options strategies out there, going under various names but in fact they are all based on combinations of call and put options.

One main strategy with the binary options trading is that the trader needs to predict the direction of the market movement. If the trader is expecting the market to climb up from the striking price or expecting it to get lower in the predetermined time frame. The markets tend to correct themselves after every movement and so is the price. So if the price has raised in the previous trade, more likely that it will fall in the next one. Although there will be times that this will not happen.

Another strategy, which BinaryBrokerZ brokers use is Technical analysis – Another way to evaluate the market is based on technical analysis which will help traders proceed with their binary options trading strategy. Using this strategy will help traders to observe all real time trades fluctuations, pay attention to which direction this market breaks, and plan their strategy accordingly.

Isn’t it like betting?

Trading binary option is definitely isn’t betting, However one important strategy in the binary options trading is the one based on the betting model – this is basically based on trading patterns in terms of investment amounts and timing to generate profit whether the trader is professional or not. Those strategies assume there are situations that can design your option buying strategy to give you a high probability of winning.

These are three basic ways to assess the market; trader which will combine these three strategies will increase their chances to profit by having a better understanding of the market.

Binary Options Trading Strategies That Work

Binary Options Trading Strategies That Work The completion of the trading process in the foreign exchange market is a very simple process, by virtue of that everything one separated from binary options trading is one procedure only and is the one who is in registration with a broker and one of the deployed intermediaries, and as mediators are deployed in the exchange market dramatically so there is the possibility of the existence of intermediaries claiming to provide many of the services characterized by quality as we can find some few of them are committed to do so, which requires the right of media all objectivity, through vigilance and caution and take into account Does this broker fits rolling method or not and grants and technical as well as news related to binary options is controlled and continuously analyzes.

This is the point that distinguishes a The Aussie Method System broker on the latest of these, but the tip is too small of a large iceberg known to the foreign exchange market, which has spread dramatically and very fast-paced, despite the many questions relating to the size of the volatility that can know this market and Is the best investment a way in order to make a profit, because frankly, the size of the volatility in this market is linked to the circumstances and market conditions during that moment, because every moment and circumstances, and among the things affecting this market, we find the release of economic data for a given state and chosen to invest in its currency, as well as the occurrence of political conflicts or even natural disasters that could affect depravity foreign exchange market is extremely sensitive.

Some might wonder about the meaning of the word senior The Aussie Method Reviews traders in binary options market, as it means in the world of binary options investors who were able to reach the remarkable successes, making their names known and shines in deliberation councils, which made them stars, everyone is interested in telling them in order to follow their example, that Most novice traders in the beginning to be derived senior traders as role models in the trading world, because some investors through the arrival of the richest in the capital markets by achieving a series of successes which made them excel in professionalism use which enabled them to distinguish them in circulation and their leadership of the Forex market plans, which we committed in this The Aussie Method Review show some of the secrets that game an important role in their success and in which we find among them:

Self-confidence and access to the desired goals and that is to make a profit from behind the workers.

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Learning and try to link all trading phases to keep pace with developments and with all that is new, taking advantage of the knowledge provided by trading experts available in the blogging and social networking sites because they are a good example of the success is worth to take into Triple Threat Trade account that.

Reliance on a clear and well thought out plan has experience taking care to develop the trading process, and by taking the trading profession like other professions not as a means of entertainment for the purpose of access to quick profit with the super-rich, because trading is necessary to be well thought out carefully.

Adherence to the plan during the trading factor because it is necessary to ensure continuity in circulation, infestation demo account provides the ability to experience in order to ensure its effectiveness and the extent of taken with the method.

Record all movements and trading method of activating the strategic as well as the codification of their effectiveness in reaching the required points and goals ruler.

To control the negative emotions such as fear and haste and even greed, which controls the rolling during the reverse movement of the market and that is something unwanted, all of that is possible through training in order to overcome them, and the maximum amount of greed that comes to traders at a Triple Threat Trade Software profit and stay away which converts into a bitter losses.

Day Trading Strategies That Work 0 comments

Feb 9, 2012 4:01 AM

There are many trading strategies and different trading styles. In my 7 years of trading I have tried different types of trading and in this kind of market condition we face today, day trading strategies carry the day. The question is, which of these day trading strategies can you successfully implement that will help you stay focus and profitable in the long term?

Well, I believe the London Close Strategy win this battle. I have seen many others and heard about some, however, the only day trading strategy that has proven to work over time with constant update and public progress is the day trading strategy based around the London Close trading session. With a careful record keeping since january 2010 and public update of the results and the trades taken and a complete journal of these trade, anyone can quickly look at their charts around 4 pm to 6pm CET or 10 am to 12 noon EST and be able to see recurring patterns within this time period almost everyday.

So if there are recurring patterns that setup around the London Close trading session, can we then extrapulate from this that the open London session, New York Open and New York Close or Japan Open and Close or Australia Open and Close can also produce such recurring patterns? Well, that is a possibility, but no one has yet to meticulously keep results like what we have with the London Close Strategy . At this time of writing, here are the results so far from the London Close Strategy: Out of a total trades 655 since 2010, 602 trades are winners for a total of 13,214 pips, 21 trades are losers for a total of 200 pips and 32 breakevens. That is why London Close strategy is what you may want to consider for your day trading strategy. This is an accuracy rate of 92%.

Discipline and focus are key to this kind of trading success. If you are disciplined and focused, any trading strategy will win 80% of the time. However, implementation is usually where the winners separates themselves from the losers. If you really want to day trade, then I will suggest you look out a successful trader like Shirley Hudson and strive to emulate what she does. So to succeed as a day trader you have to:

1. Develop and prepare your mind for success. Make up your mind to find a mentor and do it until you find someone.

2. Emulate what your mentor is doing, learn discipline, focus on the strategy they are using until you can produce the same results or even surpass your mentor.

3. Avoid jumping to another strategy at a moment that one of two trades fail.

4. Ask questions and keep your trading journal like the one Shirley Hudson has for the London Close Strategy.

You can always look back at your journal to pin point where you missed the mark. Your trading journal will help you jot down why you entered a trade and why you exit a trade. This in turn will force you to learn discipline and will keep you focused.

Keep it really simple and you will reap the results of discipline, focus and patience by seeing your pip counts grow, day after day and year after year.

Instablogs son blogs que se configuran instantáneamente y se conectan en red dentro de la comunidad Seeking Alpha. Instablog posts are not selected, edited or screened by Seeking Alpha editors, in contrast to contributors' articles.

Great Traders Specialize

In any field, whether it’s business, athletics or the arts, the person that masters his or her specialized craft is usually looked upon as the “best,” or at least as one of the best at what they do. In professional football, you couldn’t imagine a quarterback playing defense because he focuses 100% on using his talents as a quarterback, and the fact that he is a professional distinguishes him as being better than most. Similarly in trading, finding what you’re good at is an important aspect to being successful.

A common thread among high achievers is that they find their niche and continue to work to better themselves throughout their careers. From an early age, they gain a good grasp of what talents they possess and begin harnessing those strengths before most others are trying to figure out their lot in life. Moreover, those that don’t have exceptional talents simply work harder than their peers to attain exceptional achievements.

In the medical field, for example, it’s not the general practitioner that earns the biggest salary, but rather the oncologist or heart surgeon. In team athletics, the most valuable players are the ones that can perform very specific tasks, such as closing out the game after the starting pitcher begins to falter or simply runs out of gas. We call this person the “closer,” similar to the salesperson who has the cunning to get a customer to sign on the bottom line where others have failed. In football, as I mentioned earlier, the so-called skilled positions garner the multimillion dollar contracts.

In the world of trading financial markets this especially holds true. I see too many new traders continuously searching for the Holy Grail in different technical indicators, asset classes and strategies, which is fine when one is starting out. However, there comes a time when one must declare a major, so to speak, like in college.

One of the hallmarks of highly successful traders is that they have a specialty. These folks have a specific strategy or set of strategies that they have mastered and apply consistently, day in and day out.

There are two schools of thought on this: One is mastering a technique and scanning the entire universe of asset classes for these specific setups; the other is focusing on a specific sector, asset class or market.

In the hedge fund world, there are managers that specialize in short selling – they search for overvalued companies and then accumulate large short positions expecting the market will ultimately reflect the true value (much lower prices) of the company or stock. On the flip side, value managers wait for stocks to get knocked down enough to create a large discount to the company’s intrinsic value before they begin accumulating large positions. And then there are the technical traders that make buy and sell decisions based solely on the price action of the particular instrument they trade.

When I’m instructing, specifically teaching Online Trading Academy’s patented core strategy with students, one comment I seem to always get is how simple the technique is. Some students think it’s too simplistic and don’t believe that it can be that easy. Let me make it very clear that though strategies may be simple, executing them can be quite challenging for some. This “it’s too simple” perception can be a problem because these students will find it hard to find a niche. They will always be under the illusion that trading has to be complicated. I believe this to be one of the major impediments in a trader’s commitment to sticking to a simple strategy and mastering it. Another barrier is changing their old belief systems, and that’s a whole different challenge.

Case in point: I had a conversation with a student late in December that up to that point had been doing well with his trading but he was hitting a little bit of a road block. He was a bit perplexed by recent market action and was torn between what the Federal reserve was doing (starting to raise rates) and the technical landscape. He’s been hearing the “don’t fight the Fed” drum beat and was taking it quite literally. Consequently, he had become reluctant in buying the market in spite of some short-term technical patterns suggesting the contrary. Remember, the market was rallying going into the New Year. I proposed that he stick to his strategies and continue to focus on honing his skills as an E-mini futures trader. Furthermore, I admonished him to let go of the distractions such as the media, or whatever else was pulling him away from maintaining an objective point of view and executing his strategy. From our last correspondence, he seems to be doing much better.

I encourage everyone to find a specialty in the markets, whether it be a certain type of market or trading style suited for daily, weekly or monthly income. Once that’s established, create a simple set of trading rules to achieve those goals that make you feel successful. We know those are different for everybody. Lastly, when I was very young my grandfather gave me some great advice. He said to me, “Gabriel, find something that you’re good at, work hard to do it better than most, and you will never go hungry.”

Until next time, I hope everyone has a great week.

Options Trading Strategies That Work ?

I have received the question of “What Options Trading Strategies Work ?”. To be honest there is no exact answer to this question. Dejame explicar.

Most traders understand that the market is a zero sum game so there is a winner and a loser, but with options you have the ability to make money when a stock does not have to move at all. Options provide the unique ability that you can be a winning trader just from having the stock not move at all.

Options add the element of “time value” to investing which dramatically increases the strategies you can use for trading vs. just trading directionally(long of short) like you do stocks, forex, or futures.

All options trading strategies are created to provide a specific risk/reward outcome so if you understand how to integrate technical analysis with options then you can have much more flexibility in your trading.

If you know what you are doing and understand how to apply a specific options strategy then you could say that all options will work. Most people new to options though try to understand too many strategies and just get overwhelmed. Best advice is to just stick to a couple strategies until you get a feel for it. There are many options traders that make a living just using a couple strategies all the time.

I wrote about various options strategies in a past post, Options Strategies but lets keep this post simple and cover a couple of the main options trading strategies. Once you understand these strategies then you can build onto them with other options strategies.

I will share the things to think about with each strategy below.

Options Income Strategies

Goal of income strategies is to sell options to collect premiums. With these strategies you want the stock to ideally not move or stay away from the strike price of the options you sold so you can have the options expire worthless.

Covered calls

A strategy used to generate income on a stock by selling near term calls for income premium against a stock that you own (or you can own deep in the money calls instead of owning the stock).

Covered calls work well for non volatile stocks as your goal is to have the stock not move so that the calls you sells expire worthless.

Covered calls are a useful strategy with index ETF’s and largecap stocks.

You can implement basic technical analysis to look for resistance levels to sell calls at in order to increase the likelihood that the calls will expire worthless.

You want time decay to occur because being short calls limits the upside to your stock(the stock will get called away from you at the strike price you sell at) so using weekly options can be useful with covered calls strategy if there is enough time premium in the calls.

Most covered call sellers calculate out the % return that the covered call premium generates to determine whether to sell a covered call or not. Por ejemplo. A stock trading at $100 has a call with $110 strike price selling for $1.30 that expires in 28days. $1.30/100 = 1.3% return in 28 days with $10 of additional upside potential($110 strike-$100current price).

Generally it is useful to evaluate time to expiration, current support/resistance levels, and premium offered to calculate out if a covered call makes sense.

Credit Spreads

A very popular strategy which involved selling a near term option and simultaneously buying a farther out of the money option. Credit spreads can be used with puts or calls based on the direction that you think the underlying security will go. You can realize maximum profit with credit spreads when your short options expires worthless.

Credit spreads are popular among directional traders because you profit not only when the stock moves in a specific direction but also if the stock doesn’t move at all. A credit spread trader is collecting premium and profits from time decay in the options.

Credit spreads have continued to grow in popularity especially with the growth in weekly options. See Weekly options Credit spreads post.

You generally want to have an understanding of technical analysis so you can understand where a stock is in regards to support and resistance.

Credit spreads offer a defined risk/reward but the max loss is usually larger than the max reward with credit spreads. Therefore it is important to manage risk with this strategy or your losers will outweigh your winners.

The farther out of the money you sell options, the lower the credit you will receive. Also the farther out in expiration you go, the high the premiums.

Many credit spread traders will look at things suck as: probabilities for expiration, how much time premium(“Intrinsic Value”) is priced in, and volatility.

The are many ways to trade credit spreads whether you trade weeklies for short term direction or sell far out of the money long term options. It really depends on your investment style and trading goals.

For shorter term trading(like with weeklies) understanding technical indicators like oscillators, trend reading, candlestick patterns, and support/resistance levels are very useful with credit spreads.

There are many other option income strategies like diagonals, calendars, iron condors, ecetera…….many of which are just adding multi-leg variations of ones I covered above. Keep it simple at first for only a few strategies and then add variations as you get experience.

Directional Options Trading Strategies

Debit Spreads

Debit spreads are essentially the opposite of credit spreads in that you buy an option and sell a farther out of the money option. The long option which is closer to the money has a higher premium than the short option so it costs you a “Debit” in you account. The max loss with a debit spread is the debit amount.

Debit spreads are a lower cost way of buying shares of a stock but you are limited in the upside(calls) or downside(puts) by the short option you sold.

Debit spreads are popular with short term directional bets as you are fighting against time decay on your long options.

It has become a popular strategy with weekly options by buying an in the money debit spread with less time value priced.

You need to have a trading system or plan using technical analysis to trade debit spreads because your goal is a near term directional move.

You need to evaluate how far in the money to buy the option(preferably 80+delta on your long call) and pay attention to time value priced into the option.

Por ejemplo. Stock is trading at $50. You believe the stock is at support and will bounce short term. You buy a $45call and sell a $50 call against it that expires in a week for a $2.70 debit (or $270 cost per spread). The max reward is $210 ($5 spread-debit of 2.70=2.30) so 230/270 = 85% return on amount risked. The max loss though it $270.

TIP: look at the current volatility priced in so you don’t overpay for the option. This is a mistake option investors will make on a stock that sold off and has high volatility priced into the stock as once the stock settles down/bounces you could end up losing on the debit spread as lower volatility decreases the premiums. You want to be a SELLER of high volatility NOT a buyer so pay attention to volatility that is priced into any options you are buying or selling.

TIP: spend time time looking at the risk/reward graphs of debit spreads to give you an idea of how they work at different prices relative to the spread you are evaluating.

Debit spreads is a core directional options strategy. By adding additional legs and expiration periods to a debit spread you will end up with other options strategies like ratio spread, calendar spreads, straddles, ecetera. Again, if you are trading directionally and using options like a debit spread to limit the capital needed(and limit risk) then stick to it a couple strategies until you jump up to more complicated ones.

If new to options check out the series of posts at. Learn Options Trading

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Day Trading Strategies that Work

Day trading in stocks, options, currencies, and futures can be profitable for a trader who has substantial experience in the realm of trading. It involves placing numerous buy and sell orders, assuming short and long positions for small intervals, and typically closing out positions within the same trading day with the intention of making quick profits. It's a highly speculative activity that involves gauging the direction of the intraday market, and may result in the trader having to bear substantial losses in the event of incorrect assessment.

Understanding and implementing the strategies that work is not an easy task since these require experience, capital, and other trading resources. People who are interested in it, should have a good understanding of the stock and the forex market. The following strategies may serve as guideposts for aspiring day traders.

Swing trading is a relatively safe strategy for beginners, since it involves capturing gains in a stock within a span of one to four days. Momentum traders buy on news releases and ride the trend till signs of reversal become apparent. Unlike momentum trading, fading involves adopting a contrarian viewpoint, thus buying when there is a dip and selling when the market rallies. Contrarian stock investing involves going against conventional wisdom and is fueled by the belief that the masses are generally wrong. Traders, who work for large institutions, have direct access to a dealing desk and can thus profit from merger arbitrage . Scalping is a concept that requires quick execution and is not recommended for people who do not have direct access to a dealing desk. It involves profiting on trades within seconds to minutes by buying (selling) a large volume of shares at the bid (ask) price, and shorting (longing) them within minutes at a higher (lower) price, thus becoming richer by a few cents per share.

Picking Highly Liquid Securities

A day trader should focus on buying and selling highly liquid stocks, since it hinges on the ability to buy stocks and sell the same within seconds to minutes. Stocks that have greater liquidity can be longed and shorted at a favorable price. The difference between the bid and the ask price is known as spread and it depends on the level of supply, demand, and trading activity for the stock. Greater liquidity also reduces slippage, which is the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which it actually executes.

Picking Volatile Stocks

Stock volatility is another important feature that one must focus on before assuming a long or a short position. Volatility is calculated by finding the annualized standard deviation of the daily change in the price of the security. If the relative rate at which the price of a security moves up or down is high, its volatility is high and it gives the trader an opportunity to buy low and sell high in the same day. In fact, the value of a call and a put option increases if the underlying stock is highly volatile!

Accessing Level II Quotes and Other Real Time Information

Stock quotes are available on almost all websites. However, the information that is relayed is delayed by 15-20 minutes. You should be able to track stocks by the second, since most positions are closed out within a same trading day. Level II quotes provide enormous insight on a stock's near term potential and on traders who are buying or selling the same. Other real time news/information is also necessary for making profitable trades.

Margin Trading and Stop Loss

Pattern day traders only trade on margin accounts, since trading on cash account is limited to trades that do not violate the Federal Reserve Board Regulation T which is the basis for governing cash accounts. Moreover, employing leverage results in increasing the return on investment (ROI). Others can trade on margin, provided they place stop loss orders that are designed to limit the loss on a security position.

Ultimately, people need to figure out successful strategies that work for them and implement the same for best results. At the end of the day, strategies that yield results have to be figured out by trial and error method. Thus, people with limited capital or those who are risk averse may be better off investing rather than speculating.

October 28, 2009

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I was recently sent a copy of “Short Term Trading Strategies That Work ” by Larry Connors and thought I’d post a review. The book covers many subjects that I’ve spent a lot of time looking at over the last two years. I gather that some of the book comes from previous articles posted by Mr. Connors on the TradingMarkets website – so for some it may be material that you’ve already read.

Overall, I found the book to be a pleasure. Well written, short and to-the-point. Most trading books I read, frankly, are fairly worthless because they don’t contain any testing. Mr. Connors makes it a point of discussing a strategy and then showing the tests. Obviously backtesting can only take you so far, but it is a good starting point. Most importantly, the book gave me some fresh ideas to explore – something everyone can use from time-to-time. While the book may cover too much well-tred material for advanced system designers, I think the book would be an excellent starting point for someone interested in learning about systems trading.

As a side note, I love the format of the book. It is a large, thin, hardcover book. Makes it a pleasure to read and reminds me of my childhood Tintin and Asterix & Obelix books.

In this review, I’ll go over each chapter in brief, but I won’t discuss the specific strategy rules as I think that would be unfair to the author. I will also be starting to confirm the tests outlined in the book, and post some follow-up on the systems and whether I was able to reproduce the results, and how as the strategy done recently.

Chapter 1 – Introduction: Not much to say here.

Chapter 2 – Think Differently – Rule 1 – Buy Pullbacks, Not Breakouts: This chapter makes the convincing argument that buying pullbacks has, statistically, worked far better than buying breakouts. While this is not news to me, the chapter presents some compelling information.

Chapter 3 – Rule 2 – Buy the Market after it’s Dropped; Not after it’s Risen: Basically a reverse of the prior chapter that continues the mean reversion as a strategy argument.

Chapter 4 – Buy Stocks above their 200-day Moving Average, not Below: This chapter shows how buying stocks/ETFs above their 200dma has a significant advantage over buying stocks below their 200dma.

Chapter 5 – Rule 4 – Use the VIX to your Advantage…Buy the Fear, Sell the Greed: Presents a basic VIX system in outline form (covered more in later chapters). The basic idea is to buy when the VIX is stretched.

Chapter 6 – Rule 5 – Stops Hurt: This chapter presents compelling stats on how much stops of different kinds (time stops, % loss, trailing) hurt trading systems. And this is without a doubt true. One issue I have with this approach is that I’m not sure most people could survive the drawdowns caused by this approach. A second issue is that not having stops takes away some pretty attractive position sizing techniques such a percent at risk or an ATR-based stop. His argument would no doubt be that those hurt the overall performance of the system, but in my limited experience I’ve found you can get more return out a system using position sizing. You can also translate that into options position sizing as well.

Chapter 7 – Rule 6 – It Pays to Hold Positions Overnight: Here Mr. Connor points out, again, using statistics, that most gains are made overnight rather than intraday. Thus, he argues that one should hold overnight to maximize profits.

Chapter 8 – Trading with Intra-Day Drops – Making Edges Even Bigger: This chapter shows how buying on a limit price below the open price can significantly improve the edge of a system. Obviously, there will be fewer trades as the percentage below the open increases, but Mr. Connors shows how both the percent correct and average gain per trade goes up. Definitely interesting stuff that I will be using.

Chapter 9 – The 2-period RSI – The Trader’s Holy Grail of Indicators?: I hate the title of this chapter – whenever I see the phrase “Holy Grail” I immediately think to myself that it is about to fail. But regardless, this chapter provides a comprehensive look at the power of the RSI(2) indicator. I’ve covered this a fair amount on this blog, so I don’t think much more needs to be said. This chapter also includes the Cumulative RSI strategy that I’m going to be testing myself over the next day or so.

Chapter 10 – Double 7’s Strategy: Not much I can say about this chapter without revealing the strategy – it presents a good simple trading strategy for the SPY when it over its 200dma.

Chapter 11 – The End of the Month Strategy: Michael over at Marketsci has been covering similar territory – Mr. Connors presents a strategy for focusing on the end of the month as a system.

Chapter 12 – 5 Strategies to Time the Market: This chapter covers, not surprisingly, 5 strategies. It builds out the VIX Stretch strategy, and then showcases another VIX strategy, a TRIN strategy, another Cumulative RSI strategy, and finally a short strategy for the SPY. All are interesting.

Chapter 13 – Exit Strategies: Here Mr. Connors reviews different exit strategies and their qualities. These include: time-based exit, first-up close exit, new-high exit, close above a moving average exit and the RSI(2) exit. The author provides detailed analysis of each exit. One criticism of the book here: he does not include stats on the first-up close exit and the new-high exit.

Chapter 14 – The Mind: I thought this chapter would bore me, but I found it surprisingly interesting. Rather than going on with the classic “trading in the zone” approach that has been covered numerous times, the author structures the chapter as a series of questions related to systems trading. Example: “You lose money for eight consecutive days and you’re long multiple positions as the market is imploding. ¿Qué haces? Get out?” My reaction to many of the questions (not that one because I have an answer) was “hmmm….I don’t have a good answer”. So more food for thought. There is also a long interview with Richard J. Machowicz, a former Navy SEAL, that may be of interest to some people but not me.

Well written and easy to understand – even for someone without a lot of trading experience.

Very interesting strategy ideas – gave me lots of areas to explore. Favorites: Cumulative RSI and Double 7’s Strategy. Also interesting: the chapter on Exit Strategies.

The systems are a little lacking in detail. Are we entering on the close of the day the signal is generated, or on the open of the next day? While this may be somewhat obvious when looking at the charts showing entries and exits, I think beginning systems designers may find it confusing. The charts showing the sample trades don’t show dates – so if you’ve programmed the system and want to double-check the results, you have to do some guessing such as “When was the QQQQ between 52.50 and 52 on or around the 22nd of a given month?”

I actually find this a problem, in general, when people describe trading strategies in general. I’d love there to be some standard such as:

& # 8211; Indicator calculation (if appropriate): n/a

& # 8211; Buy on: Open of the day following a signal.

& # 8211; Position Size: Current Equity divided by number of positions

& # 8211; Indicator calculation: n/a

& # 8211; Sell on: Open of the day following a signal.

Much of the work in the book revolved around stocks/ETFs being above a 200DMA – and thus, there aren’t a huge number of strategies that will currently work.

As mentioned above, the systems don’t use stops. This may be unrealistic for many people, and limits your position sizing options. Simply saying “take your equity and divide it by the number of positions” keeps it simple but also gives no idea, for the trader, as to how much to risk.

Most of these negatives are pretty small – and I would strong recommend the book. For the beginning system designer, this book would be indespenible. For the experienced designer, you’ll probably find a gem or two that will spark some ideas of your own.

This is a great book..I’m glad I found it. Connors is great……I also learned a lot about hedge fund trading strategies from 2 other great books. Hedge Fund Trading Secrets Robert Dorfman..and Richard Rms’ Stop and make money…..both are riveting and very informative. You should check them out if you like reading behind the scenes stuff about hedge funds and what methods they use to trade

good review, i have read the earlier edition before, and have purchased and bought trading systems from the connors group. on balance i think they do very good practical work that is simple and easy to apply. As long as the patterns persist, traders that follow their research will definitely make money consistently.

My major criticism is how the research relates to data mining—essentially this is the methodology used to come up with most of the trading systems without a lot of theoretical justification or integration. Much of the research works very well on large cap stocks and the s&p500 and the nasdaq, but would do poorly on the russell 2000, small cap stocks, and also commodities. They capitalize on the countertrend nature of these investments that has been induced by intense competition and increasing volume.

This behavior is due to the “averaging” or scaling process used to buy stocks by mutual funds, as well as the index arbitrage programs which focus on the S&P500 primarily. Note that these two factors largely do not exist in the commodity markets and for the more junior indexes like the Russell 2000. As a consequence they tend to trend much more, and fading strategies are dangerous. My concern is what will happens when we have a net money outflow from the stock market, and a collapse of proprietary trading desks and funds that focus on arbitrage (as we are having right now). Perhaps this means that large stocks and indices will trend more in the future than in the past.

In conclusion, looking for holy grail indicators with fixed parameters can be dangerous advice, and only an adaptive approach can save someone from abruptly changing conditions. Perhaps a crude method of doing this would be to use a moving average of the performance of a basket of countertrend based strategies, and sell when the equity curve goes below a long moving average.

Excellent comments – I agree that a single set of parameters is dangerous because the market changes over time. Rob over at Quantifiable Edge and Mike at MarketSci have both shown that the market rewarded buying higher highs until it didn’t – about 1980 if I’m remember correctly. Thus, any strategy that had worked on that property (trending) stopped working. Now we’re in a period of mean reversion, but who knows if that will be maintained. One thing that Rob looks at that I like is just running two simple systems – one that buys a higher-high and one that sells it. The result is that you may get a better head’s up when either one starts to fail. This approach is similar to your equity curve trading technique that you outline. Then the next question becomes what does one do to adapt or change a strategy. Obviously, you can have two different strategies for each market and trade them accordingly. Other approaches could be to adjust position size or adjust/extend the parameters of the system to require more extreme settings (in the case of, say, a mean reversion strategy).

All of these, of course, will suffer from data mining bias – which, in my opinion, is very tough to get around. But I don’t use strategies as a holy grail – I recognize that they fail (all the time), and have to be adapted, and, finally, at the end of the day, they really only offer probability – not an outcome.

I do find it interesting that you say that the methods don’t have a lot of justification for why they work. Two comments on this:

1. The market is always multivariate – so assigning a reason for behavior is, at the end of the day, just a guess as to why something works. The reality is that there are probably hundreds of reasons why the market behaves as it does – therefore, for me, I don’t find it that interesting to look at. The simplest form of this is at the end of the day, you’ll have CNBC give you the reason why the market was up or down. It’s usually one reason. It may or may not be right or wrong.

2. You give a great reason (a few actually) for why the systems might work. So there you go! You’ve got it wired already.

At the end of the day, financial instruments either trend or mean-revert – the trick, in my opinion, is figuring out which they are doing and then design systems to trade it.

Thanks very much for your thoughtful comment – great stuff.

Online Stock Trading-Trading for a Living-Online Currency Trading

Day trading strategies

The phrase “day trading” implies a strategy that involves making transactions during the trading day for a particular security, currency pair or commodity future. Furthermore, day trading strategies generally require that all trading positions must be liquidated before the close of the relevant market on the day they were opened.

While stock and futures markets tend to have a well defined trading day determined by their respective open market hours, the forex market is open for trading around the clock from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon New York time. As a result, a currency trader pursuing a day trading strategy probably means that they trade just during their local market’s usual business hours.

As a strategic principle incorporated into a trade plan that also includes sound money management principles, day trading has several beneficial aspects that can enhance a trader’s profitability. Two of the primary benefits of day trading are covered in the sections below.

Day Trading Occurs When the Trader is Most Alert

Perhaps the main benefit of day trading as a strategy for speculating on movements in the stock, currency and commodity futures markets is that trading positions are usually only open when the trader is fully awake and alert.

This means the day trader typically has a better chance of making quick and intelligent decisions that should help put them ahead of the game. Being alert should also help sharpen their trading reflexes and make them ready and able to act quickly to take advantage of new opportunities or to avoid looming potential losses.

Day Traders Avoid Overnight Exposure Risk

Overnight exposure risk is the risk of sharp movements occurring in the underlying market occurring during evening or early morning hours when the trader is usually not awake and actively observing their positions.

This form of trading risk can be especially troublesome for traders operating in the currency markets that trade throughout each business day. Nevertheless, stock and futures markets often gap up or down at the market opening and this also reflects the overnight exposure risk that traders holding open positions overnight must face.

Not only can significant price or exchange rate movements occur in any time zone as news and economic data is released, but overnight markets often trade on wider price spreads. Also, trading during less liquid time frames can result in substantial order slippage and stop losses that are filled just before the market reverses in a trader’s favor.

The day trader is especially fortunate to be able to completely avoid overnight exposure risk — as well as the added stress that such risk involves — since they traditionally close out all of their open trades before the trading day ends.

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One of the most common and destructive mistakes a day trader makes is to simply not follow their plans. Temptation, an “obvious signal”, and just simple greed can lead traders down the road of being undisciplined. This is without a doubt one of the most dangerous mistakes, as traders will often lose more than they originally planned as they raised their amount risked.


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Forex Trading Strategy

View Our Forex Trading Strategy Video Trend Jumper Forex Swingtrade Sample Training Video

Do you have a Forex trading strategy . The simple fact of the matter is that most people who are brand-new to the world of Forex trading really don’t have a solid strategy in place. Why would this be important? There are several reasons why it’s very important for anybody who’s serious about being successful as a foreign currency trader to have a basic strategy in place before getting started. Let’s examine some of those reasons.

First, it needs to be understood that trading foreign currencies can not be done successfully over the long-term if you were basically just gambling with money. In other words, anybody can make wild guesses as to which direction a particular currency my move. However, this is not the basis upon which a long-term trader can be successful. This isn’t even a reference to somebody who chooses to look at macro economic factors before making a trading decision. Even somebody who is engaged in short-term currency trading — daytrading — needs to have some basic strategy in place.

Yet another reason why a Forex trading strategy is important is because you have a finite amount of capital to work with. Nobody really has the ability to speculate with an unlimited pool of capital. Therefore, you need to have the right strategic framework upon which you are basing your trading decisions. Otherwise, it will be far too easy for you to start making trades based purely on emotion and not on any kind of sound objective principles.

The only way you can ever improve as a currency trader is by learning from your mistakes. Most experts agree that the only way to really learn from your mistakes is to have a consistent approach that you are using to place currency trades. How can somebody who is haphazardly placing trades on a daily basis ever really learn from their mistakes when they are essentially not following any kind of formal Forex trading strategy? It’s virtually impossible.

It is for these reasons that it makes a lot of sense for you to get serious about developing a trading system that you can begin using every time you decide to make a trade. This isn’t to suggest that whatever strategy you choose to adopt is the one you need to keep forever. The truth is, some of the most successful people in the currency trading business regularly borrow elements from different Forex trading strategies and systems . This is how they are able to create their own approach that they find to be the most successful for them.

Something you should consider doing immediately is to begin researching some of the different trading strategies that are out there. Then, you can initially picked a Forex trading strategy that you think might be suitable for you. Try it out and see what happens. Remember, there is no rule that says you can not change the Forex trading strategy that you have chosen. Therefore, don’t allow yourself to be paralyzed into indecision by being worried about making the wrong choice.

You will quickly realize that having a great trading strategy can truly help you make a lot more money and to do so consistently.

charting the currency markets

Análisis técnico

Hi there, Yes, that is right, payday came this week as we booked one thousand pips profit. How did we do that? Not easy, this much I can tell you. Trading means taking into account both technical and fundamental analysis in order to forecast future price movements on the right side of the screen. Pretty. View Article

Get familiar with trading strategies and concepts we use (Elliott, Pitchfork, Gartley, Murrey, Gann, etc.)

Technical setups are visible, explaining the rationale used.

Learn while you trade.

Análisis fundamental

“So mortgage bonds are dog shit. CDO’s are dog shit wrapped in cat shit” Mark Baum (Steve Carell), The Big Short 2015 Mr. Mario Draghi has left the stage, leaving us wondering whether the new measures introduced represent the last desperate attempt to save the Euro zone from the deflation monster or it is the. View Article

Interpreting economic releases.

Showing you what to expect from the upcoming news, economic data, press conferences, interest rate decisions, etc.

Private mentoring

This service addresses those who want to really learn how to trade. Of course it is easier to take trading signals from somebody and based on other people’s strategies and analysis, but what about learning for yourself? What about learning to do your own analysis.

Six months program.

One - on - one personal coaching/mentoring.

Technical and fundamental analysis, new ways to look at indicators.

Market psychology.

Finding a trading strategy that works is one of the most important steps to trading in binary options. A solid strategy will play to your strengths and your knowledge base, increasing your chances of winning on trades. Yet many beginning traders have a hard time developing their first trading strategy.

This is exactly where research comes into play. Do plenty of research before you place your first trade so you can be as prepared as possible. And be sure to keep an accurate and thorough log of each trade so you can learn from experience. A binary options trading log will help ensure you don’t make the same mistakes twice. Below are a few of our favorite time-tested binary options trading strategies that work. They range from beginning strategies to those best employed by experts. No matter your experience level, you’re sure to find a strategy below that successfully works for you.

1. Trade Diversification

Before you hone in on a specific strategy, it’s essential to understand the importance of trade diversification. Especially as a beginning trader, you need to make a wide variety of trades on different assets. This allows you to find the ones that perform the best for you. It also helps you find those assets you’re most interested in following. Along these same lines, you must only look at online brokers like Binary Uno that allow you to place a high number of trades at once.

2. Go for the Bonuses

As a binary options beginner, it almost goes without saying that early success will encourage you to keep trading well into the future. One of the best ways to make a little initial income is to capitalize on new player sign up bonuses. Most online platforms, including Binary Uno, offer you a guaranteed bonus when you’re new to the service.

3. Think About Forex Trading

Everyone has a different opinion about forex trading. Some love it, some hate it. The fact is that forex trading requires careful and near constant market research. Because it has to do with the fluctuations in the daily values of world currencies, you must act fast when placing a trade.

4. Capitalize on Early Exit Trades

The majority of online binary options brokers give users the ability to select an early exit option on trades. Essentially, this guarantees you a set profit on the trade. This makes early exit a good option on trades that might not do well. On the flip side, choosing early exit on a trade that does do well won’t net you as much income in the long run.

5. Stay Away from Gossip

A lot of beginning traders put their ears to the ground listening for the latest trade gossip. Yet this isn’t an effective strategy for long-term success. While it might help you get lucky on occasion, you’re far better off developing your own trading strategy.

The key to binary options success is finding a trading strategy that works. The best way to do this is by trying all of the different techniques to find the one that works best for you. Develop this particular strategy, tweaking it over time, and you’ll greatly increase your binary options earnings.

Swing Trading Strategies For Finding Oversold Stocks

Swing Trading Strategies For Finding Oversold Stocks

Folks, I'm convinced that the reason most people lose in the stock market is because they use a trend following strategy in a trading market. Swing trading strategies are important to learn because in a trading market (also called a stock pickers market), you can transition from a trend following strategy into one of several swing trading strategies.

No me malinterpretes. There is a time for everything. Trend trading strategies work when the ADX line is low and starting to rise higher on the S&P 500

Stands for Standard & Poor's 500. The S&P 500 index was created in 1957. It is a basket of 500 stocks that are considered to be widely held. The 500 stocks are chosen for market size, liquidity and industry grouping. The S&P 500 is designed to be a leading indicator of U. S. equities." class="glossaryLink ">S&P 500. Buy high and sell higher is a viable strategy. The problem, however, is in not transitioning into swing trading strategies when the ADX line is high and starting to come down.

We cycle continuously back and forth between a Trending

Trending stocks are stocks that form a series of higher lows and higher highs, or lower lows and lower highs. Big buyers, such as institutional traders, money managers, and hedge funds, cause a stock to trend. Stocks don't trend unless there are big buyers present. There are two types of trending stocks: uptrend and downtrend. Uptrending stocks form higher highs and higher lows. Downtrending stocks form lower highs and lower lows.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/uptrend-chart-pattern. png" alt="uptrend-chart-pattern" width="408" height="177" /> <br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/downtrend-chart-pattern. png" alt="downtrend-chart-pattern" width="382" height="214" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/trending/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">trending market (range expansion), and a trading market (range contraction). Knowing this is going to help you improve your trading. Check out the chart of the S&P 500

Stands for Standard & Poor's 500. The S&P 500 index was created in 1957. It is a basket of 500 stocks that are considered to be widely held. The 500 stocks are chosen for market size, liquidity and industry grouping. The S&P 500 is designed to be a leading indicator of U. S. equities." class="glossaryLink ">S&P 500 below.

Notice on the left side of the chart in the blue shaded area, the ADX line was rising thus the market was Trending

Trending stocks are stocks that form a series of higher lows and higher highs, or lower lows and lower highs. Big buyers, such as institutional traders, money managers, and hedge funds, cause a stock to trend. Stocks don't trend unless there are big buyers present. There are two types of trending stocks: uptrend and downtrend. Uptrending stocks form higher highs and higher lows. Downtrending stocks form lower highs and lower lows.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/uptrend-chart-pattern. png" alt="uptrend-chart-pattern" width="408" height="177" /> <br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/downtrend-chart-pattern. png" alt="downtrend-chart-pattern" width="382" height="214" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/trending/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">trending. Trend trading strategies like buy and hold work very well. It is common for the market to trend during the best 6 months of the year for the stock market (November through December).

In June, as we move into the right side of the chart above and the green shaded area, the ADX line started falling. A falling ADX line means that the market is a trading market. This is also called a stock pickers market. Swing trading strategies have a tendency to do better in a trading market. Take a look at the swing trader Jason Bond's performance for 2013.

Notice that both Jason Bond Picks and the S&P 500

Stands for Standard & Poor's 500. The S&P 500 index was created in 1957. It is a basket of 500 stocks that are considered to be widely held. The 500 stocks are chosen for market size, liquidity and industry grouping. The S&P 500 is designed to be a leading indicator of U. S. equities." class="glossaryLink ">S&P 500 were going up but starting in July, Jason Bond's performance pulled away from the S&P 500

Stands for Standard & Poor's 500. The S&P 500 index was created in 1957. It is a basket of 500 stocks that are considered to be widely held. The 500 stocks are chosen for market size, liquidity and industry grouping. The S&P 500 is designed to be a leading indicator of U. S. equities." class="glossaryLink ">S&P 500. That's partly because, in a trading market (when the ADX line is falling), swing trading strategies work better.

One of my favorite swing trading strategies is to find Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold stocks that have high short interest. The metric we are looking for is called short interest days to cover. Days to cover does not mean that short sellers have to cover in whatever days the metric shows. All that days to cover means is if all short sellers wanted to exit a stock at the same time, it would take X number of days for them to do so based upon the average daily volume of that stock.

First you want to screen for Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold stocks. Here is the best free stock screener on the web that automatically screens for Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold stocks. Go here and sign up for a free account. This is a free account on the website called Finviz which stands for Financial Visualization. Spend a couple of minutes signing up for a free account then come back and continue this lesson.

Now that you have signed up for a free account and are logged in, click on Screener at the top of the window:

Then click the Signal drop down box and select "Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">Oversold " as the pattern:

Now click on TA which is underneath the filters section. TA stands for technical analysis. Up will come the TA listings of all Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold stocks. Note that "Short Float" metric. The higher the "Short Float" number is, the greater the number of short sellers in that stock. This metric is the number of short sellers as a percentage of float:

Pick a few stocks with a very high "Short Float" metric. Now go over to the NASDAQ

The Nasdaq was created by the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) to enable investors to trade securities on a computerized, speedy and transparent system. It was the first electronic stock exchange. The Nasdaq stock market comprises two separate markets: the Nasdaq National Market, and the Nasdaq Smallcap Market. The Nasdaq National Market trades large, active securities and the Nasdaq Smallcap Market trades emerging growth companies. The Nasdaq began(. ) <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/nasdaq/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">Nasdaq 's website to look up the "days to cover" metric. Click here to go to the Nasdaq short interest webpage. You can enter up to 25 ticker symbols in the box on this page.

Click the Go Now button and up will come the days to cover metric for that stock.

The information is free so it's about 2 weeks old but it still can be useful in your trading. Any stock with a short interest days to cover metric of 3 or greater, is a short squeeze candidate. The higher the days to cover metric, the better.

The reason this is one of the best swing trading strategies is because it has the added dimension of short covering to push the stock higher. Piénsalo. For a short seller to close out their position, they have to buy the stock back. In other words, by knowing the short interest in a stock, you also know what the future buy side demand is going to be if the company doesn't end up filing for bankruptcy.

This swing trading method is not complete without you establishing the Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst. So after you search for Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold stocks, then check the short interest days to cover metric, you need to search the news for that stock to see if there is a Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst that can cause short sellers to cover their shorts and buyers to come into the stock. Establishing the Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst is the most time consuming aspect of any swing trading strategies .

The ideal stock will be a small cap stock with a beta greater than 1. It will have a high short interest as a percentage of float. Stocks with a short float of 20% or greater are good. The stock will have a short interest days to cover metric greater than 3 but preferably 10 or greater. Finally, when you check the press releases and news for that stock, it will have a Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst that can lift the stock higher such as an earnings surprise to the upside. New business or sales is another Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst. If you are having trouble with understanding how a Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst impacts swing trading strategies that involve short covering like this one, then I have a great exercise for you.

On Finviz go back to the home page by clicking here. In the middle of the page you will see the top gaining stocks for the day:

Go down this list and click on the top gaining stocks for the day then go to their press releases and news stories at the bottom of the page and see if you can determine the Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst of each top gaining stock for the day. This is a great way to get good at spotting catalysts that can cause short sellers to cover their positions.

Frequently Asked Questions about Swing Trading Strategies For Finding Oversold Stocks

What is the best swing trading system?

The best swing trading system is buying stocks that are Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold. holding 1 to 4 days, and selling for a 5% to 10% profit.

Intraday swing trading combines elements of Day Trading

Day trading means buying and selling a stock within the same day, usually within minutes to hours, in an attempt to profit off of intra-day trends and intra-day swings.<br /> " class="glossaryLink ">day trading with swing trading .

Intraday swing trading uses an intraday price chart to better time a swing trade.

The idea is that the same rules that apply to swing trading daily charts can be applied to intraday charts to better time your entry.

SwingTradingBootCamp posted the video below called Intraday Swing Trading Strategies - Price Action and Volume.

I've lost so much money at trend following strategies that I'm pretty much done using them. For me, the real money is in swing trading strategies where I'm only buying stocks that are Oversold

The oversold pattern is the best chart pattern to trade of any pattern. Many times, the Long Lower Shadow or Doji chart patterns lead to explosive gains because they are inside a larger oversold chart pattern. There should be a history of the stock bouncing off the oversold support level on the chart. The oversold chart pattern is <a href="http://www. jasonbondpicks. com/aff? p=jbpd3614&w=joinnow" title="jason bond swing trader">swing trader Jason Bond's</a> favorite pattern to trade.<br /><br /><img src="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/oversold-pattern. png" alt="oversold-pattern" width="185" height="419" /> <strong><a class="glossaryTooltipMoreLink" href="https://www. guerillastocktrading. com/glossary/oversold/">Term details</a></strong>" class="glossaryLink ">oversold. have a history of bouncing off a support level, have high short interest, and have a great Catalyst

A stock catalyst is a press release, news story, analyst revision, or any event that can cause the price of a stock to move. Examples of common catalysts are: an earnings report, FDA action, an offer to buy a company or merge, a big contract, an analyst revision, an activist investor, or a lawsuit.<br /><br /> " class="glossaryLink ">catalyst.

The trick to being successful at swing trading is finding stocks that have a history of bouncing off of a previous support and that have a beta of 1 or greater, with a market cap of 2 billion or less. In this lesson I'm going to talk more about this swing trading strategy and my teacher Jason Bond (JB) who taught this strategy to me. JB ranked #3 out of more than 10,000 traders using this strategy. This is the best swing trading strategy I have ever seen. Disfruta!



Suggested Reading:

Forex Trading Strategies that Actually Work

Forex Trading Strategies that Actually Work

Investing is an exciting opportunity that can provide short-term gains and long-term financial security when done properly. Just like a football team does not go into a big game without a plan, you should not enter into investing until you decide on one of many effective strategies to increase your chances of success.

This is especially important in volatile markets like the foreign exchange (Forex) market. If you are unfamiliar with Forex but would like to learn about this exciting investment opportunity, check out FOREX: The Complete Trading System to learn more about the potential opportunities available to you in the currencies marketplace.

In this article, you will learn about three strategies that are especially useful for beginning Forex investors. They are relatively easy to follow and can produce significant profits when done correctly.

Please note that you should practice Forex trades using a free dummy account from one of the large brokers to learn how to effectively use these strategies before you begin investing with your hard-earned money. Once you are comfortable with using these strategies, creating a live account is very simple and you will be ready to enter the Forex market with the knowledge and skills necessary to become a successful investor.

Currency Analysis

One of the easiest Forex trading strategies to master is known as currency analysis. This is a relatively foolproof method of predicting market movements and currency fluctuations. There are two different methods used to analyze currency: technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

Technical analysis relies on the price of currency pairs to identify trends and measure the price volatility of a given currency. With this information, you’re able to detect the trading signals (when to buy and when to sell). Check out theTechnical Analysis and Chart Reading Skills Bundle course for more information about technical analysis.

Fundamental analysis takes a different approach. Instead of evaluating the currency pairs, fundamental analysis requires that you look at outside factors such as the unemployment rate of a specific country and the stability of the current political situation in that country. Politics can have enormous impact on the value of currency and many fortunes have been acquired by relying on the techniques of fundamental analysis.

Both of these currency analysis strategies are excellent for beginners because the analysis process is not very complicated and trading signals are usually easy to spot.

Day Trading

This is one of the most popular Forex trading strategies and it is employed by both beginners and experienced investors alike. As a day trader, you will not hold any trading positions overnight. You may make multiple trades within a single day but you will liquidate all of your trading positions before the market closes.

If you decide to use a day trading strategy, remember that the longer you hold a trading position, the higher your risk of losing on the trade. By studying the currency fluctuations on a daily basis, it becomes apparent that practically every currency fluctuates throughout the day. Although these price fluctuations may be small, many trades over the course of a single trading day can result in significant profits.

Many experts recommend that day traders use significantly more investment capital than some of the other strategies mentioned because the fluctuations are magnified with larger amounts of money. Since Forex relies on leverage, it is relatively easy to make large trades without having a lot of capital on hand. The drawback to this system is that you can easily lose money that you cannot afford to repay if leverage works against you during a particular trading day.

You can learn more about the power of day trading in The Fast Track to Forex Candle Pattern Trading course.

Range Trading

Sometimes also known as support and resistance levels, this popular Forex trading strategy is easy for beginners to learn and implement. This system relies on the fact that each currency has price fluctuations throughout the day and the week that remain relatively constant.

Many commonly trading currencies have relatively predictable price movements and by studying the charts for a few days, identifying the trading signals is straightforward. For instance, if a currency generally fluctuates between $1.20 and $1.54 throughout the day, these would represent your trading signals. The support price is $1.20 – this is when you want to purchase this particular currency. The resistance price is $1.54. As the currency value approaches this number, you want to trade out of the position and cash in your profits.

As you can see, the key to this method is studying the average fluctuations of your target currency well enough to identify the support and resistance prices. Although the profits generated using this range trading strategy are typically not as significant as traditional day trading or currency analysis, the consistent profits you can reap using this method make it one of the better options to consider as a novice Forex investor.

These three strategies represent the most basic Forex strategies that actually work. There are hundreds of other strategies and there are even more “systems” that claim to guarantee profits. Unfortunately, these systems are often plagued by failure and do not work in many situations.

Currency analysis, day trading, and range trading rely on sound investment principles. Instead of gambling your money away haphazardly, you can use these strategies to create quantifiable profits in a relatively short period of time.

Once you understand these techniques, you can learn more complex trading techniques in the Comprehensive Forex Mastery Program.

If you have never traded Forex before, please remember to set up a free dummy account where you can practice these strategies prior to investing real money. Although adopting these strategies isn’t difficult, there is risk inherent to any investment opportunity and currency exchanges are considered one of the more volatile investment opportunities available. Of course, great risk comes with the potential for significant rewards but there are many more people who have lost fortunes trading Forex incorrectly than those who have gained a fortune.

By practicing these strategies and looking for trends that can guarantee small but consistent profits over a long time period, you significantly increase your chances for long-term success as a Forex trader.

Related Post

Options Trading Strategies that Work

This article aims at presenting to you some of the proven options trading strategies that work. Read on to know more on how to make decent profits with these strategies.

Trading in the stock market requires a lot of knowledge about market trends and a thorough research about the fundamentals of a company in which you will be investing. It has been observed that the number of successful people in stock trading are very less. This can be mainly due to the lack of knowledge of best options trading strategies.

Options Trading Techniques

First of all, it is vital for all people indulging in option trading to understand that options are derivatives based on assets. Options on assets could be bought or sold at a specific price, during a fixed period. In case you decide against buying or selling the asset, you will be losing the amount which you have paid for the option. Buying calls is believed to be the best options trading strategies that work in a bull market. In this case, you can benefit, only if the price of your stock goes up sharply before the date of expiry. Thus, making a smart judgment, at the right time, is essential to earn money by the way of stock investing or trading options in a bull market. Then, there is the bull call spreads strategy in which you will be selling high strike price calls and the earning will be through the spread between two strike prices. Strike price is that price at which the underlying stock can either be purchased or sold. Call options can help you to own stocks for a long time before the date of expiry arrives.

Put options give you an opportunity to sell your assets at the decided prices at a fixed time. Another good strategy is to make sure that the strike price should always rise in the case of calls, and slide in the case of puts, before the end date, to get good profits. The overall return on investment would be phenomenal, if you have perfect timing between your buying and selling decisions.

Options trading can be understood by conducting a good research of the stock market. You need to spend some time with professional stock option traders and learn the basics, instead of venturing out into the stock market directly. Only experience can teach you the tricks of options trading. The first thing which you should learn is to study the technical charts of the stocks which you are interested in buying. The weekly and monthly technical charts can help you predict the future movement of a stock, which will in turn help in taking right buy and sell decisions at the right time. You should also understand that there is a great amount of risk in options trading even though it can be extremely financially rewarding at times. You can suffer from a heavy capital loss if you buy stocks at the wrong time. Consistent stock research is the key to becoming a successful options trader. It has been observer that many people are fully dependent on the so-called 'hot tips' given by brokerage houses and television channels. Though there is nothing wrong in referring to these tips, you should yourself be aware of what you are doing in the market. Understanding the transactions is essential if you want to make trading options for a living. Investment in option trading is generally for a short-term period.

The strategies mentioned in this article will guide you in the right direction and help you earn an alternative source of income through the stock market. So, start researching and use your intelligence to trade successfully!

DISCLAIMER: This article is just for reference purposes and does not recommend any stock market transactions.

Last Updated: October 7, 2011

Chapter 3 BSP and BOP Strategy

The most difficult situation to deal with is when the probabilities are both unknown and changing in time. This is the problem you are faced with in the financial markets. There is no doubt that the market experiences trends. There are periods of time when the probability of an upward move is high and periods when it is low. The trends can also change quickly and unexpectedly. In a situation like this, using a large amount of historical data to estimate probabilities is probably not very useful and may even be counterproductive.

The simplest way to deal with this situation is to assume that today's probabilities are the same as yesterday's. In other words, you bet that the market will do the same today as it did yesterday. If it went up yesterday then bet that it will go up today. If it went down then bet that it will go down. If a probability bias or trend lasts at least a few days then this simple strategy can be effective but errors will occur when the bias suddenly reverses.

Let's now analyze this strategy for the case of the stock market. The \(A\) outcome is that the market closes above the previous day's close and the \(B\) outcome is that it closes below. The analysis will be simplified by assuming that the size of the returns for up and down days are the same but just different in sign. This is of course unrealistic but not an unreasonable first approximation. It means that we are treating the stock market as being similar to the coin flip game discussed above with the only difference being a scale factor for the expectation that is equal to the assumed size of the returns.

The analysis will be further simplified if we define the \(A\) and \(B\) probabilities as follows

The \(b\) parameter explicitly shows the degree of bias. It can range from -1/2 to +1/2. For \(b=-1/2\) a down move is guaranteed and for \(b=+1/2\) an up move is guaranteed. When \(b=0\) there is no bias and up or down moves are equally likely (see the Single Coin Model, section 15.2, for more discussion on bias).

Now if you bet that things will go the same as the previous day then you will win if the outcome for the two days is \(AA\) or \(BB\). The probability of this happening is

You will lose if the outcome for the two days is \(AB\) or \(BA\). The probability of this happening is

Assuming the returns are \(\pm r\), the expected return is

The extraordinary thing about this result is that since the bias parameter is squared, you will get a positive expectation if it is positive or negative. It makes no difference, and you don't have to know or guess, what the direction of the bias is. Just bet the same as the previous day and you will have a positive expectation as long as there is some bias, however small.

Of course this is not the whole story. The assumption in the above analysis is that the bias today is the same as yesterday. This will not be true when the bias switches. If the bias switches very often then the errors will probably erase the positive expectation. Another thing to consider is the variance of this strategy. To get the variance just add the win and lose probabilities and subtract the square of the expectation. This gives:

If the bias is small the variance will be very large. This means that periods of large losses are possible even though the expectation is positive. With a small bias you can expect a lot of volatility.

There is a complement to the "bet the same as previous" (BSP) strategy and that is the "bet the opposite of previous" (BOP) strategy. If the market went up yesterday then bet that it will go down today and vice versa. The assumption here is that the bias switches from day to day. This means that the sign of the \(b\) parameter in the \(P(A)\) and \(P(B)\) formulas switches from one day to the next. Using this strategy you will now lose on \(AA\) or \(BB\) and win on \(AB\) or \(BA\). Due to the switching of the sign on \(b\), the probabilities for these two outcomes are:

The win and lose probabilities are the same as for BSP strategy and so the expectation and variance must be exactly the same.

The BSP and BOP strategies complement each other and every day one of the strategies will be successful. The market today will either move in the same direction as yesterday or the opposite. There are no other possibilities (remember we count no movement as a down day). The market will go through periods when the BSP strategy is dominant and periods when the BOP strategy dominates. The holy grail of trading systems is to come up with a way of knowing when to switch between them. One way of trying to deal with this trend switching process is by using Markov models. We will discuss some simple trading systems based on Markov models further on in the book but first we look at some examples of using a pure BSP or BOP strategy.

Copyright 2011 by Exstrom Laboratories LLC

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Download Connors on Advanced Trading Strategies - Larry Connors Manual of over 30 short-term strategies for traders. Categories include day trading strategies, advanced strategies, S&P and stock market timing and equity trading.

Download Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading - Larry Williams Sharing his years of experience as a seasoned and successful trader, Williams offers his market wisdom on a wide range of topics, from chaos and speculation to volatility breakouts and profit patterns. With his expert guidance, you'll learn about such fundamentals as how the market moves, what are the three most dominant cycles, when to exit a trade, and how to hold on to winners until the end of your chosen time frame. Along with in-depth analysis of the most effective short-term trading strategies and details on the best theory and implementation of money management, Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading features Williams's winning

Forex Money Trading Strategies That Work

Before you get into the forex market, find out if forex money trading is really for you. The best ways to start learning are to get a broker or try out a forex robot. Through these methods you can learn the ropes while you do actual trading online.

Before you get into forex money trading, sometimes it is best to find out if this is the trading system that best works for you before jumping into the whole deal wholeheartedly. The foreign exchange market is one of the most dynamic in the world, and this is good because it means that you can make a huge profit from it if you only play your cards right. If you are new to foreign exchange, getting into it is not very easy, but there are steps that you can take so that you can find out if forex money trading is something that you can do for a long time.

If you don’t want to do the actual foreign exchange trading yourself, then you should definitely find the perfect broker that will help you with it. You will be able to find thousands of forex brokers out there who are willing to help you out and invest your money wisely in the forex market to only get you profit that you want. However, this also means that you will have to trust someone else to do your forex money trading for you. This also means that they may lose or make money and you will have to accept it when the good and the bad happen.

However, getting a forex broker may be one of the best things to do right now because they can help you get your foot into the system and slowly learn more about what is happening in the foreign exchange market. Maximize your broker by asking lots of questions and learning about what the nuances are in the foreign exchange market where your money is. The more you learn, the more confident you can be to start letting go of the broker and eventually doing the forex money trading yourself in the future.

There are also some forex money traders who opt to jump in directly by using a forex robot to help them make the right decisions. Forex robots are used by both seasoned and beginning traders and will do their foreign exchange trading online through a particular software that will get the forex market signals that will help you make decisions on whether to trade your money or not. The best part of forex robots is that they are generally easy to use and they will do all the work for you! In fact, even while you sleep, your forex money trading robot will do your trading at settings that will only get you profits as it trades your money. A forex robot will help you figure out what the market is all about along with the guidance of forums and brokers who will give you advice now and again about the forex market.

It is advisable to find out if there is a demo period on the forex robot that you are interested in before purchasing it. Alternatively, find out if there is a warranty that you can avail of before you buy the product, just in case you are not satisfied with it. With the demo account, you can test out the forex robot and see if it does the forex money trading that you want it to, exactly how you want it to. If you are not happy with the way it does forex money trading . then you don’t even have to get it at all!

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory. com


Estrategias que realmente funcionan

Strategies That Really Work 5.00 / 5 (100.00%) 1 vote

Para tener éxito en el comercio de opciones binarias, un comerciante debe ser capaz de identificar las estrategias adecuadas y aplicarlas en los comercios adecuados. Algunas estrategias, sin embargo, sólo puede trabajar en el comercio teórico, mientras que otros han sido probados en el día a día de comercio y han surgido para ser exitoso y eficaz cuando se aplica en las condiciones del mercado correcto. Las estrategias se pueden clasificar en ya sea para principiantes, estrategias intermedias o avanzadas y algunas están diseñadas para reducir el riesgo de comercio, mientras que otros se centran en la maximización de los retornos.

Estrategias para principiantes

Estas son estrategias que son fáciles de entender y de implementar también. Por lo general, no requieren mucho conocimiento previo de los oficios involucrados. Estas estrategias pueden ser aplicadas por prácticamente cualquier persona en el ámbito de negociación de opciones binarias, incluso los nuevos operadores que no tienen experiencia previa de comercio. Estos son algunos ejemplos de estrategias para principiantes:

Break Out Trading Strategy – This strategy involves finding the points of resistance or support for a given asset’s market price. Resistencia y niveles de soporte son techos de precio o pisos que el precio de mercado del activo por lo general no supera ni por encima ni por debajo, respectivamente. Conocer el apoyo y puntos de resistencia ayuda a un comerciante en la predicción de inversión de las tendencias de los precios. Esta estrategia se considera una de las estrategias más rentables, novato-amigable en las opciones binarias de comercio a partir de ahora.

Estrategia de cobertura - Se trata de una estrategia utilizada para reducir el impacto de una pérdida comprando dos opciones inclinadas en direcciones opuestas para el mismo activo con la misma duración de vencimiento. Esta estrategia se utiliza para minimizar los riesgos al tiempo que reduce los beneficios potenciales. Para los comerciantes que hacen grandes inversiones, esta estrategia puede ser útil cuando surge la necesidad de asegurar la inversión y reducir la pérdida.

Estrategias Intermedias

Bajo esta clasificación, las estrategias son un poco complejas pero pueden ser implementadas fácilmente por comerciantes binarios semi-especializados. Los comerciantes principiantes pueden encontrar algunas dificultades al aplicar las estrategias en el comercio real, pero la práctica en una cuenta demo en primer lugar es una buena opción.

Uso de tres indicadores - Para una señal más concreta, los comerciantes pueden resolver utilizar una estrategia que derive la señal comercial de tres indicadores a saber RSI, MACD y MA. Por lo general, estos indicadores eliminan la posibilidad de señales falsas a medida que se confirman entre sí. El conocimiento técnico y el análisis son por lo tanto una necesidad al usar esta estrategia.

Estrategia de Negociación de Pivot - El uso de esta estrategia es un poco complicado ya que incorpora el uso de un indicador de MT4 Pivot. Esta es otra estrategia importante que explora las inversiones de tendencia después de la formación de patrones de martillo. Martillo es un patrón de candelero utilizado por los operadores de opciones binarias para analizar los movimientos de los precios de los activos. Al conocer los puntos de pivote de un determinado comercio, un comercio puede predecir fácilmente cuando se espera que la tendencia se invierta, así como su futura dirección a corto plazo.

Esta clasificación de las estrategias sólo puede ser implementado por los operadores de opciones binarias. El comerciante que implemente este tipo de estrategia debe estar bien informado en términos de las condiciones del mercado prevaleciente y debe ser capaz de evaluar técnicamente los efectos de cualquier factor en el mercado.

Use of RSI indicator – An RSI indicator can be termed as a trading tool in binary options trading. Cuando el mercado se convierte en movimientos planos, los indicadores RSI pueden usarse para determinar los puntos de compra y venta de los activos. Cuando se utiliza como un oscilador, este indicador se puede utilizar para determinar los niveles de sobrecompra o sobreventa de un activo que proporciona a los comerciantes información vital de si el comercio de la llamada o las opciones de comercio de Put.

Golden Cross Trading Estrategia - Esta es una compleja estrategia comercial que ofrece resultados como se esperaba. Utiliza indicadores MT4 y es más adecuado para mercados volátiles. El indicador de Ichimoku forma el núcleo de esta estrategia.


Hay muchas estrategias eficaces el trabajo realmente cuando viene a negociar binario de las opciones. Un comerciante debe seleccionar estrategias que se adapten a su estilo de comercio más y siempre recordar que una estrategia en particular no funcionará en todos los escenarios comerciales.

10 Awesome Stock Trading Strategies That Work

Buying or selling stocks is not an easy task, but it isn’t as complicated as you might think. Like everything else, stock trading also requires a carefully planned strategy. It is believed that to consistently make money in the stock market, you have to make the right decision over 70% of the time. Success rates like that don’t just happen, they need to be backed by well-thought out strategies and decisions and by avoiding common investing mistakes .

You’re constantly looking for methods and strategies to make trading in stocks fruitful. But, before you jump directly into these strategies, you need to identify a trading time frame. This step is important because it lays down the basic groundwork for your trading strategy. However, regardless of the fact that you are a day trader or a swing trader, these 10 awesome stock trading strategies will help you master the art of stock trading.

Understanding How Stocks Move

Understanding the nature of stocks is the first step in scaling through the stock market. Stock markets like NASDAQ and NYSE can be a notorious place for those who do not understand it well. For those who cannot identify bad stock investments. it can be a place where one loses money. You should start off by researching the different industries and sectors that dominate the market. Get a fair knowledge of how different industries and sectors work. This strategy is easy to follow and doesn't require much technical knowledge. Once this battle is won, move on to understand the terminologies and tendencies of stocks.

Go For Lots Of Cash and Reduced Debt

Always keep yourself open to companies that have a clean debt sheet and a healthy cash flow. Companies with such financial records usually indicate positive sales growth. Always review the charts of companies that have seen downfalls, but have managed to pick themselves up from the rubble. Most tech companies are virtually debt free. For example, as per our Google stock analysis. the company has grown revenue at a CAGR of 21.9% over the last 3 yearsand this is in addition to being debt free.

Buying Stocks That Are Oversold

Emotions and human psychology play a very important role in driving a stock market. Just as human emotions are usually fickle, the market overreacts way too often. A stock becomes oversold when the market overreacts to the downside. This is one of the strategies that the famous Warren Buffett himself believes in. As the Oracle of Omaha quotes. one should buy what nobody wants and sell when everybody wants it.

Stock Scalping

Stock scalping is particularly beneficial for active or day traders. This strategy exploits price gaps that are caused by order flows and bid/ask spreads. Essentially, the trader here seeks to make various small profits on small price changes in a single day. Think of it this way - You place anywhere between 10 to a hundred trades in a day, with a view that small moves in a stock price are easier to catch.


Source: wallstreetwindow. com In this technique, you identify a key price level and then buy or sell once the price breaks the set pre-determined level. It works with a moderate understanding of support and resistance. When the market moves strongly towards one direction, applying stock trading strategies like breakouts will help you stay in sync with stock movements.

The Momentum Strategy

This strategy is based on the force and continuing movement of stocks. When you follow this strategy, you do not look for the price to break out or pull back, but continue to move in the direction of prevailing trends. Momentum based strategies are best used when a long term move takes place on the asset that is being traded.

Patience Is A Virtue

The long-term buy and hold strategy revolves around the general notion that in spite of constant hindrance from market forces, stocks generally give a good rate of return in the long run. This is a passive investment strategy, where you invest in a stock after careful analysis and do not look to sell it in spite of short-term price momentum and other indicators. This strategy is not just popular because it is Warren Buffett’s personal investment mantra, but it also comes with tax benefits.

Buy Low and Sell High

While this might seem like an obvious strategy, it is often usually forgotten while going with the flow of the stock market. There’s no way one can time the market precisely but measuring the risk of stocks is important. Buying and selling at the right price perpetually is a long shot for most traders. However, by adapting this contrarian strategy, you can make remarkable profits. This strategy doesn't work independently though, and comes with a set of considerations like:

The company should not be vulnerable to competition

The earnings of the company must show an upward trend

The company should be operating in a growing industry

Value Investment Strategy

Value investing is, in fact, considered a very popular and time-tested method of stock trading. It’s an extremely simple strategy and requires you to find companies that are trading lower than their inherent worth. As a value investor, you need to look for stocks with strong fundamentals that are selling at a bargain price, and have a low P/E ratio. Here, you’re practically looking to invest in companies that are undervalued by the market. So once the market corrects its valuation, the share price of the company automatically increases.

Growth Investment Strategy

Stock picking strategies like this one looks at the growth prospects of the company and not its valuation. As a growth investor, you seek out stocks of companies that you deem good in terms of growth potential. Technology stocks are typically high-growth in nature. One of the greatest investors Warren Buffett have avoided tech stocks for long as he believes that the tech sector is the last place to look for stability and certainity. However, he does state that, “Growth and value investing are joined at the hip”, stating that even though they are theoretically very different from each other, in reality they go hand in hand.

Another well-known investor Peter Lynch has vividly spoken about a hybrid of these two strategies called ‘Growth At a Reasonable Price’ or GARP. This strategy works on the principles of both value and growth, but at different levels. Post Q4 2013, Facebook was considered a good GARP investment .

Always remember to keep your strategy updated, based on market fluctuations and your own financial situation. Being able to adapt to circumstances that are constantly changing will ensure that your trading strategy evolves with time, and continues to bring you profit.

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Amigobulls Disclosures & Disclaimers:

This post has been submitted by an independent external contributor. This author may or may not hold any positions in the stocks discussed. Neither Amigobulls, nor any members of its staff hold positions in any of the stocks discussed in this post. Amigobulls has not verified the author’s positions in the stocks discussed, and does not provide any guarantees in this regard. The author may be paid by Amigobulls for this contribution, under the paid contributors program. However, Amigobulls does not guarantee the authenticity or accuracy of the information provided by the author in this post.

The author may not be a qualified investment advisor. The opinions stated in the post should not be treated as investment advice. Buying and selling of securities carries the risk of monetary losses. Readers/Viewers are advised to carry out their own due diligence and consult their investment advisors before making any investment decisions.

Amigobulls does not have any business relationship with any of the companies covered in this post. This post represents the views of the author/contributor and may not reflect the views of Amigobulls.

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Additionally be careful, a while structures are extremely harmful to the actual anti method. I understand this isn’t exactly how it’s designed to function, however through exactly what I’ve observed there are specific intraday timeframes within the S&P that are simply terrible with regard to specialized indications. Experiment, you will see. The number contraction designs possess guarantee, nevertheless the writers don’t let you know that many ought to be exchanged toward the actual pattern. I love the actual record research at the back of the actual guide. LBR isn’t the mechanised investor, she’s mechanised designs however your woman chooses whenever in order to put into action all of them. Don’t industry these types of designs mechanically unless of course you need to obtain sculpted in order to shreds. Therefore We send to exactly what I’ve stated from the beginning, the actual designs with this guide require a lot blocking!

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Swing Trading Strategies That Work - Learn Relative Strength

Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Swing Trading Strategies That Work - Learn Relative Strength

1 (No Transcript) 2 Greetings Fellow Traders New Video Tutorial Swing Trading Strategies That WorksRelative Strength Please Subscribe To Our Channel Swing Trading Videos and Trading Tips 3 Posted Trading Video Range Bound Or TrendingBest Way To Determine Market Conditions 17,000 Views 4 This Video Takes You To The Next Step How To Use Visual Analysis To Determine Relative Strength 5 When I Began Trading Complicated Strategy More Money 6 After Painful Lessons Simple Is Better 7 I Like Simple Strategies Relative Strength Analysis Is Easy Watch And See 8 Dont Be Intimidated Relative Strength Simply Means Related Markets Which One Is Stronger Which One Is Weaker 9 Some Common Example 10 Real World Example 85 Percent Correlated 11 Real World Example The E-mini SP Is Moving Upwards At Stronger Angle Than E-Mini Nasdaq 12 How Would You Trade This Position

13 Lets Look Few Days LaterFebruary 21, 2013 14 Nasdaq Is Dropping Twice As Much

E-mini lost .50 Nasdaq Lost over 1.00 15 Applies To Any Related Market Keep In Mind Markets Must Be Related Position Must Be Equalized 16 No Two Markets Trade The Same Each Market Has Different Volatility and Size You Must Balance Positions Equally Relative Strength Trading Will NOT Work If Positions Are Not Balanced

17 I Will Show You How To Equalize Positions 18 Thanks For Joining Us Please Visit www. MarketGeeks. com Free Trading Report Please Subscribe To Our ChannelSwing Trading Videos Trading Tips

Hot stock market strategies. 5 secret short-term trading strategies that work in a bull or bear market

General investment model (GIM). an overview -- Setup, trigger, and follow-through (STF) -- Financial "true confessions" -- Technical versus fundamental trading -- A closer look at technical analysis concepts -- Gap your way to profits -- Short-term key date seasonal trades -- Day-of-week patterns in the stock market -- Surfing the stock channel -- Discipline and trader psychology -- 30 tools to build profits -- Where do you go from here?


"In today's volatile market, standard investment strategies are just too narrow. The five easy-to-understand (and easy-to-use!) tips in this book will help you take advantage of the market, no matter what the current climate! Regardless of previous investing experience, anyone can make profitable investments by following these proven strategies."--Jacket.


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" General investment model (GIM). an overview -- Setup, trigger, and follow-through (STF) -- Financial "true confessions" -- Technical versus fundamental trading -- A closer look at technical analysis concepts -- Gap your way to profits -- Short-term key date seasonal trades -- Day-of-week patterns in the stock market -- Surfing the stock channel -- Discipline and trader psychology -- 30 tools to build profits -- Where do you go from here? "@en

Day Trading Strategy - Think Winning, not the Money

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Is Your Day Trading Strategy – working?

Most investment and trading sites on the Internet call them strategies so I’ll go along with that but they are actually investing, swing trading, day trading tactics.

My thinking about a day trading strategy, relates to a career of business direction, and for day traders, you only have 2 strategy choices:

A focus on money . actually an obsession with money during every trade; o

A focus on winning . a global strategy for most athletes, CEOs, and politicians for example,

With NEW SCHOOL Day Trading Strategies that work.

Here are common Tactics

(most mistakenly call S trategies) :

High Frequency Trading – the fastest action imaginable, think nano-seconds, using extremely fast data feeds and software with fat capital accounts looking for pennies for gains or losses. Do you need people, real traders, for this?

Scalping – the second fastest form of day trading with day traders in a trade for minutes and often seconds, looking for gains of less than $.50, say – could be a bit more or less. For most, it’s a goal; for me, it’s a consequence of a $1.00-$3.00 goal.

Fading – also fast trading and can lead to huge gains or losses. It’s about investing, swing trading, and day trading opposite the direction of major price action, either to the up or down side, anticipating price exhaustion and quick price reversal of the seemingly endless price action. Conditions: overbought, oversold indications, buyers or sellers taking profits or anticipated to take profits, smart money trickery, triggering long and short squeezes (triggering unattended stop limit orders in mass).Risky business for amateurs; thrilling for master day traders.

Daily Pivots – used to gauge stock price support and resistance, as well for indexes, and as reliable as the tides for sailors. Based on yesterday’s price extremes, day traders will make timely buy/sell decisions at these inflection points that most day trading software firms provide. Available for intra-day trading only, obviously.

Fibonacci – similar to the daily pivots, and a considered reliable technical analysis tool for trading any time frame chart. A great tool for extreme price movements for the day. Has to do with reoccurrence in nature and all things – can you imagine trading on the natural rhythm of life, rather than reacting to trickery of you fellow traders?

Momentum – momentum trading is about following trending price moves with volume. Good for day traders at times; mostly just chop and creep, in my experience. When extreme is great and exciting; when trending for the day, momentum trading is not so. Spikes set up for possible fading momentum.

Becoming a day trader requires a trading strategy that works. The most important part of that strategy, that is often left out, is a set of day trading rules, that

Day Trading Strategy –

Liquidity / Volatility

A day trader looks for two price conditions in a stock: liquidity and volatility . If it’s not moving in price with volume, why get in the stock in the first place?


Liquidity allows you to enter and exit a stock freely with the assurance that buyers will buy and can cause the stock price to go higher, after you go long and conversely sellers will sell and can cause the stock price to go lower, after you short a position.

Liquidity indicators are:

The spreads in level 2 bid/ask data, and

Slippage . the difference between the anticipated price fill and your actual price fill.

Both stock price spreads and slippage vary depending on the current level of volume on both the buy and sell side of the stock trade.

Day traders thrive on narrow spreads and minimal slippage and dread low liquidity . wide spread price action that at times, like during the summer doldrums, and most Fridays and Mondays, when smart money is off to play with their families and friends for 4 days, not making one trade all day long.

Slippage occurs when the order to buy or the order to sell a stock executes of fills worse the expected, during times of short term volatility; caused by news events, investing, swing trading, and day trade greed or fear, and smart money price manipulation (price trickery) purposely causing a stock price long squeeze or short squeeze (forcing unattended stop limit orders to execute in mass, thus prices to accelerate in change in either direction, that smart money decides to take advantage of, at will)


Volatility is the expected daily or intra-day price range anticipations . projected from past daily or intra-day price range activity, derived by chart analysis, technical, analysis.

For most traders they rely on software service companies to provide a volatility number.

For master day traders the sense of volatility, anticipated price change, comes via years of trading experience, intuitively.

Remember, day trading is more an art than science, which is why it is unwise to attempt to learn, to be a winner in this game, on your own .

There are endless day trading strategies. That’s enough for now.

Trade Execution –

When to Get In – When to Get Out?

Timely entries and exits are the heart of winning . If you don’t get this right most of the time, you are in the wrong business.

Buying and selling stocks has never been easier.

We now have traders competing in micro-seconds (High Frequency Trading – HFT) using sophisticated data feeds and software.

It’s good for narrow spread trading but not so good for price action as this causes price creep and chop looking for pennies on gains.

For most day traders like us, high frequency trading equates with price noise not major price movement . and frequent annoying exits, as trades too frequently fail.

Good fills; lousy break even or small loss or small gain trades, usually occurring when smart money is not present in the price action, just HFT action and day traders looking for, anything but HFT action.

Here are the day trading tools . most day traders use with their day trading strategies to make timely stock trading entries and exits:

News feeds like the Wall Street Journal. com, CNBC. com, and Briefing. com(mostly fundamental business and economic news mixed with dated price information).

Análisis Técnico & # 8211; Charts – candlestick charts with [both real time, both real (actual) and often unreal (trickery) information].

Level II (Level 2) open orders on the both the buy and sell side of price action, yet to be filled, and often with no intent to be filled (more trickery, like hearing what’s going on in buyers and sellers heads, before the flea market opens).

Live Price Tickers – mostly true price action. Remember pictures of tape spilling out of ticker-tape machines accumulating on the floor. Not any more – you now get price action flashing before your eyes in a software trading window at nearly the speed of light.

Did you notice I didn’t answer my question: when to get in and when to get out?

That I will leave for the time you become my client in the Trading POWER Learning program.

Well you didn’t think I was going to give it all away, did you?

Manage What’s Manageable

Day trading winners must learn to let go the urge to manage (control) what’s not manageable – the markets, prices, all outcomes.

In my experience, this arrogant thinking, this attention to forecasting /predicting /guessing what will happen next is exactly what stands in the way, distracts all day trader losers, from financial success.

You can’t manage the markets.

You know that you can only manage yourself.

Every attempt to manage the external factors results in them managing you = mismanagement.

Waiting for the markets or prices to comply with what you expect, waiting for dozens of stock picks to setup and trigger has also proven to be, simply and expensively, a waste of our time, energy, and money.

Sure, stock picks or the day, the ultimate arrogance, will trigger at some future moment in time. The question is – when – today, tomorrow, next week, or next month?

As the picks accumulate over a few days, week, months, managing them become overwhelming; again, they manage you.

That is the primary activity that preoccupies the crowd of losers. The big money winners, meanwhile, use this same data to trap and then kill these losers.

This urge to control may have worked at some time in the past for traders – not any more.

What do winners really need?

Objectivity (bias-free observations) and patience for real-time opportuinties to day trading stock.

Give up trying to manage the unmanageable, start learning, from a qualified coach . how to better manage yourself and your game, day trading the new game in town.

Day Trading Strategy –

Your Stock Trading Business

Let’s change subjects.

So you excelled in some other business, before you started trading stocks.

Yet, applying what you know about business, not so great.

Applying standard business practices . with a focus on planning, management or any other long-term controls to predict the near or distant future is exactly the opposite of what you need to be up to while successfully day trading stock .

Working with us, dissatisfied winners and losers alike can learn what’s manageable and what’s not manageable for winning to generate the high level of income they seek – all based on a winner’s day trading strategies.

Day Trading Consultant

Day Trader Coach

Investors, swing traders, and day traders are beginning to rely on consultants to find their way – trading strategy – to get on and stay on a winning track — with a winner’s game.

World-class athletes, CEOs, and politicians must rely on the best consultant / coach to be really good at what they do — playing their game with the best at highest possible levels of confidence, competence, producing the best performance results – consistently winning.

So it should be with every day trader, expect excellence with big money results – with your coach by your side . Most don’t, thus suffer the slow, grinding, dreadful negative consequences

Most day traders start off on their own, with no coach – not knowing all their options, not gaining adequate confidence, competence, thus lacing the performance results they deserve – winning results, very profitable results, day trading stocks – yes, exactly what I offer qualified traders.

You will find a few so called coaches on the internet, but they usually only offer products, not valuable consulting or coaching services.

Their business primarily is about selling books, courses, ever changing day trading systems, and the latest indicator of the day – all old-school, as you have likely discovered by now as I repeatedly want you to be aware of for your career/business decision making, for your future.

Virtually nobody on the Internet offers you what you really need – real, successful results, driven with one-on-one day trading consulting and day trader coaching services you need to win.

They won’t even use the words career or business, as it’s not their primary concern. They are interested in selling things, not about developing a relationships with money making services.

For most Internet businesses and their teachers, you are a series of transactions . like stocks to trade, not a relationship for lasting, profitable learning.

The problem is – a truly qualified consultant/coach, for troubled traders, is nowhere to be found in the day trading industry—until now.

I am interested in helping you accomplish both day trading strategies competence and very profitable results, should you qualify.

Fortune 500 executives, top level politicians, and world-class athletes wouldn’t think of competing without their own consultant/coach.

This is your chance to be trading stocks with big money profits . making stock trades that generate thousands a day, setting you up for the possibility of being a millionaire status wealth builder.

Your Day Trading Career

What’s your Day Trading Strategy ?

You Need –

A Day Trading Strategy that Works !


Day Trading Strategy – Victorioso. not the Money

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I stumbled upon your website and the information you have provided has been marvelous…

I have read countless books, forums and paid for coaching websites just to be so confused on "what type of trader I want to be"? and how to formulate my "trading strategy". I signed up with Vectorvest for a year and have back tested their various strategies, derby winners and advisories (they work for the dates they chose to demo on backtesting but not consistently on other dates I try), devoured countless DVD's and books, to get no further forward in compiling a simplistic and easy to follow plan. I appreciate that no one system works all the time in all markets, but I just want to find a profitable and "SIMPLE" system that has enough winners over the losers to replace my current income. I want to retire so badly and travel.

We have C$200,000 in various tradable accounts from self directed trading accounts (2 of), tax free investment accounts (3 of), a registered educational savings account (1 of) and a Canadian dollar and US dollar shorting and long accounts (1 off of each). I've never shorted a stock in my life, thru fear, likewise never done options for the same reason.

Made a lot of money in the early/mid 2000's probably through luck more than judgement, but since picking one losing trade after another after another have done very little buying of stocks or any form of investing for the past few years. Missed all the gains of 2009 & 2010 but got the losses of 2008. Our accounts combined are down over 30% from their highs.

There surely has to be just one to three "simple and detailed" strategies somewhere that work when A=X and B=Y and C=Z. If you understand what I'm trying to say here?

In answer to your question, absolutely I still believe that anyone can learn to trade, it's just there's never ever delivered the complete "idiot proof guide" for a "monkey see, monkey do" person such as me. After years and years and countless hours, days, weeks and months of religiously reading, watching, studying and going back over and over again the materials, I am still no further forward on having established an effective, simple strategy or three to apply in the relevant market.

Look forward to your comments.

Thank you for your submission.

I completely understand where you are coming from with your comments and questions. These thoughts are similar to the ones I had when I first began trading and found myself frustrated. That frustration along with passion is what has fueled me to search and find ways to trade profitably. You clearly have a strong interest in stock trading and that’s terrific.

As far as what type of trader you want to be, that is a question you must answer. And, the answer will depend on how much time you want to spend researching and trading stocks per day or per week. The amount of time you naturally like to spend researching and analyzing will help to determine how long you like to hold your positions and which strategies and indicator time frames can work best for you.

Shorting comes in handy when the markets are trending downward. Shorting can be very profitable and you can place stop losses on the short side just like trader’s do on the long side to protect from too much capital loss. I was unsure about shorting too until 2008, But once I started shorting and started making some serious money I understood the value of it.

Otherwise, the right place to be is on the sidelines with your cash. Stock investing our hard-earned money is serious and it’s about making money or when we need to - protect capital. For some traders, being in cash in a downward market is the place to be and happily so.

Options are a whole other ball of wax. These derivatives of the stock markets are more complicated as you probably know, and I’ve never enjoyed them. I do think they have some merit on the writing option side where you have a long-term position in a stock and you basically sell the option in the market so you make money immediately on your stock positions.

I do understand where you are coming from and, there are some strategies that are straightforward like you describe. Don’t get me wrong – it’s true there’s no holy grail in stock trading, but there are strategies that work well and when they don’t work, a trader must have stop losses in place to protect capital.

For me, the trick was getting good at understanding strategies, understanding how price moves (candlesticks), thinking about how to pick stocks using probabilities, getting clear about money management and stock market portfolio position sizing – there are a range of things that must occur for one to be successful in trading.

And so, which strategies are the best? The answer will vary among traders but, I will share what I think. I recently read a book that I liked called The Layman's Guide To Trading Stocks (See all Investing Books ) by Dave Landry. I particularly like his strategy on the short side. It’s been working really well for me lately. I’m also writing an ebook about my favorite strategy setup using the ADX and it will be available shortly.

There is a much longer answer to your question about easy to use stock trading strategies that anyone can use to be successful. This website covers a lot of those answers, and I hope it continues to be a helpful place for you.

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What Are The Best Forex Trading Strategies That Actually Work?

Forex trading is risky at the best of times, but it is possible to find strategies to make it without ever risking your livelihood. Top traders have done the work for you in finding the best Forex trading strategies that actually work.

The Bladerunner Trade

The Bladerunner Trade uses price actions to find entries. It is suitable for all timeframes and currency pairings. It is very popular, as it works and you don’t need to have any indicators.

Daily Fibonacci Pivot Trade

This trade combines Fibonacci retracements and extensions to find entries. It uses daily pivots only, but can incorporate any number of pivots.

Bolly Band Bounce Trade

This one is definitely worth checking out, as it is perfect for a ranging market. It works better than most other strategies, especially when used in combination with other confirming signals.

Forex Overlapping Fibonacci Trade

This is the next step after already using Fibonacci retracements and extensions. They're a favourite among many traders. Although their reliability tends to be a bit lower than other strategies, when used in combination with appropriate confirming signals, they become extremely accurate.

This Forex trading strategy gives you the benefit of predicting whether the price of a rising trade will continue to rise or suddenly decrease.

Trading the Forex Fractal

This is a concept that you need to know when using the other strategies. It gives you fundamental market knowledge, which will help you trade more effectively.

Forex scalping is one of the most common Forex strategies for one good reason - it is the most successful Forex trading strategy. Certain traders will avoid Forex scalping, as it is a lot of work. Instead of dipping in and out of the market maybe once or twice a day as other traders do, Forex scalpers will make several trades in and out of the market every day.

Forex scalping involves skimming (or scalping) the small profits on a regular basis. rather than going for big trades, building up a fortune but only in the long term. It can be done on a minute by minute basis, so you have to be focussed and prepared to buy and sell within minutes.

As opposed to Forex scalping, which takes hours of work each day, positional trading consumes just a few hours per week. Yet, it still can bring you big profits.

Quite simply, positional trading involves having your positions open for long periods of time, without high leverage, so you can catch big market moves. You do, however, need to keep a close eye on currency swaps, as these can cost you more than you profit. You also need to know how to manage your emotions, as losing trades will test your resolve not to close early.

The benefit of positional trading is that you have to spend almost no time executing your moves. Rather, you spend your time analysing the market and predicting potential moves, which will serve you in the long term.

These are some of the best Forex trading strategies because they work. However, finding which one is for you depends totally on your personality and position in the market. There are no guarantees, and some of these strategies will test your resolve, but if you work it accurately, you will ultimately succeed.

Forex Mini Trading Strategies that Work

If you would like to learn more about forex mini trading strategies that work, then you will find this article quite a though-provoking read. While trading in the forex market using mini accounts, it is important to realize the value of forex mini trading strategies. Applying a forex trading strategy that functions is the secret to making it in the forex market. One of the biggest mistakes that a majority of novice traders do is to step into the forex market without any kind of forex trading strategy. An inner comprehension of forex mini trading strategies utilized in online currency trading will determine whether your make profits or losses.

The trade of currency pairs is what is frequently referred to as FX trading. According to a widely utilized description, a forex trading strategy is an amalgamation of predetermined guidelines plus indicators which brokers adhere to so as to establish which currency pair to purchase or sell. As a law, forex mini trading strategies which assist brokers make a thoughtful financial decision are accessible either for free or charged basis. On the other hand, there are those that develop theirs personally. However, the million dollar question is, “how do select the best forex mini trading strategy that functions?” To find the best forex mini trading strategies that work, it is highly recommended that you access various mini trading strategies so as to unearth the strategy which will suit you best.

There are numerous forex mini trading strategies which guarantee to minimize your losses and enhance your likelihoods of succeeding in the forex market.

Nevertheless, various forex mini trading strategies function well for various brokers and searching for the most suitable tactic will simply be a waste of time. Mini forex accounts are usually recommended to persons that are still new to the forex market as it shields you from losing a lot of money. Whereas, the minimum amount of money required to open a forex mini account is $25.00, it is highly suggested that you open an account with at least $400.00 as a result of the volatility in the forex market. Once you have opened a mini forex account, you need to hold an open position over a particular period of time. These can range from a couple of days to months. This in turn will enable you to purchase cheap currencies and dispose of them when the rates are slightly higher.

Forex mini accounts / mini trading strategies

Forex Trading Strategies that Actually Work

Investing can bring you financial security, but it has to be done properly. In order to invest successfully, you need to have a plan, you need to choose a strategy that will lead you to success.

Markets like Forex demand that you use a strategy and if you are a beginner in the foreign exchange market, you will need a simple strategy you can follow. I will present you three different approaches you can use to trade and create profit. But before you actually try one of these strategies to invest your money, use a free dummy account first. This account helps you learn the ropes without actually investing any money. It’s an important learning tool you should use to get comfortable with the strategy you chose.

First Strategy – Currency Analysis

This is one of the simplest strategies to use in order to predict currency fluctuations and market movements. You can use technical analysis to identify the price volatility and to identify trends. Currency pair prices will tell you when to buy and sell. Another approach, fundamental analysis, focuses on the factors like the political situation stability and the unemployment rate. The value of currency is often impacted by the politics and you can earn a lot of money if you know how to read these signals. Both of these strategies are a good choice for a beginner since it’s easy to do the analysis and it’s easy to spot all the trading signals.

Second Strategy – Day Trading

A lot of beginners and more experienced traders use this strategy. Day trading means that although you can make many trades during the day, you won’t hold trading positions after the market closes. What you need to keep in mind when using this strategy is that you risk a lot by holding a trading position longer. Every currency fluctuates during the day so you can make a couple of trades. Although small, they will bring you profit. You will need to use more money in order to see profits with this strategy because the fluctuations can be quite low during the day. The disadvantage of this strategy is that you can lose a lot of money when the leverage works against you.

Third Strategy – Range Trading

This easy to understand strategy for beginners is sometimes called support and resistance levels. The strategy revolves around one fact – every currency has its highs and lows, and these are relatively constant. By studying the charts for a week, it is possible to predict the movements and identify all the trading signals. For example, if the certain currency fluctuates between 122 and 131, you will have these numbers as your trading signals. The lower number, 122, will be your support, you want to buy this currency at 122. The higher number, 131, is your resistance, you want to sell at 131 or close to this number.

These beginner strategies are just an example, you can try them out but bear in mind that there are hundreds of Forex strategies that work as well. You don’t have to risk much when you use these 3 strategies because they are based on investment principles.

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Short Term Trading Strategies That Work by Larry Connors downloads torrent

The top-selling trading book from Connors and Alvarez now comes in paperback! Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to ask the same question: “Am I prepared to handle the market conditions?” In Larry Connors', CEO and Founder of TradingMarkets, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work, he discusses 16 simple strategies crucial to the success of any trader or investor. Estas estrategias han sido a la vez probadas hasta 1995, pero también han sido comercializadas por Larry y su equipo en múltiples condiciones de mercado. Este es el libro debe tener para cualquier persona que intenta mejorar su comercio en cualquier condición del mercado.

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Four Short Term Trading Strategies That Work

Strategy is key when it comes to short term trading. Many investors dream of achieving success with short term trading strategies . but few succeed. This is where strategy comes into play – how will you enter and exit a short term trade? Think of it as a game of chess – one move forward, one back – with actual monetary reward at the checkmate. Here are a few short term trading strategies that have been proven to work.

Trend trading – A bit uncommon in the world of short term trading strategies, trend trading happens when an investor buys a stock after it has established a trend of extremely high highs and better-than-average lows. The investor’s short term trading strategy is then to stay with that stock until the trend is over, then selling as quickly as possible.

Counter-trend trading – Most counter-trend short term trading strategies look for potential reversals in market trends. This strategy is very short-term in nature and involves purchasing stock when prices are low and selling when they’re high. Unlike trend trading, counter trend trading is more popular with short term traders and works best for those who work around large, core trades because gains are usually quite low.

Pullback trading – This short term trading strategy involves buying a stock when it’s been weak for a short time and then selling that same stock when it’s temporarily strong. Pullback trading is considered a short term form of reversion trading. Investors look for stocks that been inflated beyond their normal levels and buy them until they level out again.

Breakout trading – This short term trading strategy is great for investors who can act fast. The goal is to buy up stocks that move up suddenly when prices have been flat or stalling. When a breakout stock is in a downward shift, it’s called a “breakdown”.

Perhaps the best strategy when it comes to short term trading is simply discipline. Create your own rules and stick to them, know when and how to sell a trade when it goes bad, have patience when it comes to the best time to work a strategy, and you’ll be ahead of most people who attempt short term investing. Just as it would in any other area of your life, discipline takes time and patience to master. However, if it’s the only short term trading strategy you try, it will be worth it!

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Stock Market Strategies That Work

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Savvy investors are eager to find stock market trading strategies that not only sound good but actually produce positive results. The conventional wisdom of buying low and selling high, diversifying your portfolio and looking to long-term investments are normally sound, but they rarely produce dazzling results. More active and creative approaches can help you mix up your investing style, learn about the market and make big earnings.

Don't Believe the Hype

Financial reporting is often misleading at best. Rather than relying on someone else to tell you what to do with your money, do your own research and find out what looks good to you. Many obscure startups that explode onto the scene only get noticed in retrospect. It's your job to find the next big thing before it's big by keeping track of industry publications, directly reading the press releases and websites of interesting companies and networking with your friends and colleagues with an ear for what people are talking about.

Track the "Smart Money"

Professional investors who manage more than $100 million in investments and big institutional investors are required to disclose their portfolio information to the Securities and Exchange Commission every quarter. Instead of listening to analysts and reporters, check out these reports to see what the big earners are actually doing with their money. This can reveal investment spreads and methods that work over the long term and even short-term best bets.

Dollar-Cost Average

If you fundamentally believe that an investment is worthwhile over the long haul, try a dollar-cost-average approach. Make a commitment to try a stock for a specific period, no matter what happens. Invest a certain amount of money at pre-established time intervals. This way, instead of being swayed at the first sign of popular panic or euphoria, you purchase more shares when the price is low and fewer shares when the price is high, ensuring a consistently profitable value.

Short Selling

Short selling gives you an opportunity to make money on a stock that is declining in value. The idea is to sell the stock before you actually own it. To short sell, you place an order for the stock and then sell it quickly at a higher value, collecting the difference in what it originally cost and what you sold it for. This can work in industries that are obviously declining in value, but it can be risky if you cannot find buyers for the shares.

Call Options

Stock options can function somewhat like insurance policies for your investments. A call option is a contract that gives you a binding legal right to buy stock from the seller of the call at a predetermined price, by a certain date. If the value of a stock doubles after you have purchased a call, you can then buy it at half price. If the price drops, however, the call becomes worthless.

Put Options

Put options are the opposite of call options, giving you a legal right to sell shares to the investor who sold you the put, at a certain price, by a certain date. If you buy a put option and then purchase the stocks when they dip below the selling value established by the put, you are guaranteed to make money when you sell them back.

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Sobre el Autor

Linda Ray is an award-winning journalist with more than 20 years reporting experience. She's covered business for newspapers and magazines, including the "Greenville News," "Success Magazine" and "American City Business Journals." Ray holds a journalism degree and teaches writing, career development and an FDIC course called "Money Smart."

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There are several strategies, which forex traders use in order to be successful when trading. However, not all are successful, the reason being the difference in trading temperament and style. Moreover, certain strategies work well in given conditions while fail at other times. Therefore, it is important for traders to understand which strategies to use. For this, they ought to know the relevance and use of each of these strategies and the way these can be used to the maximum advantage.

Therefore, certain features, which forex trading strategies should possess, are as follows:

Teaches something useful

Trading strategies do not simply mean signals for entry to and exit from the market. They are much more than that. The trading strategies that work are actually those that give an insight in to the way the price dynamics work and in to the global economic picture. It shows the traders the reason of the present economic picture. Once the trader understands, the concept of the price dynamics, he can effectively interpret and use the concept to his advantage. He would be able to predict the price movement of the currencies more effectively.

Adapt to different timeframes and changing market conditions

The forex is a highly volatile market and therefore there are unprecedented changes. No particular strategy can be used in all conditions. The automated trading systems do not have the ‘gut’ feeling to predict the price changes. This is something, which comes after years of experience and practice. Therefore, a perfect strategy that works is the one, which can adapt to different market conditions and timeframes. One such strategy is the price-action analysis strategy under which the traders do not use any price charts or indicators to analyze or predict the movements in the price. Human discretion is the basis of this strategy and it adapts to changing market conditions and timeframes.

Provides high probability market edge

A forex strategy which provides a high probability edge in a given market condition is considered to be a successful strategy. For this reason, certain strategies like trend trading, moving average bounces, candlesticks, support and resistance levels, and many more have been in the market for long. These strategies have been able to provide an edge and give the trader the ability to pick out opportunities and high probability setups.

Teaches fending for yourself

Successful forex strategies are those that are able to teach the trader the methods of trading and spotting opportunities rather than spoon-feeding him with trading signals. These strategies give an insight into the market and make the trader understand the price dynamics so that he may use it to his advantage.

Two Proven Investment Strategies That Work, And One to Avoid

Aug. 19, 2011 8:42 AM

With the S&P 500 off more than 15% from its high and daily fluctuations of three percent not uncommon, it’s natural for investors to search for a strategy that won’t leave them in the poor house. Market pundits are quick to offer their hottest buy and sell recommendations; however, these individual investments are doomed to failure if used without a reliable strategy.

Investors, especially those that invest without an advisor, are notorious for switching from one strategy to another. One reason for the lack of discipline is the incredibly short attention span of the media and their strategy-du-jour. Investors are bombarded daily with whatever strategy happens to work given the current environment.

Another reason investors move from strategy to strategy is the lack of knowledge of one’s own investment style and motivations. Understanding yourself as an investor is just as important as understanding an investment strategy. An investor preferring a passive approach will feel exhausted by the time required to analyze an actively-managed portfolio. The active investor trying to conform to a buy-and-hold strategy will end up churning their portfolio too much and costs will eat away any profits.

For this reason, I present below two strategies that work well for the two general types of investors. For the passive investor that wants to invest their money and not have to spend a great deal of time analyzing valuations, the cash-secured put strategy is a good option.

For those investors that need the thrill of the market but understand the need for a goal-driven and diversified portfolio, the core-satellite strategy is best.

The last strategy is one in which many investors, myself included, would like to believe. Every time someone on the television says buy-low, sell-high an investor loses money in this last strategy.

This strategy is most appropriate for the investor that wants to actively-manage their portfolio. Few of us would be here on Seeking Alpha if we did not, in some way, enjoy investing and making investment decisions. The hard fact is that most of us do a break-even job, at best, of beating the market on a regular basis. The core portion of the portfolio usually amounts to between 65% and 85% of the total investment and is invested in one to three index funds.

The core is passively managed and rarely rebalanced. The remaining portion of the portfolio is actively-managed by the investor. The core portion of the portfolio provides an index return and helps to decrease trading costs in the overall portfolio. The strategy allows for stability and goal-driven returns from the core and still leaves room to make market-driven investment decisions to earn additional returns. The portfolio is easier to manage than one that is completely actively-managed and is tax-efficient because much of the portfolio is not sold on a regular basis.

Though I do not use this approach in my own portfolio, an example core-satellite portfolio would start with a 25% allocation to each of the following three indexes: SPDR S&P500 (NYSEARCA:SPY ), iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (NYSEARCA:EEM ), and iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index (NYSEARCA:ILF ). There will be many that disagree with my 50% weighting to emerging markets. I believe investment in the emerging markets, over the long-term, is not only essential for growth but also necessary to protect purchasing power.

This is a view I detailed further in a previous article about long-term dollar losses relative to emerging currencies. There will be some overlap between the two emerging market funds, but it is a long-term holding and I want additional exposure to Latin America. While I am generally positive on growth across Latin America, I have shown in another article how investors can use productivity data to select outperforming sectors and countries within the region.

The 25% satellite portion of my portfolio would include ETF funds as well, but those focusing on a specific sector or theme. A portion of the satellite portion would be in financials through the Financials Select SPDR (NYSEARCA:XLF ). A previous article, vehemently commented upon by readers, presented the significant overhangs on the financial system, but how I believe the U. S. financials are undervalued and relatively strong compared to the rest of the world.

Another portion of the satellite would be in the Technology Select SPDR (NYSEARCA:XLK ). Companies will eventually need to start spending the mountains of cash they have accumulated. I believe they will return a portion to shareholders through dividends and buybacks, but much of it will be spent on technology maintenance and upgrades. The last portion of the satellite funds would be devoted to shorter-term trading ideas.

Cash-Secured Put Writing

Cash-secured Puts involve selling puts on a stock with enough cash deposited to cover the strike price. The buyer of the put pays the premium to the seller and earns the right to sell the stock back to the seller if the stock price falls below the strike. If the stock price does not fall below the strike by options expiration, then the put seller keeps the premium.

An example will help clarify the strategy. I am generally optimistic on Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO ) and believe the stock has strong fundamentals that the market is overlooking. Despite this, I am hesitant to add to my current position after the recent strong rally. The stock closed recently at $15.85 with $16 strike, three-month put options expiring in November trading at $1.24.

If I sell these puts, I collect the $1.24 per share and give the buyer the right to sell me the shares at $16 on expiration. I would deposit the $16 per share and the collected premium into my account and earn interest for the three months to expiration. If the shares close below $16 on expiration, I effectively buy them for $14.76, a discount of 7.8% off of current values.

If the shares are above $16 on expiration, I keep the $1.24 effectively making a 7.8% 3-month return plus any interest accrued on the deposit. The downside is that I cap my returns with the premium. If the shares rally to above $17.05, I would have been better off just buying the stock at the current price.

As an investment strategy, rather than a trading strategy, only puts should be sold on stocks in which the investor wants to create a position. The cash balance held in the account will ensure that the investor does not receive a margin call and will earn the cash rate of return. This strategy is appropriate for buy-and-hold investors because only accumulations or premium deposits are considered. Decisions to sell a position are made outside of the strategy and will affect returns.

The results for the strategy, using the CBOE instrument as a proxy, relative to the S&P 500 is shown below. The Chicago Board of Trade put index sells one-month, at-the-money put options on the S&P 500. Though the table below shows the strategy return from selling S&P 500 puts, the strategy can also work with any optionable stock.

Selling short-term options earns the most from the value of time decay, but investors can use longer-term options as well. Cash-secured puts beat the broader index for every period shown except the 1-year annualized return to the beginning of this year. The strategy performs best in flat or down markets, and can underperform the index if prices are rising rapidly.

Often, I will find myself analyzing a strategy of buying into the market after large declines and selling into strength. The strategy is intuitive and promises the fantasy of buy low and sell high, but does not outperform the market in the real world. It may work well on isolated decisions, but is not as strong when used as a strategy.

I have analyzed many variations, from using daily or monthly returns to using volume-weighted returns, all with the same result. The strategy will not outperform the market on a long-term basis. For this article, I analyzed the monthly returns for the S&P500 since 1993. Monthly returns averaged 0.7% for the 224 periods. From this I used the standard deviation to find buy and sell signals from the 10% most extreme market movements.

The strategy required that I buy stocks every time the market dropped more than 6.5% in a month and sell stocks each time the market increased by more than 7.9% within a month. These signals resulted in fifteen purchases and nine sales, each time buying or selling 30% of the cash or stock holdings.

The approximate return for the strategy was a miserable 1% annualized compared with index return of 6.4%. This is not accounting for taxes or trading costs which would lower the return considerably. If you use a variation of this strategy with any proven success and would be willing to share it, please do so in the comments below. For all the times I have analyzed the strategy, I am not convinced that it is a practical and reliable way to increased returns.

Any of these strategies may outperform or underperform the market in any given period. An investor lacking the discipline to correctly follow either of the first two strategies could easily underperform the third, despite its fundamental flaws. Diligently followed, the first two strategies can provide enhanced returns over the long-term and satisfy the strategic needs of the investor.

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Short Term Trading Strategies That Work Kindle Edition

The top-selling trading book from Connors and Alvarez now comes in Kindle!

Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to ask the same question: "Am I prepared to handle the market conditions?"

In Larry Connors', CEO and Founder of TradingMarkets, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work, he discusses 16 simple strategies crucial to the success of any trader or investor. These strategies have been both back-tested up to 2008, but also have been traded by Larry and his team under multiple market conditions.

Este es el libro debe tener para cualquier persona que intenta mejorar su comercio en cualquier condición del mercado.

You'll see strategies and methods which you've likely never seen before, all of which are statistically backed by more than a decade's worth of research.

The Single Best Oscillator for Traders Do you know what's the best oscillator to use for your trading? In Chapter 9 you'll learn the one oscillator Larry believes is the closest to being the holy grail of oscillators. And you'll see the test results when applied to over 77,000 trades since 1995!

How to Make Your Trading Edges Even Bigger On pages 39-48, Larry will teach you the one simple technique to help make your daily trading edges even greater.

Learn to Properly Trade ETFs Larry teaches you some of his best strategies to trade popular ETFs like the SPYs, QQQQ's and many of the more actively traded ETFs. Professionals are flocking to ETFs and now you'll have in your possession statistically backed ETF strategies you'll be able to apply for years to come.

How to Trade Using the VIX Do you use the VIX to time your trades? You'll learn numerous ways to use the VIX, many which have been over 70% correct going back more than a decade.

"Larry has done it again. He delivers an insightful handbook of practical, useful and timeless methods to profit in the market." Tony Saliba, CEO of BNY ConvergEx LiquidPoint; Profiled in Market Wizards

The Mind Trading is as mentally tough as any profession in the world. Now learn from a world class expert, who Larry interviewed on extreme psychological training and what it takes to succeed not only in trading but in all walks of life.

Learn how to improve your trading results by purchasing Short Term Trading Strategies That Work today!

176 of 180 people found the following review helpful

HASH(0xa500ce10) out of 5 stars Semi-Serius Jan. 15 2009

By Shalom Yariv - Published on Amazon. com

Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase

This is a no-nonsense, very well written trading strategies book, with statistical back-tracing to support its claims.

There are two major messages in the book, and anything else in the book rotates around these claims: 1. Always Trust long term momentum (never buy the market when it is below its 200 days moving average) and 2. Buy short-term lows, sell short-term highs.

I did test the statistical results and did get results that are consistent with the book. But as it is always the case, back-tracing is not a proof for future results, no matter how good the past results are.

A problem which I found with the statistical analysis, is that it completely ignores risk factors, such as standard deviation and the Sharpe ratio and also, their is no evidence for the robustness of the strategies and their susceptibility to small parametric changes.

The book is pretty close in its contents to the corresponding website: [. ] which caused me to feel that the $50 spent on this book aren't justified.

Summary: Pros: - Very well written. - Clear reading. Easy to implement the strategies. - Substantial statistical backing of each and every strategy.

Cons: - Too expensive: very similar to the web site - Statistical analysis does not cover risk aspects - Poor coverage for short and market neutral strategies

123 of 129 people found the following review helpful

HASH(0xa500e234) out of 5 stars Read it. and my trading is already improved Nov. 26 2008

By PositiveLogic - Published on Amazon. com

I am mostly a short-term trader so I buy every book I can find on the subject in search of something that will help to improve my performance. As my wife can attest. I am usually disappointed and throw them into a storage box in our den so I can sell them on eBay. Most of it is pure garbage either written by people who don't trade or who are guessing about what works merely because it looks good in back testing.

On the other hand, Larry Connors' new book on Short Term Strategies is sitting in a place of honor on my book shelf along with the small handful of books that have truly helped me in my trading over the past 20 years. What I appreciate about Larry's research is that he doesn't just look at pretty patterns on a chart. Instead, he finds edges that hardly anybody in the trading world or financial media knows about and builds strategies with simple rules that any trader can apply.

This book contains numerous stock and ETF strategies that, in my opinion, are worth thousands of dollars to any trader who will spend them to learn learning them.

Do you want to improve your trading? In my opinion this book will help you get there.

31 of 32 people found the following review helpful

HASH(0xa500e2b8) out of 5 stars A Gem for the experienced Trader looking for an edge Feb. 10 2009

By J. J. Kuhr - Published on Amazon. com

For a novice to investing, the very slim book might appear to be a letdown. Lacking experince they may not know what they have in their hands. But for the experienced trader looking for an edge or a refinement to an entry, this book is well worth it's money. Unfortunatley, the author hints at the power of combining strategies and personalizing them, but he provides few examples to guide novices. The experinced trader will take the presented "edges" and back test them on a platform like TD Ameritrade's Strategy Desk or MetaStock, and they will find they are able to verify the value of the disclosed strategies. What is presented in this book is very powerful, but it is one of many parts of the process to become a better trader. I personally have found great value in the RSI work and the simple Double 7's strategy. My first small 100 share test trade paid for the book more than three times over.

28 of 29 people found the following review helpful

HASH(0xa500e618) out of 5 stars Too high risk without more validation June 8 2010

By Ripping Yarns - Published on Amazon. com

I bought this book and Connors' newer one on ETFs, which covers some of the same ground and a few new elements. The techniques are easy to understand and easy to program into your analysis program.

First, I tested the techniques in a practice account and had reasonable results: there were more winners than losers, although the average profit per winner was less than cited in the books. No problem with that. I would just need to trade often.

I back-tested on a portfolio of about 300 US and Canadian ETFs and about 100 Canadian stocks. On a risk/return ratio, US ETFs much outperformed Canadian ETFs - I don't know why. The Canadian stocks had high RR ratios, although drawdowns could be dramatic.

When I took the techniques to live trading, running daily scans on 8 of Connors and Alvarez's pullback techniques, I again had modest success. for a while.

When the correction kicked in at the end of April 2010, the pullback techniques all started firing a blizzard of buy signals, so many it was hard to weed through them to pick buys. But this was no pullback, it was a full-fledged correction (that's still going on as I write this). Having taken the advice in the books that stops would dampen performance, I then got to experience the queasy ride right through where stops would normally be placed. Steady on, I told myself. Prices have been trending up for a year and are all safely above the 200 day SMA. There has to be a bounce here sometime soon. It's June 8 today, there's still plenty of fresh blood on the floor, I'm down more than I'm comfortable with and there's no bounce in sight.

These techniques therefore have shown me in my own lost dollars that they have two serious failings.

First, no stops. Connors and Alvarez tell you to use them if they make you feel comfortable, but that you can expect reduced performance. Even today, Connors has a new article on the [. ] website entitled, "Best of the Battle Plan: Stops Hurt". Well okay, Larry, but what do you do when the price just keeps going down? The books don't say.

Second, the techniques offer no discrimination between a pullback and a correction, so, like me, you could think you're trading a pullback when it's really the change of trend into a correction. It's possible that these techniques could be helpful in combination another indicator to twig traders that a correction might be in the offing.

However, I'm not sure that the [. ] people have a grip on this either. They let visitors to their website try their subscription PowerRatings for free. When I sampled a stock that I'd bought based on a buy signal from one of their systems, the PowerRating favouring a buy was an impressive 8 out of 10. That stock has gone from $121 to $101 in the month since. It's going to take a long time - months maybe - and a heck of a bounce to turn this "buy" around.

I can see that there's some value in pullback techniques, but the limited info between the covers of these books does not offer a risk-controlled standalone system. I expect more from Connors and Alvarez, since they seem to know more than they're telling here (i. e. they're selling it by subscription). By all means, gentle reader, explore these techniques, but be aware that risk can be controlled (according to Connors) only through small position sizes or the use of options.

28 of 30 people found the following review helpful

HASH(0xa500e834) out of 5 stars I'm closer than ever to trading for a living because of this book May 14 2009

By Mr. Hit The Bid - Published on Amazon. com

About a year ago, I decided (either boldly or foolishly) to set a goal for myself to become a full-time trader. The stress of my job was getting to me. To reach my goal, I absorbed every trading book I could get my hands on and took a number of high priced courses ranging $3,500 to $10000. After about eight months into my journey, I was experiencing only spotty success in my endeavor and I was getting frustrated.

No. I'm not going to say that "Short Term Trading Strategies That Work" was the magical turning point. But I will say that reading it and applying it enabled me see the following:

1) My success in trading cannot be based on me trying to subjectively interpret patterns on chart. Through this book I found that it was possible to trade using crystal clear, unambiguous rules.

2) Being profitable on a daily or weekly basis does not require a complicated methodology. Mr. Connors strategies are surprisingly simply and they are brilliant in their simplicity. I could teach them to my 12-year daughter.

3) I don't have shoot myself in the foot because of errors cause by my emotions. With this book there is no interpretation and there is no wiggle room for me second-guessing the clearly presented rules.

To sum it up, while this book played a big part in helping me to trades stocks and ETFs successfully, from a bigger picture standpoint, it also helped me to understand that process of trading successfully no different from excelling at a sport. You learn the technique and practice it over and over again. It's not complicated at all.

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Short Term Trading Strategies That Work (repost)

Larry Connors, Cesar Alvarez, "Short Term Trading Strategies That Work" English | 2008 | ISBN: 0981923909, 1616586389 | 140 pages | PDF | 3 MB

The top-selling trading book from Connors and Alvarez now comes in paperback! Market volatility has been at record levels in recent months, leaving every trader and investor to ask the same question: "Am I prepared to handle the market conditions?"

In Larry Connors', CEO and Founder of TradingMarkets, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work, he discusses 16 simple strategies crucial to the success of any trader or investor. Estas estrategias han sido a la vez probadas hasta 1995, pero también han sido comercializadas por Larry y su equipo en múltiples condiciones de mercado.

Este es el libro debe tener para cualquier persona que intenta mejorar su comercio en cualquier condición del mercado.

You'll see strategies and methods which you've likely never seen before, all of which are statistically backed by more than a decade's worth of research.

The Single Best Oscillator for Traders Do you know what's the best oscillator to use for your trading? In Chapter 9 you'll learn the one oscillator Larry believes is the closest to being the holy grail of oscillators. And you'll see the test results when applied to over 77,000 trades since 1995!

How to Make Your Trading Edges Even Bigger On pages 39-48, Larry will teach you the one simple technique to help make your daily trading edges even greater.

Learn to Properly Trade ETFs Larry teaches you some of his best strategies to trade popular ETFs like the SPYs, QQQQ's and many of the more actively traded ETFs. Professionals are flocking to ETFs and now you'll have in your possession statistically backed ETF strategies you'll be able to apply for years to come.

How to Trade Using the VIX Do you use the VIX to time your trades? You'll learn numerous ways to use the VIX, many which have been over 70% correct going back more than a decade.

"Larry has done it again. He delivers an insightful handbook of practical, useful and timeless methods to profit in the market." Tony Saliba, CEO of BNY ConvergEx LiquidPoint; Profiled in Market Wizards

The Mind Trading is as mentally tough as any profession in the world. Now learn from a world class expert, who Larry interviewed on extreme psychological training and what it takes to succeed not only in trading but in all walks of life.

Learn how to improve your trading results by purchasing Short Term Trading Strategies That Work today!

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Short Term Trading Strategies That Work

Short Term Trading Strategies That Work? Thats the problem facing many new traders. Forex is a magnet for some and overwhelming for others who try it, have bad trades and leave through bad circumstance such as poor money management, overleveraging

June 6, 2010 - PRLog -- Short Term Trading Strategies That Work? Thats a good question. Its easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information out there in the market place.

The idea is to keep trading simple. after all the market price can only move in 1 of three directiions. Up, down or sideways!

So why do so many traders lose money trading the markets? many traders come and go and the market is full of the littered "bodies" of traders who have come into the markets and failed. I have been fortunate enough to join a community of traders that are making money.

Dont believe me? Go to the website; http://www. proforexroom. com and check the monthly results. The month of May was a RECORD month in a month that everyone was glued to the collapsing Euro!

The community is a combination of live chat forum and online webinar with full sound and voice. We can see a live professional trader making trades.

This month PFR or proforexroom. com is conducting webinars for new and experienced traders to the currency markets.

"We will be having regular webinars to show case our PFR live trading room. Since inception this year our room has made money for its members. month after month".

PFR is a live trading room. The webinar will be conducted by Saverio Berlinzani who is head of trading for PFR. Saverio who has 20 years trading experience (see http://www. proforexroom. com and click on about Saverio) will be able to answer anyones questions on getting into trading, about the Currency markets, trading the forex markets generally, his approaches and trading strategies.

"This is an ideal opportunity to ask a seasoned trader questions about trading and the style of trading." PFR said.

"We are aiming to offer the webinar every two weeks" If you want to register simply email your interest to proforexroom( at)gmail. com and in the subject header state "Saverio webinar".

"Theres no obligation following the webinar, in fact, afterwards you might go away with more questions about your current trading and fine tuning perhaps"

We also offer a free 14 day pass at our website; http://www. proforexroom. com and new entrants are welcome to trial the room for that period obligation free as if they were a fully qualified member.

Whether your new to currency trading or a seasoned trader, proforexroom is designed to either teach or follow alongside the traders in the room. Proforexroom is a live currency trading room each day during the European fx session in English & Italian.

The Best Day Trading Strategy For Beginners

What is the best day trading strategy for beginners?

A day trading strategy that beginners can easily use to make money.

A day trading strategy that beginners can use as a starting point to learn and improve, while minimizing losses.

Day traders who are just starting out should not be led into the glamour of raking profits day after day without first understanding the risks of day trading.

To ensure their longevity in the market, day traders must be able to learn from their trades and develop the right trading attitude.

Look out for day trading strategies with the following characteristics to start your day trading journey right.

1. Infrequent Day Trades For Beginners

Beginners should trade infrequently. For traders who are still grappling with their trading edge, trading less is definitely better than trading more. It is a form of risk control .

Trading infrequently also gives you time to learn from your trades. You will also be able to develop a greater awareness of your emotions and keep them in check. Taking dozens of trades in a flurry will only cloud your analysis and fuel your feelings of fear and greed. Follow these tips to to trade with a lower frequency.

Avoid scalping strategies.

Trade higher time frames. (Use 5 minute charts instead of 5 seconds charts)

Be very selective and take only the best trades .

2. Day Trade With The Trend

Day traders love to boast about picking the top of the day or low of the day. When you do catch the top or bottom of the trend, you feel like a hero. When you do not, you feel like a loser trying to fight the trend that seems to go on forever.

Trading is not about heroes and losers. It is about patience and persistence.

A trend trader must be patient and wait for a trend to develop. A trend trader must also be persistent in taking trades with the trend and not be tempted to pick the top or bottom. Trading with the trend helps a beginner focus on the right state of mind necessary for consistent profitability.

3. Passive Position Management For Day Trading

A novice day trader should set the stop and target for each trade, and leave them alone. Do not adjust your stops and targets.

This is because a beginner is prone to adjusting their stops and targets emotionally. They make adjustments because they are affected by the blinking profit and loss figure on the screen. Only confident and experienced traders who can manage their trades based on objective analysis should do so.

Rather than meddling with the position when you have neither confidence in your skill nor control of your emotions, leave your stop and target alone. Take out a piece of paper and write down what you would have done if you were managing your position actively. This is a learning process.

Once you have a sizeable sample (>30 trades), compare the the results of passive management versus if you had managed it actively. You can then evaluate if you should be actively managing your trades.

This rule of passive management will also deter a beginner from cancelling the stop loss order . our ultimate risk control tool .

Example: Adapting the 9/30 Day Trading Strategy For Beginners

Most day trading strategies can be adapted for beginners. Let’s take a look at how we can adapt the 9/30 trading setup for beginners according to the characteristics discussed above.

The best trades of 9/30 trade setup are the first pullbacks after a new crossover. We will restrict our day trading strategy to taking only these infrequent best trades.

9/30 trading strategy capitalizes on retracements. Following its rules will naturally keep you with the trend.

Place your target at the previous trend high/low and place stop a tick below/above the signal bar. Do not adjust.

There you go, a sound day trading strategy for a beginner. Remember that the best day trading strategy for beginners is not the perfect trading setup. it is the best starting point towards success .

Take a look at our Trading Setups collection for many other day trading strategies that can be adapted for beginners.

Want to start learning day trading effectively without spending a bomb? Check this out.

Futuros y el comercio de divisas contiene un riesgo sustancial y no es para todos los inversores. Un inversionista podría perder todo o más de la inversión inicial. Capital de riesgo es el dinero que se puede perder sin poner en peligro la seguridad financiera o el estilo de vida. Sólo el capital de riesgo debe ser utilizado para el comercio y sólo aquellos con suficiente capital de riesgo deben considerar la negociación. El rendimiento pasado no es necesariamente indicativa de resultados futuros.

Los contenidos del sitio web son sólo para fines educativos. Todos los oficios son ejemplos aleatorios seleccionados para presentar las configuraciones comerciales y no son operaciones reales. Todas las marcas comerciales pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios. No estamos registrados en ningún organismo regulador que nos permita dar asesoramiento financiero y de inversión.

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How Day Trading Works

In May 2006, an Indian stock dealer copes with news that Indian share prices fell 6 percent in early trading in Mumbai.

Day traders employ certain techniques to increase their profits. Two of the most important are leverage and selling short. We've discussed leverage several times throughout the article, but it's worth mentioning again. If you'll recall, leverage is the process of borrowing money to make more money .

Let's say a particular trade results in a 10 percent return. If you have $50,000 in your account, then your return will be $5,000. But if you borrow another $50,000 and add it to your account, then your return doubles -- you make $10,000. Leverage enables you to increase the dollars returned to you without increasing the performance of the trade.

Up Next

Where do day traders find this money? They generally borrow it from their brokerage firms, using a special account known as a margin account . The margin account is different from a trader's cash account and requires an initial investment of at least $2,000. Once the margin account is opened, a trader can borrow up to 50 percent of the purchase price of a stock. This is also known as buying on margin.

Another borrowing strategy is selling short. A day trader who sells short borrows a security and then sells it in the hopes of repaying the loan by buying back cheaper shares later on. In this case, the trader looks for a security that is going down in price (as opposed to the more common practice of buying low and selling high). Once he identifies such a security, the trader:

Places an order to sell the stock

Tells the broker he does not own the shares, but instead wants to borrow them

Sits back as the brokerage firm borrows the shares, loans them to his account and executes the sell order

Waits until the security goes down in price, then buys the shares in the market

Returns shares to the broker to pay back the loan

Keeps the difference as profit

Both leverage and selling short carry certain risks, and both can result in a day trader losing his assets and being asked to pay back those he borrowed. One of the biggest dangers is the margin call . A margin call may be issued when the value of a trader's margin account falls below a preset limit known as the maintenance margin. To satisfy the margin call, a trader must deposit more money into his account. If he can't do that, the broker will start selling the trader's securities until the maintenance margin is once again attained. Under most margin agreements, a firm can sell a trader's securities without waiting for him to meet the margin call. He may not even be able to control which securities are sold.

To reduce the risks associated with trading on margin, day traders use stop-losses . A stop loss order is an order to sell a security at the market price as soon as it hits a predetermined level. The advantage of a stop order is that a trader doesn't have to obsess over a stock's performance, knowing he has a measure of protection. The disadvantage is that the stop price could be triggered by a short-term fluctuation in a stock's price. Still, a stop order is an important tool for day traders, as is a "mental" stop-loss: a maximum amount that a trader is willing to lose in a day.

So do the risks of day trading outweigh the rewards? Find out in the next section.

Print | <a data-track-gtm="Byline" href="about-author. htm#william harris"> William Harris </a> "How Day Trading Works" 21 February 2008.<br />HowStuffWorks. com. &lt;http://money. howstuffworks. com/day-trading. htm&gt; 17 March 2016" href="#">Citation & Date

Forex trading strategies that work

Easy Forex strategy template

Forex trading strategies – Serene Education Ltd teaches individuals on how to trade Forex. We offer a number of Forex trading courses and Forex mentoring. Our Forex courses and Forex seminars are tailored so that the student gets the most out of the course material. If you are interested in any of our Forex courses, or when we will next hold one of our Forex training courses, Forex seminars please email us at info@sereneeducation. com for more information.

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Estrategias Forex Trading

If you are looking for forex trading strategies then check out these amazing free list of forex strategies below:


If you are beginner to forex trading and just starting out, the following forex trading strategies are suitable for beginners . These trading strategies are very easy for newbie forex traders to understand and implement:


The following simple forex strategies here would also suit beginner forex traders. Even advanced forex traders would find these forex trading strategies useful:


These forex trading strategies are bit complex as it would take a little bit of time for a beginner forex trader to understand so if you are up for it, here they are:


These forex trading strategies here are bit more advanced. If you are a forex trader knowledgeable in forex technical analysis, then these forex trading strategies should not be difficult for you to understand and maybe you’d be already familiar with some of the trading strategies and systems listed here as you would have probably come across them in some forex sites before.

Or there may be some strategies on this list that you’ve not seen before and it may work out well for you. Here they are:


Forex Trading Strategies that work don’t have to be complicated.

There is no holy grail forex trading strategy. If you are looking for one, or think there is one holy grail forex trading strategy or indicator out there, you are greatly mistaken.

As a matter of fact, the more simple a forex trading strategy is, the chances are you will make money using that strategy…with proper trading risk management off course.

There are many forex trading strategies that you can chose to work with in this website www. swing-trading-strategies. com.

Test each forex trading strategy out and see which one works for you.

Its because I can give a forex trading strategy to 2 forex traders but each will have differing results with the same trading strategy.

This may be due to a couple of reasons and the two main ones are:

the forex trading strategy may not fit the trader’s personality.

each may use differing type of risk managment


Forex Trading requires you to have have forex trading strategies and systems that work .

Now, know this… Not all forex trading strategies will give you 100% trading success rate.

But what really differentiates the best forex trading strategy from other trading systems is EDGE.

What is the Edge? Well, let me explain… Edge means:

the trading system must have a set of definable circumstance(s) that are present in the market

and these definable circumstances must have a statistical significance and

therefore are likely to result in an outcome with a better then average probability of success.

If you have a forex trading strategy and you can’t easily define the trading system’s edge and explain exactly why it works, then what that means is that this trading system does not really have an edge at all and may wont be worth using.

Now let’s dig deeper…

#1: The trading system must have a set of definable circumstance(s) that are present in the market These are things like:

#2: These definable circumstances must have a statistical significance

What this means is that there should be a measurable rate of success by following a particular set of definable circumstance:

What’s your trading success rate like following trend trading?

What your trading success rate like when you take a trade based on the support and resistance

What’s your trading success rate like when trading based on chart patterns?

What’s your trading success rate like trading based on pivot levels?

What’s your trading success rate like trading based on fundamental analysis?

What’s your trading success rate like trading based on certain candlestick patterns?

What is your trading success rate like on trading based only on certain timeframes?

You need to be able to quantify these. In order for you to do that, you need to trade over a period of time…the longer the better to have a reliable statistics on your trading success rate.

The problem is: you’ve got be be 100% following the rules of your trading system and you can only count those trades that you’ve followed perfectly to the letter.

Any trade that did not follow the trading system’s rules should never be included in your trading success rate calculations.

#3: This must Result in an outcome with a better then average probability of success

For example: you’ve tested your forex system out for 6 months and you success rate was 30%.

Success rate of 30%. That’s bad!

Not really, dude!

You see… A trading system with a 30% success rate can be an extremely profitable trading system! ¿Cómo? Let me give you an example: You place 100 trades over 6 months…that means with a 30% success rate:

30 trades were winners

60 trades were losers

for each trade you placed you risked only 2% of your trading account

and for each trade that was profitable, you made 5%% profit (each trade)

Which means at the end of 6 months these would be your balance sheet:

2%x60 loss trades =120% cumulative loss

5%x30 winning trade=150% cumulative profit

150%-120%=30% profit

So can you see how even forex trading strategy with a low success rate can be profitable?

From this analysis, the following conclusions hold true:

a forex trading strategy can have a low success rate but still be profitable

the key to being profitable in a low success rate forex strategy is control your risk per trade.

That risk should be fixed and should not be variable. An trade taken with a high risk is all take to make you unprofitable. This is for a low % wining rate forex strategy.

How do you gain an edge with your forex trading strategy?

Here are a few tips…


Many forex traders agree that trading with the trend is an edge. I will also agree to that because you are in a trend, its much easier making money by going with the “flow”.


Many forex traders also agree that trading in the larger timeframes like 4hr and daily timeframe gives you an edge because it reduces the “noise” or fluctuations that happen in the smaller timeframes.

The shorter the timeframe, the greater the randomness and less reliable the trading signal is and less profit you can expect.

But when you are looking at a daily chart or weekly chart, that noise or randomness is greatly reduced, and thus you have increased chance of success.

#3: TRADING ONLY SUPPORT AND RESISTANCE LEVELS Some forex traders believe that trading based on support and resistance levels gives them an edge.

These traders use the psychology of support and resistance levels to gain an edge to trade in these levels.


Some forex traders believe that certain candlestick patterns like the pin bar or certain chart patterns gives them an edge and they tend to follow these religiously.


Some trades believe that trading only in certain days during the week or certain hours during the day increases their success rate.

From my own experience, the days I tend to lose most is Mondays & Fridays.

Knowing that, I tend to trade lightly during these days.

The hours that I find really good to trade are during the UK session and NY session because that’s when there is more trading volume.


If a trading system can’t pick a market’s top or bottom then it stands to reason that almost every trade taken mechanically will be ‘in the red’ at some point.

If the market moves in favour of your trade the moment you enter it, and it continues to go your way so your trade is never under water at any point in it’s life time then it is simply down to luck.

The market moving against you (particularly at the beginning of a trade) therefore does not mean that your trade was a bad one; in fact it is to be expected.

A trading system therefore needs to use a fairly large stop-loss.

Therefore it stands to reason that adding stop losses tends to degrade the performance of a trading system to some degree.

Using a very small stop loss can also mean that you will always lose when the system takes a bad trade…and also when the system takes a good trade, you will lose because you will most likely get stopped out due to your tight stop loss.


You don’t always have to be in the market to be profitable.

Many forex traders find it profitable to trade discretely, with no particular pattern at all.

They may trade on Tuesday and won’t trade anymore for the week. Then next week they may trade on Wed & Thu only. These traders have learnt to trade only when the odds are in their favour .

So they don’t need to trade everyday of the week. Heck! They may even only trade twice a month!


I will conclude this article by saying the following about the best Forex trading strategies:

The best forex trading strategies are long-term and trend following in nature, that is they seek to gain an edge from the effects of the longer term underlying market trend and give that edge time to work.

The best forex trading strategies do not seek to pick tops and bottoms and therefore use fairly large stop-losses.

The best forex trading strategies use larger timeframes to avoid the noise and randomness in smaller timeframes.

The best forex trading strategies are tailored for certain types of markets, but not curve fitted.

The best forex trading strategies only seek to trade when market conditions are actually favorable and are therefore not always ‘in the market’.

So there you have it. These are the holy grail of forex trading strategies!

You may disagree with me, but I hope you find this useful. Please like or share or tweet!

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posted on 17-Mar-2016 11:04 by admin

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Forex trading strategies that work

Lot of people want to start with forex trading but still lot of people now very few things about it. I saw many offers on internet about forex robot and things like just buy our product and you will start to make money. So is it easy like that. I think that my answer here will be no. it is not going like that. There is no robots that can work better then your knowledge

On the other side there are some good robots that MAY help you. Some are really usles. Others are for real.

Simply put, a Forex robot is a program that attempts to take the guess work out of trading currencies. Currently there is a lot of information floating around the internet about these products. Like any other tool, it needs to be used properly in order to be most effective.

Even working with Forex robot is not that easy. You will still need to learn many different things. My advice here is to start to learn some things about trading and to try to work all manually and not with some automated software.

If you still don’t know what is Forex robot here is simple explanation for you. For the forex robot we can say that it is a computer or it can be computer program that monitors currencies and make some calculations to find out out what is the best time for you to buy and sell. These programs help to take some of the guess work out of buying and selling and can help a trader to identify currencies that meet certain criteria, or when certain currencies perform in certain a way.

Ok now you know what it is. But if this can be easy like that everyone will make money on market and it is not like that.

So one more time my advice will be not to buy and not to use these programs. learn it buy your self and this is best way for you to make more money and to make some progress in trading online.

Here is one very good question for all beginner around there. How much traders lost before start making money with Forex? And here is something that can help you. The normal period of time that you need to learn how to make trading with forex is about 24 months. And i know that you want to learn it fast and to star making money fast.

- First thing that you should do is ti open your demo account - After that use that demo account until you know and understand when to trade and when not to trade. That defines your trading method.

- You can trade even more and find your best way of trading

Also even with demo accounts you can make some money. And you can star with just 10 dollars.

If you look on the numbers it can be something like this. If you are newbie that you will bust your account each month during the first six months of trading. With ten dollars at 10:1 leverage, and trading only 1 unit each trade, at the end of your first six months, you would have lost only $60. So for this money you can say that it is your investment in learning.

If you learn all important things in the first six months you can start making some really big money very fast. so as you can see you will need some time. But there is no fast money. Trading is very good job and all you need to do is to learn it very well. so it is all up to you.

At the end of this post i would like to say that there are no strict rules about loosing money before you start to earn. There are to many factors that must be calculated for this and also man things depends just from you. Learning is mother of all actions. So it means as much you learn much you will earn. It is simple like that.

I saw many interesting and very useful websites on internet about forex and trading. Shop around and try to collect all these information and after that try to learn them. There are some days that i earn very good from forex but also there are some bad days. all this is normal. You must try and you must find your way.

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Learning and exploring is everything and it is not important if you live in New York or on any other places. If you are making trading over internet there are no limits. So any good information can be very important to you. All you need to do in this moment is to try to find good one.

This kind of trading is very popular these days and all that because more and more people every day like to make some money from home. So if you like to work from your home this can be very good chance for you. You can find very interesting books and other material about forex all over internet and if you learn it you can become very good.

New York is very big market place and there is enough space for everyone. Just find what options are best for you. Becose if you make some wrong steps you can loose some of your money.

There are many questions that i get every day about Forex trading. So here i will try to give you answer on all your questions and i will try to improve your trading skills. If you are beginner in online trading with Forex than you should know this. What is the difference between a Forex dealer and a Forex trader? This is one question that i always get. So answer here is very simple. For one Forex dealer or we can use other name broker we can say that it is individual or it can be company who represent the traders so they can trade in the interbank market via their service. But on other side Forex trader is a person who do buying and selling activities to get profit.

So if you want to buy or sell activities on internet and to make some money from it you will be Forex trader. As you can see answer is very simple.

There are many dealers online. Major problem is how to choose best one. There are many advices about it all over internet and here we are also going to help you how to find best dealer for your online trading.

Our blog is perfect for you if you are beginner and if you just want to start with trading with Forex. There are so many good ideas how you can do it on right way. But in the end of the day all depend just from you. If you are ready to learn and work you are on the best place.

These days becoming Forex trader is very popular. There are thousands of people around there that see really great chance in trading online. So you can become one of them but i want say very easy. Whole process can be difficult but at least it is very interesting and in the end of the day you can make some money.

Here is one new blog about best Forex trading strategies that work. Here on my blog i will try to give you all best inforamtions about forex and also i will teach you how to do online trading in the best way.

There are many different strategies that you can use but i must say that some are better than others. If you want to make money with trading you will need to follow step by step our instructions. But before you start there are several things that you should know about Forex. First of all this can be perfect way of making money online. And if you learn how to do it you can very easy start earning money. Also there are many different websites all over internet about trading. So my advice for you will be to look around and to read as much as you can. You can find some very good information that can help you to improve your earnings.

But on the other side there is no simple answer about working forex strategies. And why is that. answer here is very simple. One strategy can work for me but it will not work for you. so you should find your best strategy and you will need to work on it very much.

Common mistakes in trading

Yes there are many mistakes that new trades can make but most common is making trading very complicate. I saw many times that people like to use very complicated strategies in Forex trading. But sometimes only with simple you can make good profit. So here is one very simple rule for you. Most important and profitable trends start from new market highs or lows. For this i can very easy say that it is the simplest and for me many times most effective ways of trading, buying breakouts on the chart to new highs and selling new lows.

I know that many traders out there dont like to use this strategy but i must say that this works for me and if you use it on the right way it can work for you also. So this was just one interesting strategy for you. But this is just beginning and we are going to work and analyse many other ideas. I hope that this blog will help you to improve your skills in online trading and what is most important i hope that we will help you to make your profit online.

Now as you can see this can help you to earn your money on internet. But still there are many things that you should learn before you start with trading. So please visit our blog again and read all new things about strategies. all information here are free and you can use them whenever you want.

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Day Trading Strategy

This day trading strategy should be a good starting point for you. This may not be the exact way you wish to day trade, but it is intended as a guide to help you determine a day trading strategy that suits not only your timeframe, but also your personality. Trading in accordance to your personality will ultimately serve you best. Please note that in-depth training on day trading is offered in our Advanced Stock Trading Course .

If you prefer a longer timeframe, please see the swing trading strategy page for more information.

Day Trading Strategy :

If you are a day trader, your position size is likely larger due to the fact you are looking for a smaller move with your short timeframe. Keeping a tight stop is extremely important when trading larger size, as a day trading strategy gives stocks multiple opportunities to work. For day trading, the strategy is rather simple:

* Maintain a profit objective at least 2-5 times greater than what you are willing to risk.

* Allow no more than a 1% move against you from your entry point. Ideally, you are in the trade beyond the trend line and out of the trade below it. You can always get back into the trade if the stock returns to the buy point.

* If a stock gaps beyond a technical trigger price, the original trade plan is negated for a day trade so a new plan should be made.

* If the futures (Nasdaq and S&P e-minis) make an intermediate lower high intraday (or higher low when trading the short side), exit half of your position. This implies a weakening market and can make it tougher for open positions to continue working.

* If your stock hits a new low for the day (long trades) or new high for the day if you are short, exit the position. A day trade is intended for initial moves, so there is no purpose in widening stops to accommodate a stock moving in the wrong direction. Get out if the stock breaks a low (or high if short) as you can reenter the trade if it triggers again.

* Once momentum fades and buyers are thinning out, take your profit. This can be done by carefully monitoring the intraday chart and the time & sales window for fading momentum.

If you have any additional questions, please see the FAQ page or contact us .

These guidelines should help any trader with a day trading strategy to determine exits that fit a day trading timeframe. These are general guidelines given for the purpose of trading education. and each individual trader is responsible for their own exit and trading results.

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Estrategias Forex Trading

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Betting Strategy: Trading on horseracing

Betfair offers hundreds of trading opportunities every day but traders must be disciplined and be willing to accept a loss when the market goes against them.

Locked in profits, green books and free bets - it all sounds too good to be true so we asked regular Betfair trader Wayne Bailey to investigate.

"I'm going to say something which seems paradoxical in some ways - but I became a good scalp trader when I realised that you can't really predict which way the price of a horse will go."

It is perhaps, a little ambitious of me to try to explain how to trade in a short article but hopefully I'll start the ball rolling and get some discussion going on the topic and we'll see where it leads. I'm by no means an expert but I've had some good success over the years and now feel comfortable passing on some strategies that continue to work well for me and help me to earn some decent pocket money.

If there's an appetite for it, I may add some more articles and videos of strategies over the next couple of weeks but for now, I'll discuss a type of trade known as 'scalping' . Scalping is generally done on markets where the price is quite stable (usually on the favourite) and the trader is hoping to get a price move of just one or two ticks. Swing trading . which I may discuss in the future, attempts to get a big price move in a volatile market.

But first off, a very brief explanation of how trading works for the absolute novice:

Basically, trading is not dissimilar from buying and selling on the stock market. You are looking to back something at a high price and lay it at a low price (or lay at a low price first then back it at a high price), thus locking in an automatic profit or free bet.

So for example, let's say you back a horse (Fuzzy Cat) at [4.4] with £100 and the price moves in to [4.0] at which point you lay, again with £100.

Should the horse win, you would earn £340 from your back bet, but you owe out £300 for the lay. In other words, you get forty quid if the horse wins and nothing if it loses. It has become a risk free bet . The screenshot is in Euro by the way, as I live in Ireland:

Traders however, will rarely settle for the 'free bet' option and they will 'green up' the book instead. After the price move, the trader will lay with £110 instead of £100 :

As you can see, the trader here will now win £10 (or €10 in this case) no matter which horse wins - this is known as a green book. A green book is a thing of beauty I'm sure you'll agree but it's not quite so simple and if the price moves against you, you have to get out for a loss and endure a red book, which doesn't look so pretty.

That's the basics. The tricky part, is trying to take advantage of these price movements. How then, do we decide when to back and lay?

I'm going to say something which seems paradoxical in some ways - but I became a good scalp trader when I realised that you can't really predict which way the price of a horse will go. When I started out trading a few years back, I'd check all the graphs and take a position (based on past movements) hoping the price would move my way. I lost a lot of money doing that - it was purely guesswork.

Refreshingly, you don't have to guess the markets to be a good scalp trader . Everyone does it differently and perhaps some people are experts at price prediction, but for me the trick is to take a position by leaving a back or lay order a little bit away for the current price.

But here's the essential part: You need to look for a spot where there is very little money waiting already (so you will be at the top of the queue). To give you an example, let's look at a ladder interface on Betting Assistant (most traders use some sort of third party software which offer ladder views, one click betting etc.).

A ladder gives you a vertical view of the prices and allows you to see the market in much more detail. In the below example, the horse is currently trading at [2.98].

Here, I noticed that there was only £51 in the queue waiting to back the horse at [3.15] so I put in an order at that price for £100 (you will see that my money brought the total waiting to back at that price up to £151).

At this point, it's just a matter of playing the waiting game. I'm hoping the price rises to [3.10] at which point I get ready to click the pink box and lay. If it doesn't rise - I can simply cancel the order and no damage is done - that's one of the great things about this type of trading.

If it does rise and I see money getting eaten away at [3.10] (the box which contains £347 in the screenshot), I will lay. Then, when the price hits [3.15], my £100 order will start to get taken and this will complete the trade. The beauty is that because I got in early, my order will be right up near the top of the queue (you will remember that there was only £51 ahead of me) so I get matched very quickly.

Of course there is the possibility that the price will move back down as soon as I've layed (and never hit [3.15]) but if this happens, you have to get out for a loss pretty quickly - Never let the bet stand and hope for the best. Take it from me - it's a quick way to the poorhouse.

The great thing about this kind of trading is that you don't have to try predict which way the price will go. If for example, the price stayed at [2.98] and never moved upwards, I could simply cancel my back order and move on to the next market with no damage done.

I could probably write all day about this but a word count must be kept so I've put the above trade up as a YouTube video so you can see it in action yourselves. You'll need to open it in full-screen and turn up the volume. I'm new to recording the screen so hopefully the quality of my videos will improve over time.

I threw a few hundred into my trading account and I made that video to show people that you can do some decent trades with a relatively small bank . People think you have to have thousands in your account to trade properly but this is simply not the case. You can trade with any amount really - but remember; keep stakes to an absolute minimum when starting out as you will definitely make mistakes and probably bust a few banks along the way. It takes time and patience to learn how to trade and if you can't make profit with small amounts, you sure as hell won't do it with a large amount.

Finally, a word on the tools of the trade (no pun intended!):

Most traders use some sort of third party software. In the video, I'm using Betting Assistant but I also use Betangel which is an excellent piece of kit too. There is also some free trading software out there and I hope to try these out over the next few weeks. I won't recommend one over the other - it's sufficient to say that you should use whatever software you are comfortable with . I should also note that Betfair don't officially endorse any particular product and when you sign up, you enter an agreement with the vendor rather than Betfair.

Of course, this article is by no means comprehensive and every market offers a different opportunity. But the above is a strategy I use with good success nearly every day (on stable markets) so hopefully some of you will find it interesting. I'd like to get some discussion going on trading so if you've any comments, I'd love to hear them below.

Comments (2)

Emini trading strategies that work – where is the stock market headed now

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A Few Notes on Short Term Trading Strategies That Work

In his 2008 book, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work . Larry Connors, CEO and Founder of The Connors Group. shares “more than two decades of research and trading knowledge.” He states in the introductory chapter:

“ Philosophically, I live in the world of reversion to the mean when it comes to trading. What that simply means is that something stretched too far will snap back. I didn’t come up with that idea. It’s been around for decades. What I have done though is an attempt to quantify it. “

Most of the quantifying tests use daily data spanning 1995-2007 for a large sample of stocks and the S&P 500 index. Based on past reviews of hundreds of anomaly studies, here are a few observations on the analyses presented in this book:

In general, Short Term Trading Strategies That Work is for frequent traders who expect to take some losses but come out ahead on average over many trades. The book presents statistical results of round-trip trading anomalies simply and clearly. Readers should be able to replicate and explore some conclusions, such as those focused on the S&P 500 index and the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX). Few readers are able to replicate conclusions based on the “8 million trades of stocks from 1995-2007” cited in several analyses in the book.

Some of his empirically derived rules include: buy pullbacks (not breakouts), buy above (not below) 200-day moving averages, buy fear (not greed), do not use stops, hold overnight, hold near the end of the month, and use a 2-period Relative Strength Index .

Some of the analyses in the book establish robustness via systematic variation (varying the input systematically affects the output). Some of the analyses examine dependence of results on market state (by adding price relative to long-term moving average as a separate condition). However, other tests of robustness and economic value of discovered anomalies are apparently lacking, as follows:

The analyses apparently do not take data snooping bias into account. Data mining bias accrues as researchers search for anomalies by testing more and more rules or rule variations on the same (or a highly correlated) set of data, increasing the probability that they will discover “luck” that does not persist out of sample. There can be a “second hand smoke” effect that obscures the extent of data mining when researchers borrow or build upon results of others without knowing how many rules the others considered. To the extent that data mining bias is present but uncorrected, statistical results tend to overstate out-of-sample experience. See the synopses of Chapter 6 and Chapter 8 in our review of Evidence-Based Technical Analysis by David Aronson for additional thoughts on data mining bias. The analyses in Short Term Trading Strategies That Work apparently do not correct for data mining bias in statistical results or employ out-of-sample testing to obviate the effect of data mining bias.

The analyses focus on average returns for anomalies, but most do not explore variability of returns and consequent potential drawdowns. This concern relates to assumptions about the distributions of the samples underlying the averages and the risk of “Black Swan” wipeouts.

Most of the analyses do not present subperiod testing that might verify the reliability and persistence of anomalies. Even when an anomaly appears solid for an entire sample period, subperiod testing sometimes shows that there are fairly long intervals when the anomaly does not work or that the anomaly is declining in strength over time (perhaps due to publication and widening use).

The analyses generally do not explore the degree to which trades from large samples (such as the cited “8 million trades of stocks from 1995-2007”) are independently exploitable or continuously available. If a rule generates many overlapping trading opportunities (e. g. hundreds of stocks giving Relative Strength Index signals during the same week), a trader with limited capital could not trade them all. These concentrated, overlapping opportunities may drive the attractiveness of overall sample statistics. Conversely, a rule might not generate any useful signals for months at a time. Overall statistics from such unevenly distributed opportunities may be strong but still not translate into a practicable trading strategy.

The analyses are generally hypothetical and do not explore the sensitivity of profitability to trading frictions.

In summary, equity traders may find the trading rules in Short Term Trading Strategies That Work interesting, but they should consider potential limitations in the supporting analyses and recognize the challenge of reliably extracting economic value from such rules with trading frictions in a real, continuously managed series of trades.

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The 1st Step to a Stock Trading System

Before you get started trading stocks on the stock market you must have a plan. A large part of that plan is knowing which stock trading strategies you believe will give you the best gains. The reason you must have a

strategy is because a person with a strategy plan is more likely to be successful than someone who is basically throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. This webpage will give you Action Steps for getting started in picking a successful stock market strategy that will work for you.

This series on stock market strategies includes:

How to Invest in Stocks - Picking a Stock Investing Approach

A List of Trading and Investing Strategies What is a Strategy? - The Theories That Make Up Your Strategy

Before you decide on a strategy, there is one major question you must ask yourself.

The Time Question

One of our most valuable resources is time. Choosing how you want to spend your time is the best way to have a great life. If you're reading this, I'm assuming that you want to spend some of your time investing your money in the stock market. So, the first question to ask yourself is:

How much time are you willing to spend focusing on trading in the stock market?

The time question is the best way to set yourself up for real success. Here are some examples of time spent trading stocks:

If you have the desire and enough money (brokers have financial requirements for day trading) you can spend all day as a day trader. There are some very talented people who are successful day traders. However, know that it requires long hours in front of the computer and strong emotional discipline. Day trading is comprised of using technical analysis to trade stock in intra-day time periods like one or five minute increments.

Perhaps you're retired and would like to spend 30 minutes each day monitoring your positions and finding new trading candidates. You might enjoy short-to-midterm trade holds. A mid-term trader is someone who is looking for technical price setups, perhaps uses fundamentals or news to pick stocks to monitor and then trades price setups.

Maybe you're working full time and want to spend an hour each week or month to research and place trades. You might like mid-to-long term trades. Traditionally, a longer-term trader would look at company fundamentals and trade trends.

The secret with this step is that the amount of time you're willing to spend trading stocks will influence the strategies that will work best for you and make it easier for you to enjoy the process.

ACTION STEP 1: Thinking about the scenarios above, decide how much time you're willing to spend working with your stock trading system on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

An Example of How Time Factors into Stock Market Strategies

I like analyzing stocks each day. I look for long and short position candidates setting up using my chosen strategies - The ADX Double DI Strategy and a short side price pattern strategy. Both strategies are strictly technical ones. I don't spend time looking at fundamentals. I then look at the general market direction and if the market is trending I will place my trades. This takes me about 30-40 minutes per day. I spend a hour or so on the weekend reviewing any trades and updating my performance.

To learn more about trading, join my free newsletter (look in the right column of this page).

Once you've decided how much time you can comfortably spend on stock market investing you can move on to the question of what approach you want to apply to your stock market investing. The secret here is that to be really successful you must apply stock market strategies that suit YOU - not just pick up a book and follow that strategy. What works for one person may not work for you.

Action Step 2: Think about how you want to invest in stocks - meaning, what's your stock trading philosophy or approach to trading for gains?

Go to How to Invest in Stocks - Picking a Stock Investing Approach

Next, investigate strategies that match up with your approach or what you believe is most likely to earn you a gain on your investment. Do you believe growth stocks will surpass value stocks? Do you think trending stocks are the deal?

Action Step 3: Review the list of stock trading strategies along with the corresponding "Time Commitment" to match up strategies that will work for you. Finally - pick one.

Go to the List of Stock Trading Strategies.

The Real Secret to Stock Market Success!

The secret to successful stock market strategies lies somewhere in-between being an investor and a trader. The truth is, the very best stock market strategies are the ones that have some technical analysis to them. For investors, simply picking a stock with good fundamentals without understanding what the price is doing is a game of roulette. Having even a basic understanding of technical analysis or what the price is doing will give you far more success, and it's a skill you can easily learn. Otherwise, how do you know when to get in or out?

Successful Stock Market Strategy Equation

Good Stock Candidate + Technical Price Setup = Profits

This goes for traders, too. The traders that use news or TV pundits' recommendations still need some form of technical analysis to profit.

It's also true that if you're a fundamental investor that's not particularly happy with your portfolio performance, you need to use some kind of technical indicator in your stock picking. It's a little like coupling a theory with some applied reality. The applied reality will always make the situation better.

Again, you have a choice of whether a company's fundamentals are important to you or the way a stock's price is performing is enough. It is enough to use a straight technical strategy, but it's not enough to just use fundamentals if you want to be really successful with your investing.

Now that I've told you the truth, don't let the idea of using a stock market strategy along with technical analysis scare you because you're new at stock trading or have never used technical analysis. You're simply deciding that you must know what the price is doing as part of your stock picking strategy. An example of applying a basic, easy-to-use technical indicator to your investing or trading is to look at a simple price indicator. You can begin by using something basic like two simple moving averages of the

stock's price. After that, you can read through brief descriptions of other technical indicators to see if something else peaks your interest. The great thing is that if you see that the price is moving in a positive way, you'll have the confidence that you made a solid decision to buy the stock.

Action Step 4: Pick a technical indicator to use to help you make entry decisions for stock positions.

Go to Technical Analysis Stock Trading

You may want to experiment with a few stock market strategies, and you can even paper trade a strategy until you have a good comfort level. Paper trading is simply creating a watch portfolio filled with the stocks you've picked out. Most online broker websites will provide this or you can use a free service on a site like Yahoo Finance. You basically just pretend to trade the stocks setting up in the strategy you've chosen and see what the stock price does. You haven't invested any money, you're just researching and testing a method.

Remember, any strategy you choose has to sound good to you. You should feel like there are a number of probabilities in your favor and that your positions are poised for profits. Look for a strategy that makes sense to you because you have reasons that a stock's price will rise in value. Then apply the aspect of trading you may not have known about which is that you need a technical factor to confirm the possibility of a price move.

In conclusion, the secrets to success in stock market trading are knowing what will fit into your schedule and knowing that your stock market trading must involve some form of technical analysis.

¡Felicitaciones! Know that you have moved through the first step of creating a stock trading system and that it will develop into layers of better probabilities for profits.

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Trading in the forex markets is gaining popularity among many people. With the advancements in technology, even a person living in a remote location can participate in this exciting arena. You may not become rich over night, but with patience you too can become wealthy and free.

by Sachin Gupta

Success or failure of forex trading strategies techniques is dependent upon information and implementation. Indeed, the genuine determiner of competition in foreign exchange trading is the information available and the method applied. This is the reason why at expert trading. co. uk have chosen the best trading methodologies available in the market. The currency market transacts billions of dollars every day making it one of the most enticing markets.

The forex trading strategies we recommend and employ have been tested over time and have one main overriding theme – increasing value and income for the client. We also believe in trading with strategies that help cover the different timeframes across which our clients are, focusing on the correlation between the existing market movements and trends.

Our main secrets include;

Pivots: primarily based on the Pivot Point Trading System, this method focuses on SR levels which derive from the average range of the prior day’s trading. It helps show both the exit and entry points, providing a straightforward research for seasoned traders. This makes it one of the easiest and result-oriented tools in the industry and has proved extremely successful over a period of time. This strategy, as has been discussed in other trading systems utilized by experttrading. co. uk, will depend on the market trend with our focus being to ride the movements till we hit the S1/R1; unless the market momentum claims otherwise.

Sniper: The sniper strategy focuses on the alignment of the 50 period moving averages on all the timeframes. When the 5min timeframes jumps out of line the higher timeframes have a tendency to pull it back in line with them. We enter the trade when that correction occurs. We execute this strategy between 6-8am UK time in order to take advantage of the London open when liquidity really increases. It is an easy to use and user-friendly trading strategy with clear, precise entry points.

Snakes: This is a method of re-entering a trade when consolidation forms. We will often take trades off pivot levels and exit as soon as price stops to breath. This will give us our initial profit before price reaches our overall target. We will then re-enter when the snake is formed and price breaks that consolidation

Ambush Trade: The Ambush Trade makes use of Fibonacci levels. When price has dropped from a pivot level, you will often see a retrace back to the 50% fib level. When price breaks the 50% level back down, we can enter the trade again, and take profit at the swing low of the move. It works the same for trades long or short. This is extremely powerful and many traders use Fibonacci in this way to squeeze every penny out of the retrace moves. We tend to use this entry when the consolidation on the Snakes didn’t break.

The currency market is a highly unstable trading environment that has to use market and time tested foreign exchange trading methods to operate efficiently. As an open trading methodology competition depends on the level of information available to the user and the systems put to use. Our techniques as explained above are commended as some of the best and efficient currency trading strategies. International foreign exchange trading establishments including transnational banks also use these techniques.

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www. experttrading. co. uk – Expert Trading provides a service which allows their professional traders to automatically copy their trades onto your Forex account. Benefit from our expert trading strategies and techniques automatically without having to go through the traders psychology which destroys so many traders.

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Short Term Forex Trading Strategies

Updated: August 30, 2013 at 7:30 AM

Forex trading can encompass a wide range of different trading strategies and techniques.

Some of these techniques might seem more suitable for particular traders than others, depending on the particular temperament and character of the individual.

This article will focus on strategies for trading in the forex market that tend to have a short term time horizon.

Day Trading

The term day trading refers to a strategy that consists of buying and selling currencies during a specified one day time period that generally corresponds to the business day in the trader's time zone.

Such day traders will generally close out all of their positions at the end of their chosen forex trading day.

The object of day trading involves the repeated buying and selling of currency pairs for what the trader hopes will be a small profit. The process of taking many small profits during the day can add up considerably for an accomplished day trader.

One of the most obvious advantages of day trading consists of the fact that day traders will generally get a good night's sleep. By not assuming overnight exposure to the forex market, the day trader can usually relax after trading, with no open positions to worry about.

They also do not have to worry about paying spreads or points away due to overnight rollover swaps incurred at most brokers if a position stays open after 5pm New York time.

Nevertheless, traders with limited or no experience may find day trading to be somewhat hectic. As a result, they might fall into many of the common trading pitfalls to avoid, such as overtrading, and they might even succumb to stress.

One of the most important elements of day trading consists of the trader's ability to rapidly enter and exit positions for a profit, preferably according to a well defined trading plan.


One of the most popular day trading techniques is called scalping. The technique of scalping involves taking advantage of the differentials in the bid offer spread in the market.

This type of trading is similar to that employed by forex professionals who make markets to their bank's clients, except for the fact that the scalper does not make a two sided market and so they can choose their initial entry direction to suit their market view.

Scalpers typically get in and out of a trade in a very short period of time, sometimes in a matter of minutes or even seconds. The scalper is typically looking to get only a few pips out of the market for each trade.

Some of the advantages that traders might enjoy when implementing the scalping technique consist of:

Less Exposure to Risk - Because scalpers work with small price differentials and only hold positions for a very short time, their exposure to risk is significantly reduced provided they are disciplined about cutting losses.

Taking Advantage of Smaller Moves - The scalper generally takes advantage of smaller differentials in the market which allows them to profit from even the least of moves in quiet markets.

Higher Volume in Each Trade - In order for a scalper to profit significantly from short term moves, a larger position must often be taken in order to make the trade worthwhile. A proficient scalper will typically be well capitalized in order to be able to take on larger positions.

Hedge Trading on News Releases

Some short term traders employ the often high volatility surrounding the release of important economic data to trade in and out of the forex market.

Since such key fundamental factors can have a strong influence on currency valuation, traders can take advantage of the release of this news to make money.

Major economic releases from the United States might such data as Non Farm Payrolls, the Gross Domestic Product or GDP, Retail Sales or similarly influential economic news releases that tend to prompt sharp swings in the market if they come out different from what the market was expecting.

One strategy used to trade news releases involves the trader positioning themselves on both sides of the market using a hedged position. This would involve them both buying a currency pair and selling the same currency pair without netting the two positions.

They would probably establish this hedged position before the significant release comes out. Once the number prints on the news wires, they would then look to leg out of the hedged position as the market swings sharply in one or both directions.

They would then close the remaining leg as the market corrects its initial and usually excessive knee jerk movement.

The disadvantage of this hedge trading strategy is that the trader must pay two spreads to enter what is essentially a flat position.

The primary advantage is that their trading account can remain neutral or hedged to sharp price swings seen immediately after the key number's release.

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Contrary to many beliefs, trading in binary options is quite simple. In such a trading you can forecast whether the price of an asset will go up or come down within a specified time. But at the end of the day you will be more consistent and eventually more successful if you learn to master a number of binary option strategies which could work in different circumstances. Being aware of the situation and planning accordingly is very important to say the least.

Let us look at a few strategies that could be useful:

1. Reversal Strategy

Understanding the concept of reversal is important. It happens when the trend is to move in the opposite direction compared to what it has been happening so far.

2. Straddle Strategy

Straddle is another strategy about which also you should be aware. This happens when you forecast different levels of price for a particular asset. It involves finding out when that particular asset will move up from its lower level or fall from a higher level. Being in a middle of the road situation will help you to win both ways.

3. Knock-on Strategy

Knock-on effect is a situation where the change in the price of a particular asset could have an impact on another asset. Increase in oil prices may see the share price of oil producing companies going up but on the other hand it may result in a drop in consumption of oil by consumers. Hence, you must get into the habit of mastering several forecasts emerging out of a single event.

4. Good Risk Management

Good risk management is another important strategy as far as binary options are concerned. While there is no doubt that binary options trading are low on risk, because of the small amounts involved, you could still end up making losses because at the end of the day you are into trading. Without calculated risk taking you will never be able to make significant profits in trading of shares and assets.

Your objective of any risk management strategy should be to minimize losses so that overall you end up making profits. This involves a close research and analysis of the various binary options available and also the assets that you are deciding trading with. You should try and take decisions based on facts rather than on gut feeling. In spite of your best efforts, you are certain to make mistakes and it is important to learn from such mistakes and take lessons out of it.


As is the case with all business ventures, in spite of the best success you may hit a bad patch here and there. You should try and learn more about binary options which involves reducing the amount of your stake so that you have enough funds to last out until the end of the run.

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Important Risk Information

Many traders tend to gloss over risk disclaimers, as if they are mere technicalities required in the course of business in this industry. This is a dangerous habit many traders have developed. With all trading strategies, there is "profit potential" and there is "risk potential". All too often, traders interpret "profit potential" as a "promise of profits", while at the same time, if risks are realized, the term "risk potential" is interpreted "I was duped". This is trading. There are risks, and these risks are very real. Risk potential means you could experience losses. Profit potential means you could experience profits. Past performance, whether hypothetical or real, does not diminish the risk potential of any strategy. The problem with simply glossing over risk disclaimers and not taking them seriously is that it causes traders to make decisions they would not otherwise make. Specifically, glossing over a risk disclaimer may lead to deciding to trade a strategy that you would otherwise decide against trading had you taken the risks associated with that strategy seriously. It also causes traders to stop trading strategies long before they should stop trading them because they did not take the risk disclaimer seriously.

Understanding risk is more important to the overall success of trading than you might think. In fact, your understanding of risk (or lack of understanding), affects virtually every trading decision you make from markets to trade, account size to start with, beginning trade size, levels at which you increase or decrease your trade size, and of course, how long to stay committed to a strategy. It is to your detriment to ignore this, and any other risk disclaimer associated with trading. Every strategy and trade opportunity associated with PDS Trader carries risk. In all cases, you decide whether the "profit potential" is worth the "risk potential".


Quantum Trading Technologies is a technology design agency leading the way in new technology for trading.

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